RVIPF training for possibly 2019 election violence

As it gets closer to the February 25, 2019 polls, tensions between political parties, their supporters, families, and the media—as much political rhetoric and propaganda is being circulated—is causing friction in the community.
Who caused it?
Many have blamed Hon Myron V. Walwyn (AL), the Chairman of the National Democratic Party (NDP 1) for running one of the most divisive campaigns in the history of the Virgin Islands (VI), putting local residents against those from the Caribbean islands. This type of politics has been condemned by Bishop John I. Cline and the BVI Christian Council.
Many have also raised concerns, on if the elections will be free and fair or whether there is an attempt already by some elements—including the Election Office—to steal the elections.
However, they have yet to bring forward compelling evidence, only saying the voters' 'list is padded', in districts five and eight.
The Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) are, therefore, going through special training in an effort to be prepared.
Police ready for election violence
In a press release issued today, Thursday, February 7, 2019, they stated that “Officers of the RVIPF are advancing the skills of some 44 officers in keeping public order through funding from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.”
According to Police spokeswoman, Diane L. Drayton’s press release, “Officers are gaining skills in responding to public order commands, forming cordons and using protective equipment during this training. These skills will be utilised to deal with volatile and non-volatile crowds, creating sterile areas within crowds and filtering persons moving into or out of an area in order to support public safety.”
The same press release noted, “Skills like these are needed in peacetime and in times of expected violence.”
Money circulate back to the UK
Not only is the UK paying the bills for the training, but they are also benefiting as it is a UK-based company, Red Snapper Learning, who was contracted to deliver the three-week training for Police officers.
According to police officials, a similar training for 20 officers will take place at Her Majesty’s Prison, in maintaining safety at that institution.

13 Responses to “RVIPF training for possibly 2019 election violence ”
Moreover, true the RVIPF must train effectively for any and all eventualities. However, the training could have been conducted in a seamless manner as a routine training exercise. Like other police forces, the RVIPF has to train consistently to stay skilled/current, hone its skills, keep up to date on new emerging tactics, use of new weapons, simulate potential occurrences .....etc. Loose lips sinks ships. Police like other security forces and the armed forces, ie, Navy, Marine, Army, Coast Guard and Air Force must exercise fire discipline.
Further, this is a critical election and the campaign may be heated and white hot. The combatants are campaigning hard, using past performance, policies, programmes, strong above the belt rhetoric, promises .... etc as their weapons. On the evening of 25 February or early morning 26 February, the territory will know the results of the elections. Some combatants will be disappointed in the results but there will not be any violence. The BVI is a civilized society; its people are peaceful and law abiding. In the BVI, the rule of law is a core principle and is celebrated. Fellow Virgin Islanders, exercise hour constitutional right by racing to the polls on 25 February and vote for BVI interest.