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Sea Cows Bay’s new ‘roller coaster road’ all part of the plan—PWD Director

Concerns have been raised about the height of some of the 'speed bumps' in areas like Sea Cows Bay. Photo: Facebook
The design of the raised sections on some roads on Tortola is a 'crucial part' of the drainage solution. Photo: Facebook
The design of the raised sections on some roads on Tortola is a 'crucial part' of the drainage solution. Photo: Facebook
As the Ministry of Communications and Works pushes ahead with extensive roadworks across the territory, Director of Public Works Department Mr Jeremy W. Hodge, left, during a site visit in Parham Town on January 29, 2025, clarified the necessity of the elevated road sections, particularly in areas like Sea Cows Bay, where concerns have been raised about their height. Photo: Facebook
As the Ministry of Communications and Works pushes ahead with extensive roadworks across the territory, Director of Public Works Department Mr Jeremy W. Hodge, left, during a site visit in Parham Town on January 29, 2025, clarified the necessity of the elevated road sections, particularly in areas like Sea Cows Bay, where concerns have been raised about their height. Photo: Facebook
PARHAM TOWN, Tortola, VI—As the Ministry of Communications and Works pushes ahead with extensive roadworks across the territory, Director of Public Works Department Mr Jeremy W. Hodge, during a site visit in Parham Town on January 29, 2025, clarified the necessity of the elevated road sections, particularly in areas like Sea Cows Bay, where concerns have been raised about their height.

"We had some complaints about how high the crossings seem, but they had to go a little higher because the road is basically at sea level; We want to give the water some space to play and stay within there, instead of spilling into the road so much.”

Hodge explained that the design of these raised sections, is a crucial part of the drainage solution, clarifying, "All those intersections, we've been putting concrete slabs where the water gushes out from those hills onto the main road, compromising the asphalt; We've raised those areas with concrete so they will always remain intact, and the asphalt will meet each side. So, when the water comes out, it does not compromise the asphalt.”

According to Mr Hodge, once paving in Sea Cows Bay is completed, the elevated sections will provide a smooth transition similar to that in Parham Town. "By the time we finish paving Sea Cows Bay, those areas that seem a bit high for drainage and crossings; It will be a smooth transition," he said.

Sewerage & Water Infrastructure Upgrades

Meanwhile, Minister for Communications and Works Honourable Kye M. Rymer(R5), also on the site visit, spoke to the importance of the roadworks, particularly in Parham Town, where improvements are well underway.

"This has been a road that we always looked at, and we did just patching because the intent was always to install the main sewer lines and complete the sewage works. But knowing that this is the main thoroughfare, this road definitely needs to be addressed so that persons traversing the area would have a smooth experience.”

According to the Minister, "We are happy that this work is being done today as we continue the project that we started last year and I know the residents are pleased with the interim work being done here.”

According to Hon Rymer, the ongoing projects are not only addressing road surface quality but also setting the stage for major sewerage and water infrastructure upgrades.

“Later on we will have other roadworks happening for the installation of sewerage and upgrading the water infrastructure in this very area.”.

The government’s plan, he conveyed, is to connect various road networks, ensuring a seamless transportation system across the island.

"We have additional plans for roadworks across the territory; We are doing a road walk down in Hodges Creek, and at some point, we will connect all these roads together.”

Don’t approach the speed bumps too fast!

Meanwhile, for motorists concerned about the raised sections of newly completed roads, Mr Hodge explained that while the design may initially resemble a speed bump, it still allows for smooth driving if approached correctly.

"As you can see now, this somewhat looks like a highway, but it will still slow you down. You don't want to approach it too fast because you'll probably end up in the air," he cautioned with a lighthearted remark.

26 Responses to “Sea Cows Bay’s new ‘roller coaster road’ all part of the plan—PWD Director”

  • Xxx (31/01/2025, 09:41) Like (13) Dislike (8) Reply
    These people complain about everything end of story
    • NezRez (31/01/2025, 11:26) Like (7) Dislike (4) Reply
      Yes, people complain without knowing the situation. The only thing I see that needs adjusting is to put reflective paint so people can see the rise of the road at night so they won't go airborne. I drove over it yesterday and the workers were still working on it, so it should be fine when they finish. People just can't go speeding anymore.
    • FAHIE HILL (31/01/2025, 13:58) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      They dug up for hill for months and look at it now after what they consider an improvement….it is the same as it looked before.
  • please (31/01/2025, 09:47) Like (21) Dislike (10) Reply
    All I want to know is who is the engineer, where he/she got him education from and how long him/her is an engineer and if moskita suck out the lil common sense he/she barn with. Me aint too bright. me bearly make it outta high school but ah could tell y'all that work bring me nothing but shame. I shame messon, I shame of my people.
  • Clueless (31/01/2025, 10:04) Like (20) Dislike (2) Reply
    Hodge does not have the qualifications or skills to do his job.You need a qualified engineer with actual road building experience! Instead of making 'speedbumps' they should just raise the road level to account for next 25 years of sea level rise.

    • @clueless (31/01/2025, 17:41) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      he merely needs to be an effective leader but he is not. jeffrey was not an engineerr but he led.
  • Ridiculous (31/01/2025, 10:09) Like (24) Dislike (1) Reply
    its a shame when folks in authority utter this kind of nonsense as an explanation or solution. the drains were started wrong and would end wrong. they're currently working on a drain that wont have a runoff but would be constantly meeting water and bringing in water that's settle in the mangroves.
  • @xxx (31/01/2025, 10:38) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    I totally agree with you. Just this morning my son and I had the conversation of who the engineer is for the height of the road. I have never seen such stupidity. We not complaining but we the residents have to travel this road everyday and endure the frustration. Where are the Engineers government give scholarship to for road infrastructure? Not one of them I does see on site.

    The men themselves looks confused. It is high time our government invest in our roads and stop giving out petty contract to people who have an idea but not the proper education, skills and tools to build these roads.

    We do appreciate what you all are trying to do but get PROFESSIONAL PEOPLE MAN!
  • Wonder (31/01/2025, 10:45) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    If they are mixing the paving material with gorilla glue
    and sand for a quick fix. Y’all know everything done here is sub par.
  • WHAT!!!! (31/01/2025, 10:51) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
    “Once paving is completed “
    WHEN ????
  • Real Talk (31/01/2025, 11:13) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    Mount jhonny forbes and mount fraser plain and simple
  • LOL (31/01/2025, 11:20) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
  • goon (31/01/2025, 11:27) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply

    Why the &^$ would you pave the road east end in preparation for sewerage works. So you will dig back up the freshly paved asphalt, AGAIN? East End sewerage project has been going on for 20 yrs and millions spent, still the entire roads are flooded with sh** daily. No &^%$ing shame.

    • Deh Watcha (31/01/2025, 12:43) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      And to make matters worse, we have a former "consultant" suggesting or insinuating that the member for this same district, join or think about joining this government.

      You can watch this unfold in your district and even think about crossing the floor to join them? Why? When they already have the majority.
  • Dodge Ball (31/01/2025, 11:43) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    What plan. You ain’t see tis pure stupidness yall doing in the district. Yall
    Muck up the first experiment and tried correcting it with the 2nd. TRAAAAASHHHH
  • nonsense (31/01/2025, 11:45) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    “Later on we will have other roadworks happening for the installation of sewerage and upgrading the water infrastructure in this very area.” Does that mean that you will be digging up the freshly paved asphalt? If so why would you not have completed these works while the road was already in a deplorable condition? Ahhhh boyyyy...
  • Not the height (31/01/2025, 12:22) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    It isnt the height that people are complaining about, it the fact that the first " bridge" is not almost goes to a point like a capital A. Cant get a trailer over it...some vehicles actually groind out on it.
    The area needs drains yes....but build then properly ffs

  • A AA (31/01/2025, 12:24) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    So this builder learn from his first " bridge building mistake" at our expense and now hes doing it right. Needs to correct the first one for free.
    Who supervise this..who was the engineer who said, yep, im happy with the shape of this first bridge...needs firing
  • HMMM (31/01/2025, 12:40) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    PWD was part of this plan? So the people right when they say PWD don't have any good engineers.
  • Stealth (31/01/2025, 18:13) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    The road network was poorly designed, constructed, and maintained. It is in a deteriorated state and in need of major repair, maintenance, and reconstruction. The appropriated funding for road upgrade is a drop in the bucket of what is reasonably needed. And the execution plan for the road upgrade is poorly rolled out. For example, the section of road from HLSCC to Hodges Creek was milled months ago and nothing had been done. It has been opened for months; it has to be the worst section of road in the territory. Driving on that road is cruel and unusual punishment for both motorists and vehicles. Driving on that road is like transitioning on a ‘ rattle derby’ and even the vehicles are crying out for a break. The section of road is rough and tough on tyres, front ends, etc., skyrocketing vehicle owners’ operating costs. Imagine tourists transitioning to and from TBLIA on that disaster mimicking a road. Here is a better plan of action..The road segment should have been executed in sections which could be complete and useable in a short time. With the executed plan, the road is a royal mess and will have to be prepared over again. Who is going to pay for the added work, the contractor or the taxpayers.? We need to stop wasting taxpayers money with poor planning, execution. Whose fault was the delay? Will the contract have to change order at the taxpayers expense? Is government awarding road work to experienced and qualified contractors?? Does PWD have the staffing to do road work??
    • E. Leonard (01/02/2025, 09:11) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      @Stealth, I have driven within the past week on that section of road from HLSCC to Hodges Creek or Maya Cove( I don’t know the difference clearly) and agree it is in a horrible state. Concur, that the work should have been planned and executed in segments. In conversations with friends and schoolmates who resides in the area, they share the same view. A segment of road should have been a) milled, b) weak spots repaired, c) proof rolled and failed sections repaired, d) rolled, e) any utilities, if any, repaired/installed, f) prime coat/ tack coat, g) weather condition permitting asphalt layers laid down ‘, h) rolled., etc. Clearly, these are not all the steps to attain a complete and useable road. Additionally, steps include shooting line and grade for proper crown, and cross slope gradients, road side ditches, etc.Cannot eat the elephant all at once but a small piece at a time.
      • @E. Leonard (02/02/2025, 14:32) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        @E.Leonard, does it really needs all those steps to asphalt a road? Cheez som bred mai son. Just smooth off the road and put the asphalt..All tings ah yu do stateside is not needed here. It does not snow here so there is no worry about freeze and the, etc. Tortola is hilly so the water will runoff the road quickly. One thing I agree with is the road should not be open that long.
  • Eagle Eye (31/01/2025, 20:01) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    This speed bump is not allowed in no generation. What a lack of common sense shame.
  • Poor Mankind (01/02/2025, 05:39) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Lol they up fish bay by the asphalt plant mixing 3/8 and 3/16 with oil wasting our tax dollars . We'll Mr. Ritter they can't blame u this trip they hired u to put it down . Put it down n collect ya money a bunch of dunce in public work wa claim they got education but they jus a bunch a con artist
  • Okro (01/02/2025, 11:59) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply

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