Scooter rider injured in accident @ Pasea Estate

According to reports reaching this news site, an SUV was proceeding into the turnoff just past the gas station heading East, to get to the West bound lane of the James Walter Francis Dual Carriageway, when the motor scooter slammed into it.
The motor scooter was reportedly heading East.
The extent of the motor scooter rider's injury is unknown.
Police are also on the scene.
The flow of traffic has been affected as a result. At one point traffic was backed up from Delta Gas Station to the traffic lights at Station Road.

26 Responses to “Scooter rider injured in accident @ Pasea Estate”
Just impose a hefty fine on the lawbreakers and this will circumvent the misuse of Scooters.
We have to understand that each action has an equal and opposite reaction. Ask yourself this, those people that can't afford a car, what will they do now to acquire a mean of transportation? ROB poor people!!!
Robo Cop = A$$..and what all the ranting about scooter got to do with the woman running 1down the guy..She was wrong..There is a big NO ENTRY sign there...