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'Sacrifices were made' to keep public servants employed– Premier

- More $$$ expended to make remote work possible
The RT O'Neal Central Adminsitration Complex. Premier Andrew A. Fahie said as a result fo the Coronavirus Pandemic, Government had to sacrifice a lot to keep public officers employed. Photo: VINO/File
Premier Andrew A. Fahie made the announcement on Budget Day 2020 during the Third Session of the Fourth House of Assembly (HoA) on November 12, 2020. Photo: GIS/Facebook
Premier Andrew A. Fahie made the announcement on Budget Day 2020 during the Third Session of the Fourth House of Assembly (HoA) on November 12, 2020. Photo: GIS/Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Premier and Minister of Finance, Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) has said that throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, his administration has had to sacrifice to ensure public officers remain employed despite the layoffs in the private sector.

The Premier made the statements during his 2020 budget speech on November 12, 2020.

“Mr Speaker, the accounts show that your Government did its best to support our public officers during this ongoing era of COVID-19. Sacrifices were made to ensure that Government workers were able to keep their jobs and have an income to care for their families.”

While expressing gratitude to public servants, the Premier said in most instances they worked from their homes to fulfilling many administrative tasks to keep Government services running smoothly for the rest of the VI.

COVID-19 helped sector to adopt more tech - Premier 

“Innovative and remote working saw small increases in expenditure on mobile communications. Spending on computer software increased by 81.3 per cent or about $1.2 million more than similar spending in 2019.“

He said one benefit was that the pandemic pushed the Public Service forward, by allowing it to adapt and make greater use of technology, a welcomed change for the administration.

“At the same time, the suspension of travel for Public Officers due to the pandemic resulted in significant savings in costs associated with foreign travel,” Premier Fahie said.

He said those funds, along with managed cuts in most expenditure heads, allowed for the Government to redirect monies into priority areas.

12 Responses to “'Sacrifices were made' to keep public servants employed– Premier”

  • Thoughtful Sailor (19/11/2020, 17:03) Like (11) Dislike (6) Reply
    I am sure the private sector finds this to be a tone deaf boast, and hopes the belt tightening in the public sector continues. What were all these things that the Government Employees up to? Apparently not the long claimed but obviously non-existent opening plan, nor the Portal for entry, promised for November 2. So, I guess they were all working hard at BVI Love!
    • Your Back have to be hurting (20/11/2020, 04:17) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
      Maybe your back not hurting from bending so much but you have hurt the treasury and you seem to forget it's tax payers you were giving away,,, The lock down was too much, to often and unnecessary,. Civil Servants including government elected officials should have gotten half pay while the country was lock down, that would have been a responsible way to spend tax payers money,,,,,,, Don't go bragging,. U have made Huge mistakes,,,,, to add businesses getting stimulus but their workers still home,,,,, I don't get a day work with my company since April, and I am a belonger,, and the business is open almost all the staff working,. I heard someone say that these XPat managers don't like BVIlanders and belongers that seems to be true,,,, So while you are bragging your people are being victimized and hurting,,,,, Seriously,
  • water boy (19/11/2020, 17:05) Like (17) Dislike (5) Reply
    If all the civil servants have been kept on the job why isn't it that companies and people are still waiting for there stimulus packages. Surely government employees must be sympathetic to those who have lost there jobs and under financial hardship. Please Mr Premier get the checks out asap.
  • BVI love (19/11/2020, 18:30) Like (8) Dislike (9) Reply
    Where is the love? BVI people are a demonic wicked set driven by greed and corruption.
    • tola (20/11/2020, 10:12) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
      You can hear jealousy and envy all over your comment. But I declare and decree that the BVI and its people are FOREVER BLESSED by the Holy One of Isreal
  • hhhm (19/11/2020, 18:44) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    Says the same man who thinks the ministers need more money on their income. Smh
  • Doing what? (19/11/2020, 19:49) Like (16) Dislike (2) Reply
    Labor dept empty, immigration dept empty, inland revenue, SS, and NHI still taking months to provide simple certificates of good standing. What are all these public service employees actually doing because it sure dont look like work. Hope they new computers at home ain watching netflix lol.
  • Who’s hurting .... (20/11/2020, 00:29) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    How about the public sector employees continue to go to work and receive no pay - or significantly less pay and see how the rest of us are living. You and you’re government jobs that do a lot of talking but show no useful action because you get paid either way. And you’re certainly not busy doing anything useful ... or quickly as commented above.
  • Truth that (20/11/2020, 04:00) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    That's why you government need to get serious with jThese companies in the BVI and stop playing and trying to friends with them because they are liars, and heartless,. Cheats,. Their staff work hard every day faithfully and loyally for the to make millions and as soon as a disaster happen They quick to lay off,,, But they never lay off the big salary people or the Managers,. It's always the hardest working small salary staff,,,,, This need to fix,,,,, They always feed with lies They not making money but they always saying before things happen how much they making,,,, The big salary one's in the office They will layoff the whole staff Just to keep their salary coming,,, Wicked,,, Government need to get serious,,,, How come They can't pay people off since they have then home so long, but The big salary staff continue to get their monthly pay,,,, Tricksters
  • Public servant (20/11/2020, 09:22) Like (6) Dislike (10) Reply
    I'm very thankful for that Hon Premier Andrew Fahie and your government. But as a public servant and a parent I think teachers need to received a raise of pay during this time . I can see they are going way and beyond for our children during this time and I know it's very stressful. I also saw my child principal is been working diligently with her staff and parents to make sure everything is in place and goes well. I can see that she's tired but she still pushes her self to the extreme . I had to say to her that she needs to relax and rest sometimes. They have lost 3 great teachers already for the year and we don't want to loose anymore. So for all that have been said I really think teachers need a raise of salary for 2021.
  • @ Public servant (20/11/2020, 14:34) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Parents are doing half of the teachers work, talk that

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