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RSS investigates WhatsApp scam trend in region

December 18th, 2024 | Tags:
Photo: Internet Source

CHRIST CHURCH, Barbados- The Regional Security System (RSS) is alerting the public about numerous WhatsApp scams which have severely impacted persons across the region.

According to RSS, the alarming trend has not gone unnoticed by officials of the Regional Security System (RSS) Headquarters, who are working diligently to ensure that citizens of its member states do not fall victim to these emerging scams.

The unsuspecting victims have received WhatsApp messages from unknown numbers, or numbers purporting to be a WhatsApp support representative, requesting a code received via SMS be sent to the contacting number. Users are made to believe that the code is required to verify their WhatsApp account. Once this is done, the hackers gain access and control of the victim’s account.

The statement explained that the hackers use the target’s number to send messages to persons in their contact list, requesting money be sent to them via a money remitter. In some instances, hackers claim to be stranded overseas and in need of money to pay for a hotel or airline ticket. The offenders are also known to send links or codes to these contacts, as a means of soliciting more victims.

The RSS’ Asset Recovery Unit (ARU) urged all WhatsApp users to remain vigiliant and exercise caution when utilizing this communication platform.

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