RTW & Bobby's set up handwashing stations for customers

Customers of Bobby's Supermarket in Road Town and RiteWay Food Markets in Pasea Estate can now utilise the handwashing stations strategically placed outside of the business establishments.
According to Chief Executive Officer of RiteWay Food Markets, Mr Guy Strictland, the use of the facility is optional but it is the hope that customers would heed the warnings of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and medical experts to wash their hands regularly to mitigate the spread of coronavirus.
The handwash station at RTW is nearly equipped with a sink and two taps, liquid soap dispenser and paper towel dispenser, in addition to a waste basket.
It is also possible that handwashing could be made mandatory for customers, Mr Strickland told Virgin Islands News Online.
He said a similar station will be provided for employees.
"We are going to put one at the back. We have over 100 persons working in our warehousing. They have washrooms but we are going to put one that is easily accessible for all employees at the back and all customers that are coming through our wholesale," Mr Strickland said.
Wash as you enter @ Bobby's
Meanwhile, Bobby's Supermarket has made it mandatory for customers to wash their hands before entering the establishment.
This was confirmed by the proprietor, Mr Elton S. Leonard.
Persons could be seen lining up to get their hands washed before entering the store.
There have been no confirmed cases of Novel Coronavirus in the Virgin Islands; however, Government has been actively taking measures to prevent the introduction and spread of the virus in the Territory.
Measures have included closing all ports of entry to inbound passengers, closing of public and private schools, restricting gatherings and mandating businesses to close by 8:00pm.

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