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Press Release From Independent Source

RVIPF cautions against domestic assaults during Festival

The Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) Family and Juvenile Unit says that while the annual festival celebrations should be enjoyable, typically this time of year presents an increase in the number of domestic assaults and is urging individuals again to take a time out instead of resorting to violence or abusive behaviour. Photo: Internet Source
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI– Sergeant Kendolph Bobb of the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) Family and Juvenile Unit says that while the annual festival celebrations should be enjoyable, typically this time of year presents an increase in the number of domestic assaults and is urging individuals again to take a time out instead of resorting to violence or abusive behaviour.

“Too often in a tense situation, a few drinks can cause ordinary level-headed individuals to lose their cool during this time of year.  So can the rage cause by feelings of betrayal in a suspected affair either by a boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife,” he said.

“The message from the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force is Take a Time Out.”

“We are asking men and women who find themselves emotionally charged and on the brink of losing control during this time to take a time out. Choose to walk away, get some fresh air and sort it out tomorrow when heads are clearer. Let it go for now and save yourself the humiliation of a Police station or hospital visit, nasty injuries, court time and charges that can lead to time in prison,” Bobb said.

The Family and Juvenile Unit is also urging parents to make the necessary provisions for proper supervision of children so that they are not abused or neglected and all may enjoy a safe and festive emancipation celebration.

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