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Seaweed buildup causes ‘foul odour’ to come through taps on VG

Sargassum seaweed buildup at Handsome Bay on Virgin Gorda. The seaweed buildup has been affecting the water quality at the Handsome Bay Water Production Plant. Photo: VINO/File
The seaweed buildup has been affecting the water quality at the Handsome Bay Water Production Treatment Plant. Photo: VINO
The seaweed buildup has been affecting the water quality at the Handsome Bay Water Production Treatment Plant. Photo: VINO
HANDSOME BAY, Virgin Gorda, VI- Acting Director of the Water and Sewage Department Mr Brian Davis said his department has addressed the situation on Virgin Gorda where residents were encountering a foul odour emanating from their taps.

Mr Davis said that the foul smell that affected residents of the Valley, Virgin Gorda, and particularly those who are connected to the public water supply was a result of seaweed build-up around the vicinity of the Handsome Bay Water Production Plant. He said a number of measures were implemented to eliminate the foul smell as well as any other risks.

“Firstly, the Water and Sewerage Department conducted tests early this morning at various sample points including the water plant, the reservoir as well as North and South Valley areas in the distribution system. The results confirmed that there was no bacteria found in the water,” the director said in a Government Information Services (GIS) press release on September 1, 2023.

Pipe lines ‘flushed’ out

Mr Davis said that in addition, Water and Sewage Department personnel also flushed the lines in areas that are considered dead-end to eliminate stagnant and any compromised quality of foul odour. He also added that the cleanup of the Sargassum build-up at the Handsome Bay shoreline has commenced.

Minister for Communications and Works Honourable Kye M. Rymer (R5)  thanked the public servants for their continued commitment to the community.

Honourable Rymer said, “As Minister responsible for the subject, I would like to thank all the stakeholders, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Water and Sewage Department and the Handsome Bay Water Plant who played a role in speedily resolving this matter.”

Honourable Rymer also apologised to the customers and residents of Virgin Gorda for any inconvenience or anxiety caused and assured them that the matter has been resolved.

10 Responses to “Seaweed buildup causes ‘foul odour’ to come through taps on VG”

  • simple solution (03/09/2023, 14:14) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Just take the intake pipe further out to sea
  • Madea (03/09/2023, 15:39) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    We have no water in Virgin Gorda in the Valley . Does anyone in the Government or care!
  • black (03/09/2023, 16:08) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why does these guys keep lying about everything everytime their mouths open.
    The water still smells like shi
  • As usual. (03/09/2023, 17:05) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    They saw that seaweed building up there for months but noooo Govt always reactive instead of being proactive cause this isn't the first time this happened....They jus forget about the country entirely now because of COI recommendations..... WE GOT EVERYDAY PROBLEMS FIOR YALL INFORMATION ....ACT AHEAD AND STOP REACT WHEN THE PROBLEM IS ALREADY BUGGING THE HELL PUT OF US...WE ARE HUMAN
  • See (03/09/2023, 17:08) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
  • What a BVI (03/09/2023, 21:44) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Everything that happens is government's fault. SMDH.
  • WELCOME (03/09/2023, 23:20) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    The government in the vi are more focused on how to fill there pockets rather than deal with situations in the virgin islands,I am getting tired of politicians who don't care about people with different beliefs in the virgin island,if you want to make British virgin islands a hole place close all bar on Sunday,since you don't want to accept other religion in the bvi,yet you want to run to guyana where it's a multi culture environment and religious country,I have never hear a word from the primer neither the governor about guyana trip,it's like people in government are using our tax money to benefit their wellbeing.
  • Lucky (05/09/2023, 14:35) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    we cant blame anyone for the seaweed but if we had people that had the country intrest at heart they will fry to remove some if it as it gets to shore. another thing is does the tank in valley have a top on it. we may be blaming the seaweed but it could be a rat or bird drop in and died. then we will all get sick and blame the seaweed. check if the tank has a sealed cover on it and test the water that is stored in it for contamination.

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