RVIPF issues advisory amidst increased vehicle theft on Tortola

In a release yesterday, July 12, 2024, the RVIPF said for two months, between May 11, 2024, and July 11, 2024, the it received and investigated eight reports regarding vehicles being taken without the consent of the owners.
“Seven of those vehicles were registered as rental cars while the remaining one was registered for private use,” the release added.
It related that in all cases, the keys were left in the vehicles either by the owner or by customers.
Vehicles being used in crime
Five of the vehicles were used during the commission of other crimes, after being taken without the owners’ consent.
As such, the RVIPF in a previous advisory has warned all residents to take the following precautions to help prevent vehicle theft.
Persons are being urged to ensure all doors and windows are securely locked whenever your vehicle is unattended, both day and night, significantly reducing the risk of theft.
And if a vehicle is left for someone else to collect persons are being told to ensure they have a spare key and to not leave keys inside the vehicle or in an easily accessible location.

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