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Press Release From Independent Source

Rotary Club Sunrise Fundraiser Gives Road Town High Fashion Catwalk

“Models show off shoes competing in Rotary Club Sunrise’s “Guess Whose Shoes” extravaganza.” Photo: Provided
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Gazing at the lithe models prowling the catwalk on Friday night, you could be forgiven if you thought you were at a Fashion Week release of some major shoe designer in Milan or Los Angeles. But no! The catwalk was situated on the terrace of the B.V.I.’s own Government House and the shoes on show were in support of the Rotary Club Sunrise of Road Town’s second annual “Guess Whose Foot” fundraiser.

Hosted by His Excellency, Governor Boyd McCleary, and Mrs. McCleary, a crowd of enthusiastic supporters enjoyed a lively series of contests for Most Unique Shoe, Highest Heel, Most Elegant Shoe, etc., bidding on their favorites with proceeds going to several local charities.  

Literally dozens of audience members competed, raising the stakes considerably from last year’s inaugural event.  That was proven in several categories including highest heel, with the winner measuring in at a whopping 7 ¾ inches.   The Most Elegant Shoe category was another crowd pleaser, won by Mrs.  Jenny McCleary, wife of the Governor, with her tongue-in-cheek “Chicken’s Feet,” a pair of stunning, shimmery platforms adorned with REAL chicken feet.  The competition in that category was particularly stiff but Mrs. McCleary clinched her win by tossing real chicken feet into the crowd. 

Attendees had a number of opportunities to contribute to the fundraising effort throughout the evening.  Photographs of Rotary Sunrise members – well, actually, members’ feet – were on display so that guests could guess who’s were whose.  Doctors, teachers and lawyers were also called out of the crowd to dance and show off their feet with bidding from the remaining guests.  Further entertainment was provided by representatives of the Anasazi Dancers, this year’s winning Festival Parade troupe, and by the Cancan/Image dancers led by Sunrise Rotary Club member Lilas Masters.

Under a perfect full moon and with DJ Push Pop keeping the music hopping, Master and Mistress of Ceremonies David Archer and Tamara Archibald-Gill kept the crowd laughing, bidding and dancing all evening.  The best news of the night was that children with special needs, the Diabetes Association and the Government House Museum will all benefit from the $10,000 plus proceeds of the evening.  

Rotary Club Sunrise of Road Town is actively involved in many community activities and appreciates the support of local residents for “Guess Whose Shoes” and all its other projects.  Club President Allison Flax-Archer and Club members meet Tuesday mornings at 7:00 AM for breakfast at Maria’s by the Sea.  

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