'Send expat looters home' - Hon Skelton

Honourable Archibald C. Christian (AL), Junior Minister of Tourism, during the first post-hurricane sitting of the House of Assembly (HoA) expressed disappointment in persons looting at a time like this, adding that it is not in our heritage to rob.
He said, "This part angers us. This is not who we are as a BVI people. The looting is not in our culture. Its not in our heritage."
Hon Christian, along with other government officials, are pleading with residents to submit photos and videos of persons seen looting to the police.
"If you feel you want to provide it in confidence, provide it to your Minister of Gospel, Minister of Religion, member of the House of Assembly or Justice of the Peace; anybody that you have confidence in," Hon Christian explained.
The minister noted that a number of persons have already been prosecuted while some are still at-large.
The Junior Minister for Tourism recalled an incident of a 20-foot container leaving the territory with stolen items.
"A 20-foot container going to a particular destination full of appliances and all sorts of goods and the person could not tell customs how they acquired these items," he lamented.
Hon Christian angrily expressed that the territory has been looking after thousands of persons and they turn around to destroy the Virgin Islands.
Expat looters should leave the country"- Hon Skelton
While sharing the same sentiments as his colleagues, Honourable Ronnie W. Skelton, Minister for Health and Social Development, told the House that he saw persons looting and he confronted them, adding that the expatriates that are among the offenders should leave the country.
"We need to find these people. There are pictures and we need to get them out of our country," noting that if any of these offenders know him personally, they should not seek assistance from him.

29 Responses to “'Send expat looters home' - Hon Skelton”
Spanish account for 80%.
A visitor who steals from their host gets booted
A member of the household who steal gets a cut axx
I wonder what bundles of plywood labeled "Anguilla" and "St. Marten" are doing in the Skelton whatehouse on the right as you drive in? We holding them for Anguilla etc???
Please Honorable Skelton know that his pal Gad........ was looting he was seen when he use a brick to break in to five girl in east end and also at bolo's going with the expensive perfumes. talk that P@ul P......... IS A DAMN THEIF
Boy it rough. I hear a plane brought in stuff from South America and that Miss.Piggy N....... was the one taking charge of the supplies that was meant for her fellow county people...GOD don't like ugly,she will get what's coming to her
A well know radio personality was seen coming out of five girls in long look with a cart loaded with stolen items, after he was seen breaking the doors with a brick by the land lord. He was also seen helping himself to Bolo expensive perfumes. this ia guy that always has a lot to say. Left the country as quickly ass could.
arrest them as soon as he shows back up because they will be back: in other places some of them would have shot dead by the business owners its only here this level of outrageous conduct is swept under the rug by the law enforcement officers because most of them from the same country
went up to check my place and someone helped themselves to a propane cylinder for Gods sakes. such
meaness and in the current situation. and the extreme hostile driving behaviour as if trying to run people down
and kill them. BVI showing itself now. not all of 'em, but sure a lot of 'em. local or not.
It's time to apply the same rules to ALL people in the BVI (regardless of skin color, nationality, beliefs, or 'who your family are') and get rid of the idiots ('entitled' or not) who are destroying this beautiful country with their greed, ignorance and bigotry.
Other Caribbean islands have received assistance from the BVI before. Now that we are in need you all want to big up yourselves about what you all have done for the BVI. We have assisted many times over. One hand don't clap my friends. We should be each other's keepers but if you live in a man's country and doing wrong then I feel you need to suffer the consequences.