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Ron R. Potter is being used as a ‘scapegoat’- Hon Marlon A. Penn

- accuses Health Minister of being overwhelmed
Opposition Member in the Virgin Islands (VI) House of Assembly, Hon. Marlon A. Penn (R8) has accused Minister for Health and Social Development Hon Vincent O. Wheatley (R7) of being overwhelmed and using Chairman of the BVI Health Services Authority (BVIHSA) Mr. Ron Potter as a scapegoat. Photo: Facebook
Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon. Vincent O. Wheatley (R7) asked Mr. Ron R. Potter, Chairman of the BVIHSA to resign after receiving backlash on the state of healthcare in the Virgin Islands. Photo: GIS/File
Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon. Vincent O. Wheatley (R7) asked Mr. Ron R. Potter, Chairman of the BVIHSA to resign after receiving backlash on the state of healthcare in the Virgin Islands. Photo: GIS/File
Mr. Ron R. Potter was asked to resign as Chairman of the BVIHSA recently following fallouts over healthcare in the Virgin Islands, however he has said he would not be resigning. Photo: Facebook
Mr. Ron R. Potter was asked to resign as Chairman of the BVIHSA recently following fallouts over healthcare in the Virgin Islands, however he has said he would not be resigning. Photo: Facebook
BAUGHERS BAY, Tortola, VI- Opposition Member in the Virgin Islands (VI) House of Assembly, Honourable Marlon A. Penn (R8) has accused Minister for Health and Social Development Hon Vincent O. Wheatley (R9) of using Chairman of the BVI Health Services Authority (BVIHSA) Mr Ron R. Potter as a scapegoat.

Hon Penn was a guest on Talking Points on ZBVI 780 AM on Monday, September 16, 2024, when he was asked his views on the recent request by Hon Wheatley for Mr Potter’s resignation.

Potter asked to 'quietly resign' by Health Minister

It was revealed last week that the Health and Social Development Minister had asked Mr Potter to quietly resign following fallouts over the state of the BVIHSA and the declining administration of health care services, access to and availability of essential health services in the VI.

One of the major issues causing residents to become more vocal about their dissatisfaction was the passing of Mr Revovion A. Sprauve aka ‘Bucky’ on August 30, 2024, on Virgin Gorda.

Mr Potter also came under fire from the public for his easygoing disposition at the community meeting called following Mr Sprauve’s death. Mr Potter was accused of smiling and appearing to make light of the concerns of the people.

In his defence, Mr Potter said that this was his “natural disposition” and meant no offence to the people of Virgin Gorda.

He also revealed that he would not be resigning as Chairman of the BVIHSA since there is no grounds for his removal.  

Health Minister overwhelmed- Hon Penn

Mr Potter was assigned to the role of Chairman of the BVIHSA while Hon Penn was serving in government as the Minister for Health.

He said, “All it is the minister is under tremendous pressure, he needs a scapegoat, he finds the perfect scapegoat in Ron Potter,” Hon Penn stated on Talking Points.

BVIHSA needs additional government assistance- Hon Penn

Hon Penn explained that he has looked into the budget of the BVIHSA and said it is the first board he has seen that has a clear and workable plan of self-sufficiency and only asked the government for very specific support.

The BVIHSA has a budget of 42 million dollars from the government, however, it costs about 65 million dollars annually to operate.

Hon Penn added that there are several health services that can be termed “public good cost” inclusive of clinics, "free" health care for seniors, children and government workers from the BVIHSA which has to “foot” the bill which amounts to about 20 million dollars. There is also the dialysis unit which caters to fifty-six patients at an annual cost of one hundred and sixty thousand dollars each.

“I’m not saying that the HSA shouldn’t offer these, they’re public good cost but the government of the day must subsidise these costs,” he argued.

Hon Penn also accused Hon Wheatley of not fighting for the necessary funds for his ministry.

There are a few requests for added assistance when it comes to health care for the various districts in the VI, the former Health Minister said.

“He’s the minister for the subject and we went through the budget process, and I didn’t hear the minister fight for any of that resources that was asked in any way."

Hon Penn added that the money the BVIHSA is currently receiving is not enough to run its operations.

11 Responses to “Ron R. Potter is being used as a ‘scapegoat’- Hon Marlon A. Penn”

  • Will say (17/09/2024, 09:10) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
    Mr. Potter, stand up for yours. Don’t let them use you as a scapegoat. If you should step down, do it on your terms.
  • Real Macoy (17/09/2024, 09:44) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Those are true facts.
    Vincent needs to fight a bit harder for what he needs.
  • citzen (17/09/2024, 10:11) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
    that big fat hypocrite he was not saying that when he fired Milton with lies about meeting attendance these fool and mo mo have no credibility
  • @citizen (17/09/2024, 10:25) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    How can someone that doesn't live in the BVI sit on a BVI Statutory Board, especially one as important as BVI Health Services Authority, much less be the Chairman of that committee? Nobody was surprised that the guy could not make it to the meetings, HE DID NOT LIVE IN THE BVI! He was only appointed so he could be paid the stipend, that's it.
  • Chairman (17/09/2024, 10:52) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    If you are the chairman of the medical board and someone dies under your watch due to unavailability of medical services, should you resign or refuse to resign?

    I believe the answer is clear.
    • CEO and Minister (17/09/2024, 12:09) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      I believe the CEO of the BVIHSA and the minister should be held accountable and would have been responsible for the operations of the clinics and hospitals. The chairman is being used and blamed for something I do not believe he is responsible for. MANAGEMENT is the issue!!!
    • WOW (17/09/2024, 13:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      There were no board in place when the someone can potter be accountable for that???
  • Voodoo Economics (17/09/2024, 11:50) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    It’s remarkable to see such economic nonsense trotted out in defense of one’s own. Talk about condescending to the people. He claims this is the first board with a plan for self-sufficiency, yet it takes $65 million annually to operate while they’re working with a $42 million budget—a $23 million gap. He hints at cutting services but then tries to have it both ways by saying he’s not advocating for cuts. In the end, he admits the budget is inadequate but blames the Minister for not securing more funds. What’s worth noting is that none of these grand ideas were put into action during his own tenure. It’s a classic case of talking out of both sides of your mouth while ignoring the basic numbers.The sheer contradiction would be almost amusing if it weren't so insulting to the intelligence of the public.
  • justin (17/09/2024, 12:27) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    Only because Potter from the East is why Penn Talking
  • resign why? (17/09/2024, 13:46) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The Minister needs to give a reason why he "quietly asked" Mr. Potter to resign. Per Mr. Potter, since July there is not a full board so decisions cannot be made. How do you let such an important institution like the Health Authority go on without a Board. Wheatley should be the one resigning. Premier can you whatsApp him to ask him to quietly resign.

  • Help Me Somebody (17/09/2024, 14:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Fifty six dialysis patients at one hundred and sixty thousand dollars each per annum amounts to over eight million dollars annually for dialysis treatment. How are we going to cope at this rate. NHI needs to be made applicable only to government provided goods and services the present system is not sustainable.

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