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Ron R. Potter 'falsely' accused of being insensitive to VG plight

-BVIHSA Chairman says it’s his natural disposition to smile
September 10th, 2024 | Tags: Ron R. Potter BVIHSA defend Virgin Gorda health
Chairman of the BVI Health Services Authority (BVIHSA), Mr. Ron R. Potter has defended himself against claims that he was smirking and smiling during the recently held community meeting in Virgin Gorda last weekend, September 7, 2024, saying this is his natural disposition. Photo: Facebook
Chairman of the BVI Health Service Authority, Mr. Ron R. Potter said he did not address accusations of him smiling during a Virgin Gorda community meeting on September 7, 2024, because he wanted to keep the focus on addressing resident’s concerns regarding health care. Photo: Facebook
Chairman of the BVI Health Service Authority, Mr. Ron R. Potter said he did not address accusations of him smiling during a Virgin Gorda community meeting on September 7, 2024, because he wanted to keep the focus on addressing resident’s concerns regarding health care. Photo: Facebook
BAUGHERS BAY, Tortola, VI- Chairman of the BVI Health Services Authority (BVIHSA), Mr Ron R. Potter has defended himself against claims that he was smirking and smiling during the community meeting in Virgin Gorda last weekend.

His ‘natural disposition’

Mr Potter came under scrutiny for his smiley disposition at the meeting, which was called to hear from residents about their concerns regarding the state of health care on the sister island. The meeting also came in the wake of the death of Mr Revovion A. Sprauve aka ‘Bucky’ on September 30, 2024.

On Monday, September 9, 2024, Mr Potter was the guest during Talking Points on ZBVI 780 AM, where he said, “That is my natural disposition…I understand the emotions that were on display at a particular point in time, somebody died, somebody lost their life and I understand, and I appreciate that.”

Mr. Potter went on to say that during his introductory remarks at the community meeting he expressed condolences to the bereaved family and following the meeting he expressed his personal condolences and that of the BVIHSA.

Did not respond during meeting to keep focused

The BVIHSA Chairman said he did not respond there and then to the criticism thinking it was the moderator’s job to do so and because he did not want to distract from the objective meeting, which was to hear the concerns of Virgin Gorda residents.

His accuser at the meeting he said does not know him, adding, “that person goes on to say because I look the way I look, I didn’t care about the community.”

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