RVIPF deploying marine assets & resources to protect borders- DCP Alwin James

“The RVIPF is working in partnership with HM Customs. We are deploying our marine assets and resources to protect our borders especially in those vulnerable areas that we have identified,” Deputy Police Commissioner Alwin James remarked during an interview with Communications Officer Temulji O. R. Hughes of the Government Information Service (GIS) on Monday, March 23, 2020.
The VI has temporarily closed its ports of entry to inbound passengers but are still vigilant that persons may seek to violate this order.
All officers to remain in Territory
Meanwhile, DCP James also said, because of COVID-19, police officers who are due for their vacation would be affected.
“We had to make some difficult decisions, one of them was, for instance, to cancel or suspend leave outside of the Territory. So officers are not able to travel outside of the Territory because we want to ensure that we have the sort of resilience given a situation where the virus spreads at a very rapid rate in the Territory,” he remarked.
“Of course, if officers need rest and relaxation on island, we are still open to considering that to ensure their welfare,” DCP James added.
RVIPF to increase in numbers
The DCP mentioned that the RVIPF is about to see an increase in their numbers in the near future.
“We’ve got some officers who are just going to be graduating this week more or less out of training. So we are going to increase the numbers as it relates to our district stations to ensure that we have more resources out there,” he pointed out.
Additionally, about 80 police officers were trained in public order and public order command “so we are in a much better position.”
“We have greater capabilities, and we are going to put up more high visibility patrols, we are going to keep the business community informed especially within the hours when their businesses close at 8:00 pm and remain close until 6:00 am.”

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