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RVIPF takes up post @ BVIPA in Port Purcell

- as part of recommendations by the CoI Commissioner
The police officers are to be stationed at the Ports security checkpoint. Photo: VINO
In keeping with recommendations made by the Commissioner of the Inquiry on governance in the Virgin Islands for the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) to take up the responsibility of security at the ports of entry, the RVIPF has since assigned police officers to Port Purcell. Photo: VINO
In keeping with recommendations made by the Commissioner of the Inquiry on governance in the Virgin Islands for the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) to take up the responsibility of security at the ports of entry, the RVIPF has since assigned police officers to Port Purcell. Photo: VINO
PORT PURCELL, Tortola, VI- In keeping with recommendations made by the Commissioner of the Inquiry on governance in the Virgin Islands for the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) to take up the responsibility of security at the ports of entry, the RVIPF has since assigned police officers to Port Purcell.

According to reports reaching our newsroom, the RVIPF took up its post at the British Virgin Islands Ports Authority (BVIPA) headquarters in Port Purcell on July 1, 2022.

RVIPF officers stationed @ Port Purcell

The officers are to be stationed at the Ports security checkpoint.

Our newsroom was also informed by sources at the BVIPA that police officers will also be stationed at the ports of entry in Road Town and Beef Island.

The RVIPF, via its Media Liaison Diane L. Drayton, confirmed that the officers have been stationed at Port Purcell.

According to the ‘Framework for Implementation of the Recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry Report and Other Reforms’, Cabinet approved joint responsibility between the relevant government agencies and the RVIPF for security of all ports, including airports, under the command of the Force, until security concerns are effectively addressed and new constitutional and legal arrangements have been considered.

Hypocrisy & irony

Recommendation B40 of the CoI Report states that the Governor orders an investigation into corruption within HM Customs by the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force.

Many have been left baffled as to why the CoI Commissioner has ordered an investigation into corruption into HM Customs and not the RVIPF, which has been rocked by corruption and scandals under UK national, Commissioner Mark Collins.

Many have been wondering if it was payback for HM Customs exposing the RVIPF for lying to the public about police officers using government vessels for leisure activities.

50 Responses to “RVIPF takes up post @ BVIPA in Port Purcell”

  • HAHA (08/07/2022, 15:26) Like (66) Dislike (5) Reply
    This will send some of you up the wall cause you wouldn't be able to continue your dirty deeds
    • Citizen (08/07/2022, 15:55) Like (53) Dislike (50) Reply
      Yes it is ok for 2 whitemen to run this country and this is acceptable by you all, while our people are called thieves, criminal and drug dealers. Sets of hypocrites.
      • Yup (08/07/2022, 19:56) Like (31) Dislike (127) Reply
        Two white men trying to run a country that twenty locals ruined, if you’re going to be a racist at least be a good one. Your picture of a hypocrite is next to the word in the dictionary.
        • @Yup (09/07/2022, 13:35) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
          The topic is border control… hasn’t it always been under the European dictators portfolio?
    • smh (10/07/2022, 11:41) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
      People stop the ignorance!! Not all police are bad. If your brother is a criminal, that does not make you a criminal.

      Stop the ignorance and racism. You are the ones making the territory look bad.
  • Concern Citizen (08/07/2022, 15:49) Like (63) Dislike (5) Reply
    Rats watching the cheese?
    • @concern citizen (08/07/2022, 19:52) Like (18) Dislike (19) Reply
      I highly doubt that they will be local officers. Feel it is going to be those that they brought in.
      It is about time. They need to send more up the airport
      • Wat (09/07/2022, 10:54) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
        "The officers are to be stationed at the Ports security checkpoint." Did you see the RVIP in the article's photo, standing in the hot sun, manning The Security Check Point? No white UK police is going to do that hot sun job.

        This is just another joke on the people of the BVI. Who is Government Official #1 and Who is Government Official #2 and Who is Government Official #3? Yeah, and the rest of them? Hmmmm? Why they think the people of the BVI stupid?
      • ... (09/07/2022, 16:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        If you havent noticed most of the police arent local anyway. Dont confuse a French man & an English man. The problem with becoming a minority is the people disappear without notice...
    • tech (08/07/2022, 21:36) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
      Rat minding the cheese while the UK technology minding the rat. Y’all go on. You better act like you know.
  • Nice Move.. (08/07/2022, 16:00) Like (56) Dislike (46) Reply
    Hope they are serious officers and not the play play Jokey ones. Some these Port security people will still try to push them around...No time for games. Time to work. Make a difference..
  • Dear Public.. (08/07/2022, 16:09) Like (29) Dislike (0) Reply
    It has been 2 months , Since Shaquoy A Smith was murdered in a hit and run .Please if you know something say something .. you can call in anonymously at 368-5682 or RVIPF Intelligence at 368-9339.
    Pleading on this BVILOVE , we speak about daily.
    God Bless.
    Remember he could’ve been your Uncle ,Son , Nephew etc.
  • Yessss (08/07/2022, 16:09) Like (25) Dislike (1) Reply
    It should be drug squad not regular police
    • @Yesss. All two.. (08/07/2022, 18:44) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
      It should be a combination of Plain clothes and uniform officers working together as a team..
  • Hard on (08/07/2022, 16:14) Like (14) Dislike (7) Reply
    Putting rat to mind the cheese laughable
  • Eve (08/07/2022, 16:33) Like (15) Dislike (7) Reply
    The rat minding the cheese..well sah
  • Comment (08/07/2022, 16:47) Like (34) Dislike (7) Reply
    Wasn't the police caught with the largest shipment of drugs in the history of these islands? Now they are monitoring our borders? There is something seriously wrong with this mandate! Only in the BVI!
    • @@Commence (08/07/2022, 18:53) Like (23) Dislike (0) Reply
      THE SAME DRUGS THAT CAME Through the PORT. THAT was at the port for days. Until they took it away.
    • hmmm (08/07/2022, 20:44) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      At least the police getting caught... Imagine all that pass through the port without a trace.
      • sah (09/07/2022, 10:52) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
        At least the police locking up their own and suspending them not inviting them back to hoa. Does immigration or customs lock up their own?
        • @sah (09/07/2022, 13:41) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
          What do you mean lock up their own? The last time we checked, they are all under One governing body and has always been…. the Governor!
  • Yes (08/07/2022, 17:10) Like (6) Dislike (5) Reply
    Is now the white powder and the gunssss will pass through
  • hello (08/07/2022, 17:18) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    Only now to thing dem will come this is the same group who helps the pushers move the products while on active duty in the queen uniform

    ting 2 tell the king !!!!
  • thing teh talk (08/07/2022, 17:25) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
    Now I see why we cant find no police on the streets
  • Eve (08/07/2022, 17:31) Like (2) Dislike (6) Reply

    Trying to catch them red handed…must be a setup…Don’t trust these men….The Great White Hope…

  • What's the significance (08/07/2022, 17:32) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
    One of the greatest separation we had in this country compared to other independent Caribbean islands is separation of departments such as police, customs and immigration. It meant independence, maturity and responsibility. It also meant if a young lady or man who wanted a port security job they didn't have to join the police force.
    Obviously I believe there is a sharing of intelligence etc mechanisms already in place. If the procedures are not working then fix them. If this was a problem in the UK this wouldn't have been the response surely not. I think this move pushed us backwards and I don't think this will stop here expect more to come.
    Irrespective of the alleged malpractice at the ports, It doesn't require police assets at the port since they claimed they are already understaffed and unable to adequately police the islands effectively. There are other meaningful ways to deal with port security if they have evidence otherwise. But in my opinion this is a bigger agenda.
  • for the record (08/07/2022, 17:34) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Barry say you will hear. Just continue to be vigilant.
  • My arguement (08/07/2022, 17:42) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    BVI Makes 'Largest Drug Bust in BVI History' Worth $250 Million; Drugs Found at Policeman's House
    • @my argument (09/07/2022, 12:59) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      head coach say that drugs was fake. Remember he say they allow the fake coke to pass off as if the police make a big bust and then the real sh*t will come to the head honchos.
  • Trained (08/07/2022, 17:57) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    How are these officers trained to detect illegal substance
    What happen to the sniff dogs
    Some years back the trainer of the dogs were the biggest offenders in the third pillar what a life … BVI
  • Commish (08/07/2022, 17:57) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Yes indeed some blokes from the RVIPF were involved in the largest bust in BVI history.
    Around the same time 19 Feb 2021 — LONDON, Feb 19 (Reuters) – British police have seized over 2 tonnes of cocaine in one of the country's largest ever drug busts .
  • the doc (08/07/2022, 18:16) Like (6) Dislike (6) Reply
    It baffles me as to why would the governor initiate such a thing. Within the past couple of years there has been police officers charged with criminal conduct and such behavior. Sorry to say but who is minding the same officers. The governor and the the C O P needs to reign in. Height of craziness if you asked me. Like most people say they (the two heads) got to go
    • @ the doc (08/07/2022, 20:01) Like (1) Dislike (5) Reply
      the white residents simply putting thing place because some is of the mindset that those white folks that call this country home do not have any involvement with drugs. while the brothers light up the europeans snort up(which is a bit more private) because time you light the joint the whole neighborhood smells it
  • GOOD ONE (08/07/2022, 18:43) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Good move!!!!!
    At least the commissioner getting rid of the corrupt cops.
    • Commish (08/07/2022, 20:19) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
      Hey mate how am I getting rid of the corrupt cops?
      Would you care to explain?
    • Private Security . (09/07/2022, 07:59) Like (48) Dislike (1) Reply
      Of all the security company in the BVI Port security is the worst, and the best paid. It's time to out source Port security and get quality service. Value for money My company can use that same hourly rate Port security gets and get the Job done efficiently and professionally..
  • tola (08/07/2022, 19:50) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    They need put two West End and road town let them do work now
  • thi (08/07/2022, 20:38) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
    Placing police there with no proper training in port procedures is a waste of energy. Do they have a MOU IN PLACE before they do that? are ports security redundant? what are the police specific roles at the port ? Where is the legal framework for this move? Yes police are ex officio but they still need to have legislation to support their action.
  • flUffy (08/07/2022, 21:20) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Lookie here..lookie here????????it cannot get any better than this...RAT MINDING CHEESE..????????
  • Check point (08/07/2022, 21:48) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    They better change it to police check point now.
  • hmm. (08/07/2022, 23:20) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Putting mice to mind cheese. Genius.
  • Ning (08/07/2022, 23:33) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    The glaring issue with these recommendations and their implementations, is that the fundamental infrastructure to make them viable and sustainable are not being addressed or given any importance at all. You cannot put lipstick on a pig and say it is not a pig. The time frame seems to be rushed. Any department where there are recommendations made should be properly observed and accessed before implementation. It might mean firing and retiring out some personnel, introduction of a more modernized and progressive digital platform, improved checks and balances for managerial accountability and weeding out conflict of interest issues. There was a cry for the downsizing of the civil servants but this just seems to be ballooning what we already have without giving any insurance that there will be any change. If there is corruption in customs at the ports and corruption in the RVIPF what insurance is given that the two won't cooperate with each other and double down on the corruption. Even if the UK brought in ten civil servants for every department from the UK to address these recommendations it would be a miracle to pull it of within this time frame. This is where the senior managers of these departments should step up, open their mouths and show the tax payers what we are paying them for.
  • Police Most needed. (09/07/2022, 07:54) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
    Pier Park iCruise ship Dock s what really need police foot presence daily. Pier Park is like a huge Mall in the City, almost like a small city in the city with very beautiful and expensive shops. Daily foot police presence would be a welcome comforting and assuring feeling ..
  • question (09/07/2022, 08:03) Like (3) Dislike (5) Reply
    where was the united kingdom for the past 70 while our black peoples brick by brick to build the country these white oppressors are something else

  • body cams (09/07/2022, 08:29) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    You people baffle me… So because there are some dirty cops it means they shouldn’t be put around such areas…

    What I would suggest is that these officers wear body cams… While they are on the job.. And someone trusted needs to review their cameras.. Idk if there are live cameras that someone in a remote area can monitor but they need to look into that.. Maybe then the public will be pleased a bit more?…

    Ohh and the prison! idk if there are cameras in corridors and common spaces but there needs to be cameras.. They need to show how some of these things are getting into rooms like tvs????…. Anyhow.. Commissioner body cams are the way to go.
  • E. Leonard (09/07/2022, 13:07) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    Is this best use of RVIPF limited personnel assets, serving and protecting the public. RVIPF working at the BVIPA is not an inherently governmental function. Providing security at the BVIPA can be provided by the private sector with retraining of personnel, employing /leveraging technology, more effective and efficient management, and closer close up oversight. Further, police presence is needed on the street to deter crime, maintain the peace, investigate crime, and apprehend law breakers. The CoI recommendation is just a recommendation and it does not mean it is the best and least cost solution.
    • @ E Leonard. Agreed 100% (09/07/2022, 15:06) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
      Outsourcing Port and Prison Security is the best option for better quality and more discipline and accountable security...We don't even see police on the streets.Police ain it... Award 3 yrs contracts to a private Security company. Govt retain the ability to renew or replace after 3 yrs base on performance..Put the Legislation the logistics in place. Hard decision are often the right ones..
  • my country (09/07/2022, 14:38) Like (2) Dislike (6) Reply

    And what about those police officers who are involved in drug smuggling, drug bust scandals and other
    criminal offences.

    I hope someone will be watching those police officers because many of them are involved in criminal activities especially those from other countries.

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