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Same sex marriages could boost wedding tourism in VI- Bridal Association

- BVITB makes second attempt at Bridal Association
The key players in the British Virgin Islands Bridal Association. From left: Lynette L. Harrigan, Dale A. George, Astrid C. Wenzke, Lucia C. Lettsome, Heather J. Roose, Sandra I. Herbert and Stephanie P. Benn. Photo: VINO
Ms Lucia C. Lettsome was elected Executive Director of the British Virgin Islands Bridal Association on March 27, 2013. Photo: VINO
Ms Lucia C. Lettsome was elected Executive Director of the British Virgin Islands Bridal Association on March 27, 2013. Photo: VINO
Ms. Lynette L. Harrigan, under whose purview the Bridal Association falls, said it is a critical group in the tourism sector and it is necessary that they do as much as possible to get the association active. Photo: VINO
Ms. Lynette L. Harrigan, under whose purview the Bridal Association falls, said it is a critical group in the tourism sector and it is necessary that they do as much as possible to get the association active. Photo: VINO
Ms. Stephanie P. Benn said her personal opinion has nothing to do with same sex marriages since she would have no choice if it becomes law. Photo: VINO
Ms. Stephanie P. Benn said her personal opinion has nothing to do with same sex marriages since she would have no choice if it becomes law. Photo: VINO
Members of the British Virgin Islands Bridal Association at the meeting and elections on March 27, 2013. Photo: VINO
Members of the British Virgin Islands Bridal Association at the meeting and elections on March 27, 2013. Photo: VINO
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – The British Virgin Islands Tourist Board (BVITB) took another shot yesterday March 27, 2013 at the much talked about Bridal Association, which was formed last year but really failed to get off the ground.

A new executive has been elected and, according to Niche Marketing Manager Lynette L. Harrigan, she is positive that this time the association is off the ground.

Despite the state of an economy, in recession or not, it is a un-debatable fact that people fall in love and seek to get married and in most cases they chase after the wedding of their dreams. Cognizant of this and many other related factors, the BVI Tourist Board has constantly underscored the importance of having a vibrant Bridal Association.

Ms Harrigan, under whose purview this association falls, said that it is a critical group in the tourism sector and it is necessary that they do as much as possible to get the association active. “When I am in charge of wedding here on the board it is very important that we have this association so that we can be on a level playing field, not only with the other Caribbean islands, but also with the rest of the world,” noted Harrigan.

She said that with the Bridal Association and the BVI Tourist Board banding together, much can be achieved. This has resulted in an election of an executive body, one which Harrigan says she is confident will be “the” one to get things going.

Ms Lucia C. Lettsome was elected Executive Director, Ms Heather J. Roose, Secretary; the Finance/Treasurer is Astrid C. Wenzke who is the owner of Paradise Unlimited and the Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany; Head of Membership is Ms Sandra I. Herbert and the Public Relations Officer is Dale A. George of Rosewood Little Dix Bay, Virgin Gorda.

The election was held at the second sitting of the group and, according to the newly elected Executive Director, she is ready to give it her best shot has she has the time and energy with the support of great team to make it work. The group has the full support of Wedding Guru, Jacqueline Johnson of the USA. Ms Johnson has a wealth of experience in the area and was a guest of honour at yesterday’s elections meeting via skype video.

As the group explored all possible angles of boosting the wedding industry in the Virgin Islands, they examined the benefits of having the association, developing a mission statement, domain name, formal logo, marketing and training for members, association symposiums and electronic newsletters.

Same sex marriages could boost wedding industry in VI

The meeting also saw a healthy discussion on the topic of gay marriages. While there is no such law in the Virgin Islands, members of the association shared the view that if was to be instituted it would be one area that is most likely to fuel an upward spiral in the wedding industry in the Virgin Islands. While Ms Harrigan was keen on noting that was a issue to be dealt with at a level higher than hers, it was noted that gay couples are big spenders and can auger well for the industry.

Several members said that they have had experiences of gays in their various lines of business, be it at restaurants, sailing or parties, and have found them to be among the biggest spenders, most respectable, and mannerly groupings.

Ms Wenzke indicated that she has been contacted by a number of gay couples about the possibility of gay weddings and other activities in the Territory.

Association member Winston Nibbs spoke of his rewarding experiences of dealing with gay couples, “Because at the end of the day it all boils down to business.” Mr Nibbs made it clear, however, that “personally I don’t want to be part of a group that is going to rock the moral fibre of the country I live in. I am not going to be held to that state at all.”

Asked by one of the association’s members for her personal opinion on the topic Registrar General Ms Stephanie P. Benn said, “My personal opinion has nothing to do with it. If it becomes law I have to do it.”

The other point of concern for members, which they said has been having a serious negative effect on the tourism industry, is the “weather man” in the USA. “Sometimes the weather man can really be termed terrorists because sometimes they make people frighten to come this environment because of hurricanes.”

Ms Harrigan explained that there is a mechanism in place at the level of the Tourist Board to assure visitors, tourists and locals alike that their safety is number one.

They had also discussed the topic of legal requirements as it relates to getting married in the Virgin Islands and the importance of being identified as the British Virgin Islands as opposed to Virgin Islands.

The group is set to meet again in the very near future to discuss their participation in the BVI Tourist Board’s planned BVI Market Place set for April 11, 2013 at which they also intend to launch their "stakation package".   

84 Responses to “Same sex marriages could boost wedding tourism in VI- Bridal Association”

  • Fed Up (28/03/2013, 14:39) Like (20) Dislike (126) Reply
    that is just the devil's and nasty people work we don't want it here in the BVI a so call Christian country.
    • yellow (28/03/2013, 15:34) Like (0) Dislike (7) Reply
      smoke and mirrors...
    • zip it (28/03/2013, 21:05) Like (0) Dislike (5) Reply
      People are allowed indeed to make a "commitment" to anyone they want to. However, marriage between a man and a woman is a particular social arrangement that has been exercised by humanity, albeit in somewhat different forms, for thousands of years
      • Not2Sure (29/03/2013, 04:44) Like (4) Dislike (11) Reply
        Marriage has evolved over the centuries. 200 years ago a marriage was invalid if it wasn't celebrated in a church. 100 years ago it was illegal for a black man to marry a white woman. But we now freely accept both today. I don't have a problem with marriage continuing to evolve. But if we are going to change I don't think we should change just so we can make some money out of it.
        • jokes (29/03/2013, 10:13) Like (11) Dislike (5) Reply
          A$$holes are allowed to marry, why shouldn't gay people be allowed to marry?
    • Well Well (29/03/2013, 07:15) Like (2) Dislike (41) Reply
      The tourist board sounds very desperate to me. Cuba is now advertising and that's where everyone wants to finally see to the BVI can find ways to keep the economy up to level they either fall out. byeeeeeeeeeeeeee
      • >< (29/03/2013, 18:19) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
        All this fuss about Cuba is nonsense. In Canada, Cuba has always been open for tourists and the only people going there are those who cannot afford to go anywhere else. It is nice, yes, because the people are mostly sheltered and have never been exposed to mass tourism and American tourists, but it is not the BVI, not by a long shot. The buildings and infrastructure are crumbling, the cars are all from the 50's or earlier and carefully preserved, the food is notoriously terrible.

        People choose the BVI if they can afford it. A very different class of tourist (low-income) goes to Cuba for an all-inclusive in January or February just for the warm weather.

        Cuba will not affect the BVI tourist base at all.
        • hmm! (30/03/2013, 03:47) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
          I have lived in Cuba and I can tell you that what you are saying is not all true. I have live in the capital as well as out of town and Havana is one of the most beautiful capitals I have visited and Cuba once bosted the #2 beach in the world "Cayo Coco" (I dont know if it still holds that ranking). Some of the other towns are less developed but then again have you driven through some areas in Tortola lately or any other country at that?

          As to the effect it would have if Cuba was to fully open its doors to tourism, it will have an effect none of us know the extent but it will.

          As to
          • >< (30/03/2013, 10:56) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
            I cannot speak as a resident of Cuba, only as a tourist. The capital is beautiful, yes, but crumbling. The people are lovely, friendly, but terribly poor,, though seemingly not unhappy about it.

            Among my friends who make the pilgrimage to "the Beevs" at least once a year as a necessity, no one goes to Cuba, at least not after the first visit. Our employees, however, save for Cuba and some are able to go once a year or every few years. These are people who could never afford to go to the BVI, or would never justify the expense, since they are not looking for sailing, adventure or an exotic experience, they just want a beach and some cocktails with umbrellas in them.

            Hardly the same tourist base.
  • Real Talk (28/03/2013, 15:07) Like (23) Dislike (56) Reply
    THis is it!!!! why are we stooping to this level of ungodly behavior.. arnt we a christian society?? we may as well go ahead with the whore houses, casinos, ect.. we need to stop following ppl crap. when are we going to take a stand for what we know is right?? i am disapointed.. for the sake of a dollar, we would do anything.
    • @ real talk (28/03/2013, 21:25) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
      Considering the prevalence of divorce, single parent homes, infidelity, abuse, etc I do not see how the 'traditions' argument holds up
    • . (29/03/2013, 18:24) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      Actually, the whore houses have been here a long time and are thriving, as well as the "strip clubs" and Spanish bars that are really whore houses in disguise.

      So why are we, a so-called "Christian" society allowing these whore houses that disrupt our families, corrupt our youth and victimize vulnerable women? Nevermind dictating the private lives of decent, moral people, let's get rid of the pimping and whoring!

      A few gay marriages never hurt anyone.
    • choke 2 (30/03/2013, 20:20) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Those of you screaming the loudest about making money off this will be the first ones standing in line at the bank to deposit the money you make off of them. Not one person who owns a business will turn away a dollar, especially in this economy. You say, here, in this forum, that you won't but you and I and most people with an ounce of sense know that you just won't cop to it.
    • jtv (01/04/2013, 00:33) Like (0) Dislike (20) Reply

      Hush your g@y r@$$ we know you are bisexul

    • what ah wuk (02/04/2013, 09:37) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      LGBT people are in your family and in your life. They are not people who are coming to visit. How many people are divorced or have children out of wedlock? It is about equal rights under the law. Governmental benefits equal under the law. The origin of marriage was to give a girl (marry her off) to another family for farm land. Learn your history. God is of love not of fear. Look across your table and don't throw stones.
  • GoonSquad (28/03/2013, 15:11) Like (8) Dislike (72) Reply
    Dont encourge this...that's a negative for me!!
    • ccc (28/03/2013, 21:09) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      The problem with people like you is that your principles are for sale. Scratch that, it doesn't appear that you have any.
    • keep it real (28/03/2013, 21:30) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
      My suggestion GoonSquad is to stop fighting a loosing battle. Gays and Lesbians are not going away, we might as well say there wont be anymore beer or weed to smoke. Leave them alone and pay attention to your own family life.

  • question (28/03/2013, 15:21) Like (8) Dislike (16) Reply
    But the NDP done say they are not for this so how come the BVITB pushing tis thing eh?
    • x factor (28/03/2013, 21:07) Like (0) Dislike (51) Reply
      OK, let's test that principle. Do you get a right to say that a man is not allowed to marry his mother because they are committed to and love each other? How about 4 or 5 persons getting married because of their commitment and love for each other? Where do you draw the line?
  • Yehh? (28/03/2013, 15:56) Like (9) Dislike (22) Reply
    So are they trying to say we will do what we have to do to make the dollar even if its morally wrong?
  • Eagle Eye (28/03/2013, 15:59) Like (18) Dislike (69) Reply
    fire bun same sex marriage. matter of the fact is it cant be name marriage.
    • @ eagle eye (28/03/2013, 21:13) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
      Either accept it, or take your bigotry with you when you go independent.

  • george w. touch (28/03/2013, 16:02) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Confusion and bacchanal over this topic
  • Have Mercy Lord! (28/03/2013, 16:08) Like (10) Dislike (254) Reply
    Money is the ROOT of all evil. "Same sex marriage could boost wedding tourism in VI". It boils right down to making money, which means morals and fear of God thrown right out the window and replaced with $$$$$ signs. Whatever you ungodly people say, it is WRONG morally and in the sight of God. It is NASTY,UNNATURAL, UNSEEMLY....vile affections burned in people's lust. No matter what laws are passed, I for one know that it is wrong and I will NEVER accept it. I have no choice but to love the ones indulging because it is a command of God for us to love one another; but you can bet that I will be telling them straight
    up my true feelings on the matter and of course what God says about it (1 reference is Romans 2:18-32). I will
    love the sinner, but I definitely WILL NOT love the sin. It is dead wrong. We DO NOT want this nastiness here
    man, and I cannot believe that it is even being considered. God is calling for us to turn from our wicked ways and people are still doing their own thing, turning further and further away from him. The devil is on the loose; the Holy Bible is being fulfilled and all I can do is cry out and ask, "LORD, ..... have mercy on this land and your
    people, for NOW more than ever, WE NEED YOU!!"
    • Realist (28/03/2013, 21:03) Like (6) Dislike (8) Reply
      To Have Mercy Lord: The LOVE of money is the root of all evil!
    • bay yute (28/03/2013, 21:16) Like (1) Dislike (43) Reply
      Morality cannot be imposed, or adopted; it can only be achieved by a spiritual awareness. This fact remains as true as the undeniable history of marriage, which is a religious institution. Maybe its time to change this history in Europe and on many of the other continents but arguably the islands should be free to choose their own path on this issue. As usual that will not be the case so heaven help us all!

    • choke (29/03/2013, 18:11) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I Timothy 6:10 " For the LOVE of money is the root of all evil" (KJV)........before you go quoting the bible, be sure you know what you're talking about otherwise you just sound stupid!! You don't extrapolate the scriptures that suit you and your argument...take the whole Bible into consideration. And the biggest thing I've learned from the Bible?? ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE!
    • Have Mercy Lord! (30/03/2013, 10:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Thank you Realist for the correction. I agree.
  • Well My Goodness (28/03/2013, 16:30) Like (5) Dislike (113) Reply

    Sodom and Gomorrah had nothing on us. Today's society is becoming more nd more disgusting with every tick of the clock. I have no problem with people living their life the way they choose as every man has to answer to God for his sins. What I have a problem with is these gay people flaunting in my face who they want to have sex with. If a man like having sex with another man, do your thing. None of my duggone business, just like who I am having sex with is none of yours. Please go back to the closet. Have some pride. My brain don't need to keep being tapped because of your sexual preferences. Take off your clothes and have sex with who you want. I don't want to know about it. I don't want to judge you. So stop telling me your business. Marriage is between a man and a woman as ordained by God. Give me a duggone break. Give me a break. I am sick of this. Whether they spend big money or not is not my business.

    • what ah wuk (02/04/2013, 10:44) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply

      Question...what is your mouth for? Answer.....communicating (talking) and eating. Only humans came up with kissing. So that is not natural. no other animal does that. In nature there are many "gay" animals. The bible says sex is for procreation. So why are people having sex for fun. If you are doing it for fun, you are going against the bible. Stop picking and choosing what you want other people to live by.

      Jesus was crucified because they didn't like what he had to say or stand for. You are like Pontius Pilot.

      Question....why is when a baby is born the first question is .....Is it a boy or girl? We are trained to ask or distinguish sexuality. You want to know? why? It is none of your business!

      Go back in the Closet?? Heck no.

      Well my goodness..... you need to stop telling your business. When you wuking up or kissing your spouse in public, we don't complain about you. Or maybe we should
  • . (28/03/2013, 16:30) Like (7) Dislike (72) Reply
    These people sold their souls to the devil
    • never again (28/03/2013, 21:18) Like (1) Dislike (16) Reply
      So are you saying someone who is homosexual, transgendered etc cannot be religious? I wasn't aware that Jesus supported discrimination and exclusiveness.

      • the rock (29/03/2013, 07:08) Like (2) Dislike (47) Reply
        His father burnt a whole city down..u better wise up whoever u are!
      • Well sah... (29/03/2013, 07:36) Like (2) Dislike (15) Reply
        He loved everyone, but he despises to this very day... sinful acts. This is sinful. What was prophesied is coming to fruit. Mercy.....
      • Billybones (29/03/2013, 17:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        No, but what he does not condone is the acts of homesexuality. It is wrong read Genesis 19 on the issue.
        • out proud (02/04/2013, 12:44) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          it also says no shell fish or pork, but I see you at buffet table on sundays eating it all up
  • BRAD BOYNES (28/03/2013, 16:31) Like (7) Dislike (64) Reply
    Dont sell your integrity for money. Let Amerika and their sorcery be . Seize the time.
    • TO: BRAD BOYNES (28/03/2013, 21:19) Like (5) Dislike (4) Reply
      There's a heck of a lot of money to be made from gay weddings in tropical locations. Look at how other locations in the Caribbean are falling over themselves to get into the game.

      You just got to decide whether or not the British Virgin Islands also wants to cash in on that market or, as has happened so many tines before, get left behind while somewhere else grabs all the profits.

  • Why (28/03/2013, 17:30) Like (6) Dislike (9) Reply
    Why is God brought into this? Jesus had a lot of brotherly love for his 12 disciples, but no one say a word.
  • lion (28/03/2013, 20:10) Like (2) Dislike (18) Reply
    Hell no!Sodom and gomorrah. The wrath of god will be delivered!
  • money (28/03/2013, 20:28) Like (15) Dislike (24) Reply
    Them idiots looking money to mek.......anyways tortola have gays can't don.....they r in top position in society....
  • UK student (28/03/2013, 21:14) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
    anyone who disapproves of gay 'marriage' is a bigot end of story
    • reta (29/03/2013, 08:45) Like (1) Dislike (113) Reply

      hush your rass wid dat weka @$$ argument demand

    • wise-up (31/03/2013, 06:35) Like (0) Dislike (203) Reply

      UK Student; you mean "fa..ot" NOT "bigot"....Lord i hope you realy in the UK and not in BVI; please stay in the UK them things good for out-there not in little BVI !!!!!! you FA...GO....T ???????

  • doc (28/03/2013, 21:20) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    If by chance that this law has to come in effect that give the rights for man to marry a man then the law of paramutral should become law. There is too much self righteous christians in the place for you can't have gays in christian place and refuse safe/legal gambling. If the leaders say the public are against paramutral betting then they should also be against same sex marrage.
  • conscious (28/03/2013, 23:29) Like (1) Dislike (29) Reply
    What is next for the BVI, BEASTIALITY and FARM SEX TOURISM?
  • Me Too (29/03/2013, 04:44) Like (4) Dislike (18) Reply
    We can read Romans 1:26 through 28 that should help us as this topic is before us in our beautiful little country. May GOD guide and bless us.
  • BVI resident (29/03/2013, 06:08) Like (1) Dislike (10) Reply
    And where is the christian consul who gets involve in everything else but this? Hmmmm
  • Sick (29/03/2013, 08:00) Like (1) Dislike (17) Reply
    Bun out the folly.
  • mercy (29/03/2013, 08:09) Like (3) Dislike (23) Reply
    Fire burn all of you in this committe. Play with God and try to follow America. If you legalize this its hell on earth here in the BVI.
  • wise-up (29/03/2013, 08:48) Like (3) Dislike (55) Reply
    see what the BVI come to; once its money we running after it.. i knew when we as a people put God first now we selling the "country" for a fist filled with dollars now we selling our "souls" just for a few dollar....what a place..what a shame....where are the christain leaders in the BVI, oh !!! i guess its money in it for them as well...the NDP just love money and will back any venture to bring it that !!!!
  • vince (29/03/2013, 09:39) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    When Tony Matterhorn was to come to Tortola, the church stopped him from coming, made a local business man loose a lot of money. I want to see what the NDP will say about this.
  • Observer (29/03/2013, 10:17) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    You all must have a short memory. Some years ago the young wife of one of our very distinguished church leaders returned early from a trip and found her husband in bed - with a man. It was all over the news!
    • cnn (29/03/2013, 14:10) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      well i eh know bout dat Observer???/ tell we more
    • wise-up (30/03/2013, 08:01) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      dear Observer; call me on 555-5555 and give me the name of the church leader & you said he was in the "bed" with a "man"...what kind of car this church leader drives, is this leader self-employed and where on the "cay" is the business !!!!!! CALL me now
  • WHAAAAAAT!!???!? (29/03/2013, 16:25) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    So here we go. Another moral issue being brought to the table for everyone to partake of. Never say it can't happen. It will. As it was in the days of Noe...
    However, it is sad, that for a dollar, we would allow unclean spirits to roam free in our land. Well done, Wedding Planners. Well done.
  • TalibanHush (29/03/2013, 16:34) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    All you Christian folk saying homosexual is the root of all evil, you sound like those people that blew up the Twin Towers. That's how wicked you sound with your religious prejudice. Same damn ting.
    You so hung up on this and that interpretation of a book you was told was the Truth when you were children, that you don't care about real people and real love.Different people raised with different books but when you get extreme about those teachings, you all the same.
    Gay marriage is not religious. It is a civil vow. It does not mean those who want to worship in a church have to watch their church do something they disagree with. It just means two people can be legally recognized as a couple by the state, which means they get the same rights as everyone else - they can pass their worldly goods on to each other when one passes away etc.
    I don't see how any moral Christian can argue that people who love each other in this way should not have those rights. If you disagree, fine. But this is not a theocracy. This is not Taliban Afghanistan. This is the free West. That means Church and State stay separate.
    Fact is, these people will be living together and loving each other anyway even if they can't get legal recognition. So you won't stop homosexuality by imposing your prejudice. You'll just make decent people's lives harder.
    It's a civil rights thing. All black people should know about civil rights issues. Don't get your religious views mixed up with how the state should treat it's free citizens.
    • Hollowee (29/03/2013, 18:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      jah black dog fi monkey?
      • same old (29/03/2013, 18:41) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        The problem with the BVI TB is there is no marketing strategy. The problem with this government is it does not have the art of negotiating and not thinking out of the box ....Any Primer who does not read & have their own ideas and especially the news is BOUND to FAIL !!!!!!.
  • Me Too (29/03/2013, 18:19) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    The free citizens will have to take vows by the same bible that contains Romans 1: 26 to 28 when taking some offices or in a court of Law.
    • TalibanHush (30/03/2013, 09:11) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      Don't get started on 'de Bible say'. The Bible says a lot of stuff that we don't take literally - stoning adulterers, keeping and selling slaves, keeping and selling women etc. etc.
      Your selective use of this bloodthirsty book undermines all your puffed up righteousness. Or do you think every word should taken literally? In which case you and Osama Bin Laden are on the same disgusting page.
      Tell us, righteous Christians and Rastas, why are you so afraid of gay people? They have existed forever. Deal with it -using the love in your heart, not the hate.
      • Peaches (31/03/2013, 22:15) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
        TalibanHush you sound so foolish! read your bible. For this same reason of Homosexuality the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomarrah and he will destroy the world once again but this time not by water but by fire for our evil doings. HOMOSEXUALITY is WRONG! DEAD WRONG! IF it was right, there would be no need to be fighting for it. It is not and has never been God's intention for mankind. In the beginning he made them Male and Female - ADAM AND EVE - NOT ADAM AND STEVE! People living this kind of lifestyle and publicly boasting about it should be ashamed. Anyway, the bible says in Romans chapter 1, because they have rejected the Lord, he gave them over to a reprobate mind - a wicked mind, to do what they want to do and not even realising that it is wrong! Help them Lord!
        • TalibanHush (01/04/2013, 14:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          Peaches, just because you believe in that book does not mean everyone else on Earth has to reference it to reach decent conclusions.
          That is your BELIEF and you are entitled to believe anything you want. I could choose to believe that some green aliens will come down and turn us all into donkeys if we don't stop doing this or that, but would like me to impose laws on YOU because that is what I happen to believe?
          Sure, campaign against it, but don't expect everyone on Earth to do what you people tell us just because you happen to believe THAT book. Plenty other books and beliefs out there, you know. How do you deal with that?
          Some of us use empirical evidence mixed with compassion and plenty of tolerance. You and your Bible thumpers got no time for any of them – and that's what starts wars and spreads hatred.
  • ALPHA (29/03/2013, 21:28) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    women ALWAYS support gayness, them see gay men as peers... FIRE BUN THEM
  • Keep your (29/03/2013, 22:25) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    The Devil is a liar and you is his mother in law: from when have we started accepting this thing here in the BVI? We are christian society and if you all are getting paid or elected to do something use your creativity and think up new and appealing ideas that will attract marriage between a man and a woman. This is a sign of shear laziness and innovation o behalf of this organization. Leave the devil out of our Island! We already have enough challenges dealing with.... stop you all ignorant talk.
  • Negative (30/03/2013, 00:20) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am willing to fight this foolishness to the ends of the earth.
  • LISTEN UP (30/03/2013, 08:10) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am reading these comment and keep seeing the phrase we are a christian society. I like how we can say that when so many are backbiting, hating, adulterating, parading around half-naked not to mention posting half-naked pictures on Facebook and others liking it.

    Our morals have gone out the window with the dishwater. We are so quick to judge others when God is busy writing up her transgressions we not seeing just how we need to get our own lives in order.

    • Stand for Something (30/03/2013, 10:39) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      ..... No, actually along with the hating, back biting, and all the other things you mentioned, homosexuality is also included in the list of things that's wrong; and we say we are a Christian community because those before us fought hard for this land, and they made it through total dependence on God and He brought them through hard times in order for us to have a good life today. Some of us choose not to forget this; and if people cannot have a say in their own country where they were born and bred and live for all or most of their lives, then it makes no sense. As for all those agreeing with it and bashing the people against me, it's no surprise
      to us. As people of God, we expect opposition. If Jesus was cursed, spat on, laughed at etc. then who are we
      not to receive opposition. In life we have to fight hard for what is matter what!
      • TalibanHush (30/03/2013, 14:28) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        Well, it's true BVIslanders survived the hardest of times here and no doubt their faith helped keep them going, but it is you who choose to say this is thanks to God. Others may say it is because BVIslanders have good sense, strong will-power, inner spirit, and so on, while others might even claim it was something else, like luck or obeah or some other kind of magic that helped people survive.
        And being attacked because you are Christian? The fact that Jesus was attacked does not mean therefore all attacks against Christians can be ignored or written off. Either you use common sense, clear ethics and have standards, or you have nothing. You can't just go around saying, "I am a Christian. I think this is right. Therefore it must be law for everyone."
        For one thing, you all disagree with each other – so which denomination we supposed to listen to?
        For another, what about us who are not Christian but are still guided by a desire for goodness to pervade our world? How dare you cast us as wicked people just because we wasn't raised with the same books and fairy stories you were!

  • BRAD BOYNES (30/03/2013, 12:41) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Like I said Seize the time
  • bar call (30/03/2013, 17:23) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Waiting for the lies the Goverment will tell about what they will say to explain the BVITB position on same sex marrige
  • i don't give a s#!t wa ppl have to say about my oppion (31/03/2013, 12:21) Like (1) Dislike (11) Reply

    i am totally against gay marriages marriage should be beteewn a man and woman not adam and steve or eve and clevita muahhhhhhhhhhhh the world really coming to and becuase all s#!t are happening i don't want to hear s#!t bout god made that way liesssssssssssssssss you all must read the bible n stop making the bible to suit your actions read the bible and stop adding and subtracting what you want to best suit you gosssssssssssssssssss

    • TalibanHush (31/03/2013, 22:35) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      You are a fundamentalist bigot. People like you don't even want to know about reality. You lost in your book but got no idea about the real world. Stop filling the world up with hatred because you so desperate for your stories to be the only truth out there.
  • botty (01/04/2013, 00:46) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Half the people against gay are themself gay
  • one love (02/04/2013, 11:06) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    remember that.... love your brother, sister, aunt, uncle, mother, father.... we are here....we are part of you.
  • LADY G (04/04/2013, 15:25) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    God is not pleased with the way the world is going. He is coming soon. Come on people, don't sell out your values for a dollar. God made a union to be between a man and a woman. To each is own, our little island should not be caught up in the BS.
  • Ironic (04/04/2013, 18:52) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Considering the high rate of divorce among heterosexual couples today, one would have to wonder why are gays so itchy to get married. It is appearent that gays are not immuned to the variables that inevitably cause the destruction of a regular marrige. I have been reading about many devorce cases for same sex marriages and the outcomes were not pretty, devorce is usually not pretty. Yes it has the advantages, but with the odds stacked high against lasting marriages these days; maybe all the hoopla about getting married it worth the headache.
  • JustWantToSay (04/04/2013, 21:11) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    I like this:
    When someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle I simply remind them that Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it to be an abomination ... End of debate.

    I do need some advice, however, regarding some other elements of God's Laws and how to follow them.

    1. Leviticus 25:44 states that I may possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are from neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Canadians?

    2. I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her?

    3. I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanliness - Lev.15: 19-24. The problem is how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offense.

    4. When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odour for the Lord - Lev.1:9. The problem is my neighbours. They claim the odour is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them?

    5. I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself, or should I ask the police to do it?

    6. A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an abomination, Lev. 11:10, it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle this? Are there "degrees" of abomination?

    7. Lev. 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God, if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle-room here?

    8. Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev. 19:27. How should they die?
    9. I know from Lev. 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football, if I wear gloves?

    10. My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev.19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone them? Lev.24:10-16. Couldn't we just burn them to death at a private family affair, like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14).

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