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‘See to it that no bitter root grows up among you’- BVICC warns new VI Gov’t

- BVICC VP Mrs Rosemarie Flax says resentment can cripple programmes, plans & systems of administration
Vice President of the BVI Christian Council, Mrs Rosemarie Flax has wanted the newly elected Government of Dr The Hon Natalio D. Wheatley Government to not overlook certain things, including those who can become ‘bitter roots’ that can fester and cripple the plans of the Government. Photo: GIS/Facebook
Mrs Flax was at the time speaking on behalf of the President of the Council, in a Service of Thanksgiving for the Elected Members to the House of Assembly on May 16, 2023, ahead of re-opening of the house. Photo: GIS/Facebook
Mrs Flax was at the time speaking on behalf of the President of the Council, in a Service of Thanksgiving for the Elected Members to the House of Assembly on May 16, 2023, ahead of re-opening of the house. Photo: GIS/Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - Vice President of the BVI Christian Council (BVICC), Mrs Rosemarie Flax has warned the newly elected Government of Dr The Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) to not overlook certain things, including those who can become ‘bitter roots’ that can fester and cripple the plans of the Government.

Mrs Flax was at the time speaking on behalf of the President of the Council, in a Service of Thanksgiving for the Elected Members to the House of Assembly on May 16, 2023.

Touching on leadership, Mrs Flax said Moses was as flawed as they could come with qualities including arrogance, stubbornness and doubtfulness, yet God faithfully walked with him and eventually guided him to lead people out of captivity.

Bitter roots 'cause trouble & defile many'- Mrs Flax

“I highlight a couple of things, not to overlook in your tenure, Hebrews 12:25. See to it that no one misses the grace of God, and that no bitter root grows up among you to cause trouble and defile many.”

She added that resentment causes bitterness, and festers if not dealt with quickly, [it] can cause harm, “Even crippling your programmes, your plans, and your systems. Resentment grows bitterness and can strain relationships beyond human repair. My encouragement to you, is if this happens, to go to your grace giver quickly and ask for guidance."

Meanwhile, Mrs Flax congratulated all the elected members of the House of Assembly.

”I appreciate your energy, sacrifice and collective achievements. The BVI Christian Council thanks you for this opportunity to bring words of exhortation as you head into the 5th House of Assembly.”

God created a perfect society- Mrs Flax

She then went on to detail that it was God who created a perfect theopathic society, but the people broke the rules and instead of a God-focused society and government, it became a people-focused society and government.

“Since then, there has never been a perfect government. Genesis 6 records that Noah was not a perfect man, yet he found grace in the eyes of the Lord. Abraham and Sarah were marked with disbelief and disobedience, yet God remained faithful to his promise to them,” she said.

32 Responses to “‘See to it that no bitter root grows up among you’- BVICC warns new VI Gov’t”

  • Amazed (17/05/2023, 18:19) Like (18) Dislike (21) Reply

    Please tell Rosemarie to take a seat. Behind the scenes her h***** begging to be considered for speaker. Please !

    • @ amazed. I agree.. (18/05/2023, 05:51) Like (14) Dislike (3) Reply
      Christian tricks.. Them so call christians. We in trouble. Can't and could never understand why Mr. Flax and Ms D. Penn even allow their names to drag in the mud in this Speaker issue..They need to go sit down, get a plane, get a cruise and enjoy all the free tax payers money they are getting..
    • Zoe for Speaker. (18/05/2023, 05:59) Like (11) Dislike (10) Reply
      Flax never had experience and he is not as bright as brighten and well spoken as Zoe...Zoe put herself up for election and did very well...So for me is either they stay with the Present speaker but if they want to go new give Zoe consideration..Zoe did better than ingrid at the elections..
      • @Zoe for Speaker (19/05/2023, 13:37) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        Please research and be informed before blabbing. Mr. Flax is a former Speaker during VIP Ruling under Hon. Lavity Stoutt
    • fernmills (22/08/2023, 03:23) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      The BVI Christian Council appreciates this chance to encourage you as you enter the drift hunters 5th House of Assembly.
  • Sambos (17/05/2023, 18:39) Like (15) Dislike (4) Reply
    Some of these Sambos need to hush, for it were up to them the UK would have suspended the BVI constitution and insert direct rule vice suspending the constitution and hold it in abeyance. Some of the Sambos who met with the Elites from the UK were pushing hard for the UK to take over. Why they fraid to release what was discussed with the British folks? It is because they are Sambos and don’t want the people to know they are forked tongue and want the people to believe they are down with them. However, what happens in the dark comes to light. We know who said what. Watch out for the Sambos, the snake in the grass. They are shameless, disappointing appeasers that need to go siddung, well crawl in a hole.
    • Appeasers (18/05/2023, 06:52) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      Indeed, these fake elitists and wannabes who are ashamed of their heritage are appeasers. They are conditioned to subordinate their heritage to demonstrate altruism for colonialists, seeing the world through the eyes of the colonialists. They are shameful and embarrassing appeasers. It is alleged that some of the clergy that met at Mount Olympus with Amanda Millling, Minister Overseas Territories, and other UK reps were supposedly strongly advocating for suspension of the constitution, equating the BVI as children who needs to be taught a lesson. What a ting to tell the King, you heard. Did they give a full and honest report to the BVI people? These people seemed to inflicted with the Stockholm Syndrome. These people need to focus on religion and stay out of politics, etc. One can only serve one master.
      • Quiet Storm (18/05/2023, 08:28) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply

        They are fakes who are invisible, symbolic and ceremonious on national heritage issues. They are about status, influence and self-interest. Go way nah. Geez sum bred!!! The less we see and hear from dem fake elitist, opportunist a&&*$ dey better.

        • Ease Up Nah (18/05/2023, 08:50) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
          You all ease up nah. Lol. The people trying hard to be relevant, influencers, etc. But they have already made their bed of straw.
      • N. Chamberlain (18/05/2023, 11:57) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
        An appeaser like former PM Neville Chamberlain? Not good company,
    • NPolitico (18/05/2023, 15:28) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      It is both regrettable and unfortunate that in a time of national crisis some in the VI choose to divide and conquer, making locals weaker and more exploitable. They failed to see and sense the value of oneness and internal cohesiveness. Failing also to see the value in strength and camaraderie in numbers. They failed horribly to the see the value of staying together as a group. Group power is powerful. These people follow the wind, ie, wherever it blows it follows. They are more status, self-interest, influencers and power-centered. How genuine is the effort now to promote oneness and cohesiveness when a year or so ago they were onboard with any internal oneness and cohesiveness. Are these wet weather or dry weather supporters? As someone else noted the clergy needs to stay out of act e politics.
  • herbs power (17/05/2023, 19:58) Like (11) Dislike (9) Reply
    from you is VP of the Christian council you is already bitter holding on to a fake religion.
  • Amen (17/05/2023, 20:29) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    Words of wisdom.
  • My BVI (17/05/2023, 20:32) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    The people of the BVI are good people but lately there are some who intend to always so seeds of discord. It is as if they do not want to see or live in peace. This government members has to be mindful of this and double check everything anyone tells them before they move forward on gossip cloaked as advice thereby destroying many innocent people. The place has become evil with a set of wicked minded people.
  • facts (17/05/2023, 20:35) Like (19) Dislike (9) Reply
    There are three fellows in the Opposition who have an art of destroying but does it in a way which seems as if they care. All of their names start with "M". Watch out fdeceiver. deceivers.
  • Sound guidance (17/05/2023, 20:37) Like (14) Dislike (7) Reply
    The Opposition has already started trying to divide the government through gossip. I hope each Member of the government remain focused.
  • The TRUTH (17/05/2023, 20:41) Like (12) Dislike (5) Reply
    The street says the Opposition does not want neither Dancia nor Massicot as Speaker but since they heard the Government is deliberating between the two of them, the Opposition have decided to put up the one not selected by the government just to try to divide the government. Look out for a lot these worthless strategies by the Opposition over the next 4yrs. They could not get together to form the government but they will look like they are working together but it is really to destroy but disguised as otherwise.
  • Stroopssssss (17/05/2023, 21:26) Like (11) Dislike (12) Reply
    Christian council is one big joke!!! That lady and her husband power hungry.
  • LAW (17/05/2023, 21:28) Like (8) Dislike (34) Reply
    I think it needs an experienced lawyer as Speaker. Put back Ingrid.
  • fake (17/05/2023, 22:29) Like (12) Dislike (5) Reply
    This Christian council is not Christian according to scripture it need to be dissolved and reconfigured according to scripture if it was Christian it would not have all these woman proclaiming to be pastors 1timothy 2:16 I suffer not a woman to teach or usurp authority over a man for it was the woman who were decieved
    • @fake (18/05/2023, 04:31) Like (15) Dislike (3) Reply
      Yet Jesus loved women and sought them out to spread the good news. Looking back in history some men did a real good job leading flocks to destruction. Most women, more than men, lead with tender hands. Let our judge be our Maker. Move on.
    • @fake (18/05/2023, 09:00) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
      Jesus didn't tell Mary to go call the male disciples so he could speak to them. He told her, "Go tell your brothers .."

      1 Timothy 3 talks about the qualities of a bishop/overseer and of a deacon - "temperate, sensible, respectable, hospitable, an apt teacher, not a drunkard, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, and not a lover of money", among other things. Perhaps you might want to address that?
  • so why (17/05/2023, 22:37) Like (0) Dislike (9) Reply
    They speakers position should be voted in by the people.
    • Ride natty Ride. (18/05/2023, 05:46) Like (6) Dislike (7) Reply

      All in all they are one. Tricks, smarts and schemes. Just making a public appeal, a favourable case for h*$$y to be speaker under pretence of christianity (the usual)...I do home the good Premier stick with the young lady...The HOA has rules and no matter how the opposition kick up and jump up they still have to abide by the rules No need to panic I am sure the young lady will enforce the rules...

  • bvi to the bone (18/05/2023, 07:29) Like (8) Dislike (5) Reply
    Whomever God wills to be Speaker will be Speaker. Some want it for power. Mrs. Massicot was a good Speaker. She is young, smart and energetic. We don’t want no wash up retired has been Speaker. Give the young lady a chance.
  • Bitter Root (18/05/2023, 08:30) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Bitter root, look in the mirror.?One ting bout sh mirror it nah lie.
  • My dear (18/05/2023, 10:25) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    You all set of pretenders need stop trying to fool the people ???? guns cold blooded murders / drugs corruption & hypocrisy have been like a virus for years , ( WHERE ARE YO ALL DWELLING )? ? ? ???? you sound like those hypocrites who sat down in the streets with their fake publicity stunt , to create an impression , ???? and now turn on eachother like a pack of ( PIRANHAS ) , even the opposition has in their own predatory fish too ( JAWS ) ~ what type are you ? ???? / have you been in touch with the consultant , if so , then you are in serious trouble , because he FRIGGED himself ????
  • Schuups (19/05/2023, 09:41) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    You best go see storm wife with her p!$$ buh she agrees with same sex marriage. Christian council? Who formed ayuh, the catholelick church?

    Carpet munchers and puddin packers.
  • The bitter root that frequently results in man's biggest problems is described by the Holy Spirit in Hebrews 12:15 as the bitter root. Defilement occurs when bitterness is allowed to grow in the mind. Bitterness and genuine thanksgiving to God are incompatible.
  • Candy Crush (25/12/2023, 03:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    That no bitter root grows up among you to cause trouble and defile many.
  • Took me time to read all the comments, but I really enjoyed the article. It proved to be Very helpful to me and I am sure to all the commenters here! It’s always nice when you can not only be informed, but also entertained
  • Took me time to read all the commen

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