RT Accident - Jeep slams into car door forcing it shut on woman’s legs
The injured woman has been identified as Mrs. Bernadette Scatliffe, wife of former 4th District Representative Dr. Vincent Scatliffe, who was rushed to the Peebles Hospital along with the driver of the vehicle she was getting into. However, their current condition are unknown at this time.
The incident took place in the parking lot in the vicinity of Spaghetti Junction in Road Town, Tortola.
When this news site arrived on the scene, eye witnesses related that Mrs. Scatliffe was entering the vehicle on the passenger side when a blue Mitsubishi jeep which drove into the parking lot, seemed to have pressed on the gas instead of brakes, and slapped into the door of the vehicle, forcing it shut on Mrs. Scatliffe whose body was allegedly in the jeep and her legs still outside.
Police and ambulance were summoned to the scene and the driver of the vehicle Mrs. Scatliffe was a passenger of was seen to be experiencing swelling to her face.
The driver of the blue Mitsubishi did not appear to have suffered from any injuries.
Police are still on the scene investigating the incident.
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