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Rodney A. Simmonds & Andrew J. Skerritt confirmed as shooting death victims

-Police investigating alleged crime of passion as families left distraught
Prominent Businessman and the Boys Service Station co-owner Rodney A. Simmonds (left) and another man identified as Andrew J. Skerritt (right) have been named in today’s Friday, February 5, 2021 shooting deaths that have rocked the island of Tortola. Photo: VINO/File/Provided
Both names have been confirmed to Virgin Islands News Online (VINO) by the Commissioner of Police, Mr Michael B. Matthews as a live police investigation into the deaths continue. Photo: VINO/File
Both names have been confirmed to Virgin Islands News Online (VINO) by the Commissioner of Police, Mr Michael B. Matthews as a live police investigation into the deaths continue. Photo: VINO/File
Police in a statement today, February 5, 2021, said homicide detectives are on the scene determining exactly what occurred. Photo: VINO/File
Police in a statement today, February 5, 2021, said homicide detectives are on the scene determining exactly what occurred. Photo: VINO/File
CARROT BAY, Tortola, VI – Prominent Virgin Islands (VI) businessman and The Boys Service Station co-owner Rodney A. Simmonds along with another man identified as Andrew J. Skerritt have been named as the victims in today’s Friday, February 5, 2021 shooting deaths that have rocked the island of Tortola.

Both names have been confirmed to Virgin Islands News Online (VINO) by the Commissioner of Police, Mr Michael B. Matthews as a live police investigation into the deaths continue.

Sources told our newsroom that the bodies were this morning discovered with gunshot wounds. The body of Skerritt was found in Carrot Bay while the body of Simmonds was found in the Threadfall area of Sea Cows Bay.

Family gathering information – Sister of Skerritt

Meanwhile, speaking to our newsroom this afternoon, one of the sisters of Andrew said that while she knew both men, the family is still gathering information and will release a statement when the rest of the family is notified of the tragedy.

“Until we the siblings have decided we are ready to release information, we do not want anything out… the news can report what they want,” she told VINO.

She said the family is gathering as much factual information as they could, however, the details they have received thus far is that the incident is allegedly a murder-suicide. 

Further, while the sister did not provide any names regarding a third individual that is allegedly involved, she told our news centre that the female in question needs to be arrested, should the incident be confirmed as a murder-suicide.

“She needs to be locked up if indeed it’s a murder-suicide because as far as I am concerned, you are not a victim… she sounds more like an accomplice,” the sister told our newsroom.

First such killings of 2021

The double murder which has been the first such for 2021, has rocked the territory, causing some amount of panic in the community over possible retaliation. 

Police Commissioner Mr Matthews has since called for calm to prevail as the police investigate the double shooting.

VINO will bring more information as it becomes available.

147 Responses to “Rodney A. Simmonds & Andrew J. Skerritt confirmed as shooting death victims”

  • pat (05/02/2021, 19:26) Like (32) Dislike (5) Reply
    So sad so sad
    • Are you dumb?? (05/02/2021, 19:50) Like (81) Dislike (43) Reply
      So, wait because the woman may have been "involved" with both men and one of them couldn't deal with it and took the coward's way out...that mean the woman must be arrested??? LOL
      • tretretrete (06/02/2021, 01:11) Like (28) Dislike (1) Reply
        Read between the line it have more to the story.
      • Exactly (06/02/2021, 04:21) Like (48) Dislike (10) Reply
        Strupess the moving off emotions now. You can’t blame the girl for his actions. He was not the first or last to get a head shot. He could have left the situation!!!!!!
        • Agree! (06/02/2021, 18:19) Like (10) Dislike (14) Reply
          Agree - not the first or will be the last to get horned.

          Also agree that he is not the first to kill and then allegedly commit suicide under such circumstances and he will not be the last.

          What really makes him a coward? To take your own life means that you gotta be strong. You can kill and get killed (even at your own hands). How is this cowardice? You people always know about someone else but never know about yourself.

          Had I gone down that path, I would have turned myself in but I wouldn't have shoot to kill but to cripple from your chin down. Yes, I want you to stay alive in a cast because you F'ing with me and I intend to F with you too. Do for do!

          Bitche$ keep messing with others.

          This incidence wouldn't be the last of its kind.
      • @are you dumb (07/02/2021, 14:10) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply one should b blamed for d decisions of a grown adult period..other than d individual in question hemselves
      • Rawlston Pompey (Real) (07/02/2021, 15:00) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply

        Just an '...Emotional Response.'

        The only person who may '...Tell any Tale,' is this female.

        '...Cheating or Jilting,' at least one of the deceased knew or reckless not to know he was '...Playing with Fire.'
    • Frauds (09/02/2021, 16:03) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      Some people in this place are so fake would be saying RIP, etc but in the same breath on another post mocking this murder talking about not troubling someone else’s woman.

      Facebook does really show people’s ignorance.
  • As I said before (05/02/2021, 19:27) Like (36) Dislike (8) Reply
    Everybody got a gun
    • @ As I said Before (05/02/2021, 20:38) Like (17) Dislike (27) Reply
      I guess you have one.

      Police check this IP address.
      • @@ As I said Before (05/02/2021, 23:48) Like (11) Dislike (6) Reply
        Tell them check it lol they might end up in Canada have you ever heard of a vpn clown
        • @As I Said Before (06/02/2021, 12:05) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
          VPNs do not provide anonymous connection like you think. Even though we may see you as connected in Canada. The digital footprint is left open to trace right back to where you are. Its just following a trail back to its origin so please dont be fooled. The VPN services that you even pay for are as anonymous and secret as a public facebook post made on cct internet.
        • hey (07/02/2021, 12:23) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
          the word is "clone" clown
      • Norris Turnbull (06/02/2021, 01:48) Like (2) Dislike (8) Reply
        IP address cannot be found Jack Donkey.
        • @ Norris Turnbull (06/02/2021, 10:00) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
          The more you post the more of an imbecile you portray yourself to be
        • @Norris Turnbull (06/02/2021, 12:10) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
          That is not true at all, anyone with the right software can pull the embedded codes from any site and see the entries being made that are coming from where ever. Vino and all other news sites if they wanted to can see what device you used to post, who is your service provider, whether or not you used a phone, computer or tablet it doesnt matter. Please dont be foolish, you people are allowed these forums under the disguise of free speech but it is actually a tool for massive intelligence gathering. All entries are MUST pass through a hub that collects that data as it padsed through and routed to its destination on the web
  • y (05/02/2021, 19:37) Like (16) Dislike (2) Reply
    Lord have mercy on Tortola that's all I can say with tears in eyes
  • 911 (05/02/2021, 20:05) Like (53) Dislike (3) Reply
    Over a girl dread
  • Sorrow and Despair (05/02/2021, 20:16) Like (104) Dislike (21) Reply

    Rodney I’m so sorry to see you lose your life over such a drag down looking h*****r. I wish you had made better choices so you wouldn’t be left at the mercy of low-lives.

    Mr. Skeritt, I know emotions, love and lust can really mess up your mind and make people do outrageous things. The horrific acts you committed are inexcusable. If you took the time and drove from Carrot Bay to Threadfall (if that’s the scenario) then you had ample time to rethink your actions but you didn’t. Now two sets of families, friends & acquaintances are left to mourn.

    • @Sorrow and Despair (05/02/2021, 20:28) Like (48) Dislike (20) Reply

      People need to stop mess with other peoples’ lives. What you saying to Skerritt you should have said to Simmonds too. Simmonds is no innocent in this. He is just as guilty.

      There are nasty harlots, going to church, experiencing or have experienced for themselves the same s**t they eventually do to other people and don’t seem to give a damn. Tell me please what kind of human heart these harlots have.

      I will see if this gets posted.

      • @ “@Sorrow and Despair” (06/02/2021, 00:08) Like (24) Dislike (16) Reply
        They Called Her a Whore. Jesus Called Her a “Woman”

        There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. Romans 8:1

        He told her he loved her. Said she was beautiful. Promised her she would be special. Next thing she knew she was being dragged out of bed by the friends of him who had dragged her into bed, and he who had praised and flattered her just stood and watched her being dragged away.

        Now she was kneeling half naked, humiliated before Jesus. Eyes closed, not wanting to see the stones that would soon be crushing her head, she waited in terror. It seemed like eternity. When would it be over?

        Barely peeking through one eye she sees Jesus doing something in the sand. Not sure what. She hears footsteps as men walk away. What is going on? Then she hears a word she had not heard in years directed at her.

        “Woman…” Jesus didn’t call her a “slut,” or “whore.” He called her “woman.” He was addressing her with the same title of respect that He gave to his own mother, who spoke with angels and gave birth to the Son of God.

        “….where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you?” John 8:10

        She opens her eyes and looks around. They are all gone! She makes no accusations against the men. We know little about the background of this woman. She may or may not have been a victim of sex trafficking. But we do know that, terrified as she was, she was ready to face the consequences without blaming anyone else for the choices she had made, and the role she had played, which now brought her half-naked and humiliated into the presence of Jesus. Yet incredibly, as guilty as she was, it was her accusers who slunk away. As she lay helpless at His feet, there was no one to condemn her! When we fall helplessly at the feet of Jesus, there is no condemnation for us either. 
        He said to her, “Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you?” (John 8:10)

        She said, “No one, Lord.” (John 8:11)

        What was next? A sermon? A lecture? Nowhere is it recorded, but I can imagine Jesus placing His coat over her near-naked body.

        The Holy One Who would be hanging naked on a cross in front of the entire universe one day, takes off His robe and covers this woman, protecting her human dignity more than just covering her sexuality.

        He doesn’t preach to her. He ministers to her.
        Did you know you don’t have to be a preacher to be a minister? Ministering to sinners doesn’t always have to include a sermon. An-ill timed sermon can do more harm than good. Jesus could preach with the best of them, but He knew when to preach and when not to preach. He also knew when to minister.

        He called her “woman.” He placed His coat over her near-naked body and gave her the sense of dignity she had been promised by the man who betrayed her trust. Then He did not preach to her with words, He ministered to her with words.

        “Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.” John 8:11

        His words were brief and clear, yet somehow we get them mixed up. Have we ever told someone “Go and sin no more, and then I will stop condemning you!” That’s not what Jesus said.

        Jesus said clearly, “Neither do I condemn you.” Present tense.

        “Go and sin no more.” Future tense.

        The world told her they would stop condemning her once she stopped sinning. Jesus promised not to condemn her, so she could stop sinning.

        They called her a whore and a slut.
        Jesus called her a woman.

        A man promised her she would be special, and then humiliated and betrayed her.
        Jesus gave her dignity back and made her special. 

        There was no condemnation for this woman at the feet of Jesus, and there is no condemnation for you, when you kneel at the feet of Jesus. 

        There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. Romans 8:1
        • Best Comment Ever (07/02/2021, 08:43) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
          Well written and thought provoking comment! We all need God's forgiveness. May God continue to use you to proclaim his Word. And may He bless you and us all.
        • Keny (07/02/2021, 17:43) Like (5) Dislike (22) Reply
          You do realise Jesus isnt real dont you!!??
          • Twinx (09/02/2021, 17:03) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
            Wow, Keny so sorry to hear you believe that. You besta believe that JESUS is real- Matter of fact, he is realer then REAL!!!! I will pray for you to turn and find a relationship with him. Taste & see that the LORD is good!!!! Trust me when the day of Judgement comes and/or the world exists no more you will be one of the ones WISHING YOU BELIEVED IN JESUS!!!!!! But then it will be too late for you (unfortunately). You don't want to spend ETERNITY in the pitts of hell...Get on your knees and ask JESUS to come into your heart now. YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT!!!!!! Many years ago, I remember a Pastor use to say "I'd rather live my life believing in GOD and if the end of the world comes and find out he doesn't exist, then oh well-what ever happens then will happen", but when the end of the world comes and we find out that HE DEFINITELY IS REAL- at least we will live with GOD for ETERNITY!!!! #HalelujahTOtheLAMB. Good Luck Keny!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      • Wow! (06/02/2021, 17:18) Like (8) Dislike (33) Reply
        U cant point a finger at mileage women can b very deceptive she could of been give n him the impression that she's single. If u no him u would no he is not a person of creating trouble I guarantee u he would of NEVER EVER mess with her had he known she was involve with someone.
    • @Sorrow and Despair (05/02/2021, 20:31) Like (21) Dislike (11) Reply
      Skerritt, I am sorry to see that as a victim you too lost your life over that ... Just like how Sorrow and Despair saw it fit to judge you and say the act you committed was inexcusable, I will have to say the actions of the others were also inexcusable.
      • excuse you (05/02/2021, 22:36) Like (51) Dislike (7) Reply
        He took his own life. He shot that man and instead of being bold and reporting himself to the police like how he was bold enough to go into that man’s residence and kill him, he decided to take the coward’s way out of this instead of going to prison. He made himself a victim of his own crime. Chupes.
      • wow (06/02/2021, 04:19) Like (61) Dislike (5) Reply
        The act was inexcusable!!!!!!!!!! He had no reason to kidnap her, beat her and force her to bring this man to his death. Mental health is the real issue here. But you all don’t want to hear that. You cannot possess anyone, or control them. There were better choices. Cause now several kids are left fatherless cause one could not control his emotions!!!!
    • tretretrete (05/02/2021, 21:13) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
      Yours are good but falling on a dead man ears
    • @Sorrow and Despair (05/02/2021, 22:18) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
      Talk what you know.

      FACTS: If the Lord didn’t put his hand on I, I would have done worse.
    • Sinners Condemning Sinners for Sinning Differently (06/02/2021, 10:05) Like (45) Dislike (6) Reply
      How many of you condemning the female are fornicating (having intercourse and unmarried)? Are you exempt because you believe her sin is greater.... no booboo ...sin is sin.

      How many of you are continually having babies and not married but saying it’s God’s will for you to have a child? God gives us free will but in the end will be His Judgment for disobedience to His laws and not repenting and turning from the ways of the world.

      So many think “going to church every week or ever so often to get their blessings” is a thing.

      That’s not how it works.
      • agreed (06/02/2021, 13:08) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
        I very much agree with this... People always want to throw stones but their very own life is also questionable.. it’s really sad for both lifes .. love triangle gone bad.. I knew Rodney and it’s sad how the way his life ended at the hands of a hurting man. The other dude who took his life it’s really a shame that in the end we see his weakness and judge his mental health.. everyone is different, man or woman.
    • wow (07/02/2021, 11:07) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      ...and all this destruction over front.
  • simple (05/02/2021, 20:54) Like (20) Dislike (12) Reply
    How you live is how you die. Live a whor€‘S life die a whor€’s life. Live by the sword, or gun die by the sword or gun. Live a righteous life, die a righteous life. Live a wicked life, die a wicked life.
  • Fair (05/02/2021, 21:04) Like (33) Dislike (6) Reply
    There is a saying only who wear the shoe knows where it pinches...this is as sad as it can get. RIP to both men...
  • the rock (05/02/2021, 21:05) Like (31) Dislike (9) Reply
    Powers to be stop F.....g up, it's time the gun laws increase to at least 10yrs automatic with no darn pay roll if caught with a gun, no damn fine added it gone to darn far now!
    • Lesson learnt.. (06/02/2021, 06:57) Like (51) Dislike (6) Reply
      Leave people woman and man alone, Be contented, be satisfied with your own, if you are not move on,,, , When you start loving someone more than you love yourself, these crazy acts will happen,, Do not love another person more than you love yourself, I understand that a women deception and denial when a man is hearing and he is asking and she keeps denying, only to get the evidence that she is a dishonest Liar and playing him as a fool can make a man Flip , Same for a woman also in the reverse, ,, I am sure that Mr. Simmonds what I know of him had many other girls,,,,Maybe she to was lying to Mr, Simmonds about not been with the man because she seems like a dishonest player,,,,, Sad he had to depart this way,. Let us all learn from this..
  • Condolences (05/02/2021, 21:25) Like (68) Dislike (10) Reply
    P***y will be the death of a lot of men . Stop put ya trust in woman trust Um as far as ya can see um . They only come for the money n what they can get . Sad to see a humble man die .. after chasing behind a lil front bet she wasn’t it ... R.I.P
    • tretretrete (05/02/2021, 22:57) Like (33) Dislike (2) Reply
      Not all of us! The problem is you guys love love to go for the flashy ones with shape etc. so what do you expect
    • My Mom. (05/02/2021, 23:31) Like (82) Dislike (1) Reply
      When I was a young in my twenties and I am dressed to leave my house to go burs a lime my Mom always say to me "Leave the people women alone because these young guys are crazy, they will kill you for their woman"...A wise mother, maybe thats why I am alive today.
    • “Condolences”? (05/02/2021, 23:42) Like (3) Dislike (5) Reply
      Rude, crude, and misogynistic.
    • yikes (06/02/2021, 14:57) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      Condolences to all the families. The cat from time immemorial has literally caused many deaths and thats no joke.
    • @Condolences (06/02/2021, 15:09) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      For some men, it already is.
  • Really (05/02/2021, 22:06) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    @ balo what do you now! Noting so shut up
  • A man (05/02/2021, 22:56) Like (26) Dislike (16) Reply
    • clap clap (06/02/2021, 17:18) Like (9) Dislike (11) Reply
      She'll probably leave here, go Canada or the States and go mess up other lives, since her name and rep stinking up all over here
      • Ignorance (06/02/2021, 20:20) Like (24) Dislike (10) Reply
        @clap clap all ayo acting like you know them people business. Keep blaming the girl because society says its all her fault. Yours and the perception of the public doesn't make it true. Multiple lives was lost and destroyed and ayo want talk about the girl's reputation. How about a young woman who worked multiple jobs to provide for her family or how she is one of the best if not best realtor in tortola. So miss me with your ignorance and look at your own damn miserable life.
  • pain (06/02/2021, 00:24) Like (43) Dislike (1) Reply
    That boys been with that girl from high school days marry her get a child he had a lot of pain from way back when he put all his eggs in one basket. As for Rodney sorry to know you were taking like that for that young girl life really has no warnings.praying for the family of both parties
  • Woiii (06/02/2021, 01:04) Like (39) Dislike (14) Reply
    The woman always get the blame ehhh! At the end of the day sje didnt force any one to be with her!! N i think God i have my own money!!!!! Soo i wont need a money man!! But you cant put all the blame on her........i am sure its more to the story!! But BVI ppl only listen to the half n run with it!
    • Cancel (06/02/2021, 11:16) Like (22) Dislike (16) Reply
      The Bible warns against Jezebels and whores. They bring nothing but negativity to your life. Rise above such gross commodity. You are better than that.
    • Snap snap (06/02/2021, 17:21) Like (24) Dislike (10) Reply
      I believe she's getting her fair share, no one is outright blaming her, but these men would have still been alive if it hadn't been for her and her antics and deception.
    • wow (06/02/2021, 17:39) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
      Point of correction! People living in the BVI. Not generalizing BVI People. PERIOD!
  • Money is the root (06/02/2021, 01:50) Like (20) Dislike (1) Reply
    A man won’t just up and do
    I’m sure there was fights, accusations, threats etc
    He didn’t up and just did this.
    A man knows the same way a woman knows where they eating out (horning).
    I’ve seen vicious women and boldface ones too with people husband/bf.
    The USD have them
    I’ve actually seen instances where they actually begs the manor leave their homes to come s.. them, not cause they want it.
    Is money they want that’s all.
  • nonsense (06/02/2021, 04:15) Like (58) Dislike (3) Reply
    Can’t blame mileage for the young lady stepping out cause from what is known she been doing that with other men. He just seem to couldn’t let go! So why kill mileage. You cannot control the actions of anyone. She was not married to either one of them and no one has the right to chose who should live or die. And to be honest for how badly she was beaten can’t be the first time he beat her. He obviously was possessive, controlling and abusive. Not because you have a child or children with someone means that you own them. Plus there more women here than men. He could have just left and co- parent in the best way possible
    • @nonsense (06/02/2021, 13:20) Like (9) Dislike (7) Reply
      From what is known ... Mileage knew too? So what do you mean you can’t blame Mileage?
      • nonsense (07/02/2021, 11:30) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
        He didn’t rape her or force her to be with him. So why blame him. She can be with who she wants to be with. It’s her body. Nobody possesses anyone. You fail to realize that. Doesn’t matter if you are in a relationship or not your body is yours. Now if the person you are involved with can’t take the what you are doing they can leave. But you can’t force ppl to
        Do what you want. She is young and is allowed to
        Live her life how she sees fit. Nuff of ayo who here condemning this young lady sleeping with married men and woman right left and center. And see no problem
        With that!!!!! You don’t know her situation with the young man cause obviously he was mentally unstable
        • 2 nonsense (08/02/2021, 14:29) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
          If she knew he had mental issues, why didn't she do something about it?
          • @2 nonsense (08/02/2021, 18:41) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
            how do you know she didn't. ayo quick to judge and make assumptions.
        • Agree (10/02/2021, 16:19) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
          @nonsense. I read all these comments and realize how small minded these people in Tortola are. They condole a lot of crap. Your comment is the only one I read which make so much sense. I you was near me I would hug you. No one has the right to take another life. He did not own this girl. She was fed up of the abuse and threatened several times. She found a refuge in another person and enjoyed the comfort from her devastating life. She had enough and was going to move on and he Skeritt could not take it. People have to know that no one have to put up with there crap. A person must know when hope is gone in a relationship and its time to move on. Anyone should be allowed the freedom of choice.
    • tretretrete (06/02/2021, 22:21) Like (16) Dislike (5) Reply
      You made some good points. From what I understand, the young man and woman was living in an Apt. In Carrot Bay. The young lady could have moved out as well if she had no love for the young man.. it doesn't make sense to live with someone and you don't want to be with that person . Seems like she wanted an outside man and still the young man.
  • tretretrete (06/02/2021, 06:29) Like (22) Dislike (22) Reply
    Arrest the woman for what???? Is that just emotional talk from the sister?
  • life (06/02/2021, 06:31) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply
    Yuckmilka a clown...after all a this u still posting but u you had love him...he got kill for another woman clown
    • lol (06/02/2021, 11:39) Like (12) Dislike (3) Reply
      Lolol Lolol she have to go look a different money man now toooo lol more than a clown she is . Lol Yuckmilka hahah
      • Queen (06/02/2021, 19:05) Like (1) Dislike (5) Reply
        Where Kass fit in all this?
        • WHY? (07/02/2021, 12:51) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
          Why bring her into this. I’m sure she was in her home minding her business and was caught off guard by this just like everyone else. You like confusion.
          • @Why (07/02/2021, 22:34) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
            Exactly!!!! If yall referring to her ya'll need leave that girl alone let her grieve in peace! All of this ish probably hitting her just like how it hitting everybody else!!!!! MY GOD! let people grieve however the choose to and leave them to h** aloneeeeee! Ayo like to much d*** confusion!
        • @Queen (07/02/2021, 19:02) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
          Keep your head up Kass! Don't mind the noise!
    • soup (07/02/2021, 19:35) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply


    • fool (07/02/2021, 19:48) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      Just Another Side Piece Trying To Be Recognized
  • Windy (06/02/2021, 06:59) Like (11) Dislike (13) Reply
    I am a one man who has one girl but you see why so much of these ladies are lesbians to much crazy men in tola
  • FEO GOMEZ (06/02/2021, 07:04) Like (30) Dislike (3) Reply
    This this is unbelievable! No not the part bout the broad guyo we now how those trucks are. The part where one of the most powerful men in business and the streets got taken down by basically a shmuck. No diss to Skeeittt but he shouldn’t have been able to get to the boss. If that dutty broad had any real affection for Simmonds shouldn’t wouldn’t have allowed herself to be allegedly forced to take puzzle up Threadfalll. Maybe she was mint a few years ago but I’m never t dying fir a has been. That’s some weird energy going on here dread.
    • Deh Watcha (06/02/2021, 14:15) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
      It begs the question, “shotcaller”, “shotdoer”, “shotwhatever”...... who really run things?

      Nobody is above anything in this world. Just another sad situation unfolded right here.
    • @FEO GOMEZ (07/02/2021, 09:18) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
      You is one of them judging suckers who have to label women and degrade them so you could look good and feel good about your ugly self. Broad guyo? You know how those trucks are? One of them same trucks that should drop a load on your pathetic a$$.
  • In thy name (06/02/2021, 07:45) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
    People need to respect their relationship and realise that their actions hurt the other person. I have a husband if not for God.

    Women will call anytime of the night or morning. Some request money for bills and even send nude pictures. What have we come to as men, women and society.

    I thank God for his grace because some persons emotional state are fragile.

    I pray for the families and community because we are all affected.
  • In thy name (06/02/2021, 07:45) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    People need to respect their relationship and realise that their actions hurt the other person. I have a husband if not for God.

    Women will call anytime of the night or morning. Some request money for bills and even send nude pictures. What have we come to as men, women and society.

    I thank God for his grace because some persons emotional state are fragile.

    I pray for the families and community because we are all affected.
  • joseph (06/02/2021, 07:57) Like (30) Dislike (6) Reply
    Yes, this is sad all around but I would like to know if the lad in carrot bay REALLY took his own life or was it taken from him in an act of revenge.
    • wow (06/02/2021, 17:41) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
    • quest (06/02/2021, 22:31) Like (4) Dislike (5) Reply
      Am wondering the ssme
    • @ Joseph (07/02/2021, 13:18) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      Right... Cause gun shot wounds with an S is puzzling, if you have a brain to really think about it.... Usually after one they don’t shoot again because of shock.. So I’m very interested in knowing.
    • OK Then (08/02/2021, 06:18) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
      Someone is speaking my language. I believe someone had ample time to view the tapes / find out who did it before the police was called and then bam suicide? Miss me with the BS please. Why he didn’t just k*** himself up there? Plus I also think maybe the gunshots he had were fired by the BOSS but he didn’t realize how serious he was hurt and probably collapsed at his home in Carrot bay after leaving the crime scene. We are supposedly talking about the BVI BOSS. You think his death would go unavenged especially when done by a “small fry”? I know we have more sense than that.
  • Compassionately, Passionate... (06/02/2021, 08:15) Like (31) Dislike (2) Reply
    This is why I always telling people, stop playing with other people feelings. Where another persons feelings is concerned, I have the utmost respect. Everyone's feelings is significantly important. If you in a relationship and you find that you cannot honor another human beings expectation of you, then leave. Don't stay out of pity, because you got years with that person or to keep a public front. There are people who are dying for love, dying for respect, just out here dying period.

    Once, just once and never again. I did that to someone that I loved for a temporary person. When my constant turned to me and said, "I give up a lot of things for you". That just crushed me. It wasn't just what they said, but the look that I got, It was a brief moment of rage, but what remained with me is the pained look in their eyes. I think I could have died that day. Probably yes, if they had acted on that rage, but mostly because of their lasting emotional response to the situation. If I could go back, I would do things differently...cause I never want to hurt someone like that again.

    "Don't do what the environment allows you to do. Don't go out into my community and tear up all the women in it. Don't go out there and destroy your community. You need to defend it! You cannot defend your community when your hurting people on an ongoing basis. It is rude, tacky, trifling and low-down! And you have an obligation to other people than yourself and you nether regions; and if your not a better man than that, what you need to do is tell the women that you get with, that you ain't about NOTHING! THAT YOU AIN'T RIGHT, THAT YOU AIN'T GOOD...!" - Judge Lynn Toler

    She was clearly addressing a male, but there is a lot of you females matching the scenario and it's all around sad.

    You never know what someone pain/tolerance threshold is, and you should never push or aim to find it out either.

  • GG (06/02/2021, 08:36) Like (8) Dislike (5) Reply
    Tell you the truth a lot of man will think twice before going on a man’s wife.
    Song “ Oh thinks twice , before you go on another man’s wife ,
    This could make you lo ose your life. La la la la la.
  • My God (06/02/2021, 08:37) Like (25) Dislike (1) Reply
    and the young lady still alive for any other man in love with her,
  • Dangers of a love triangle (06/02/2021, 08:41) Like (36) Dislike (4) Reply
    My heart goes out to both parties and their family, friends and loved ones. This is indeed a very unfortunate, senseless situation which has left parents and children of the deceased to mourn. It's unfortunate that this young man felt the need to end Rodney's life because of his jealousy because Rodney and his girlfriend and mother of his children were involved. I guess being young and immature he couldn't deal with being cheated on and so he "snapped" and pressure burst pipe. It's easy for persons to judge the young man and say he's wrong which he is, however, things affect people differently and people process things differently and this young man just lost it both men are dead and the person who is the cause of it all is alive. We must all take heed...a love triangle is a dangerous thing cause you can never know how far one's emotions can go.
  • Ghost (06/02/2021, 09:24) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is really sad all round.. emotions can push you to the brink but at times we do have to pause and give thought to the potential consequences of our actions. (At times reaching the precipice we jump over like the murderer did while some of us can come down from the cliff).. all of us (men and women) can be no good in our own way but we need to change our 2 sets of families are one should have to lose their life in this way for Rodney’s life wasn’t his to take or even his own.. he didn’t give Rodney/or himself life.. Rodney I felt so saddened to hear of your murder..this is why it pays for all of us to make our souls ready to meet God, for we just don’t know where death is ...all is just soooo sad .my condolences to both families.. .
  • You mess with people life people going mess with y how to come (06/02/2021, 10:21) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Men are very sentence don't disrespect.bro other guy kept your eyes open.
  • Lawyer (06/02/2021, 10:49) Like (61) Dislike (20) Reply
    This is a tragedy for the BVI Community. Social ills. Skerritt was clearly a young man who only knew how to Express his feelings with violence. Was his girlfriend wrong to gravitate to the loving attention given to her by another man? Having money does not make you a monster. Moneymen needs love to. And Mr. SIMMONS was a handsome man. The BVI needs some campaigns to educate the ignorant about love, relationships, respect, family and mental health. The young woman is the victim in this tragedy. She needs support and compassion, not condemnation.
    • To lawyer (06/02/2021, 12:34) Like (29) Dislike (5) Reply
      Thank you you should repeat this for the ppl in the back. Cause I don’t understand why the BVI is blaming the girl for living her life.
    • @Lawyer (06/02/2021, 13:08) Like (14) Dislike (3) Reply
      Wow that all makes scense,we need to be educated on how to handle these situations, and yes she needs compassion
    • @Lawyer (06/02/2021, 14:07) Like (30) Dislike (0) Reply
      I dont agree with someone of the generalisations you made. Did you know the young man to say he only knew how to express his feelings with violence? Do you have intimate details we don't? Mental health issues and mental illness is serious. While I do not condone or agree with his actions, we do not know how fragile the mind of another human being can be.

      Regarding the lady. I do not agree with the posts bashing her. However, I am sorry in my eyes she is no victim. With every action we take in life we have to know there are consequences. She made a conscious decision to cheat while living in a house with a man. So she does have some fault here cause she too could have walked away from the relationship and moved out. I just pray she learns from this and moves forward as best as she can.

      As many have said, our community has become too socialised to treat monogamy as a fallacy and cheating as normal inevitable behaviour. We need to learn to take relationships seriously or stay single and take all the man and woman yuh want.
  • Situationships (06/02/2021, 10:50) Like (23) Dislike (0) Reply
    I hope many wake up from this tragedy from the blogs it seems many persons have experienced emotional distress in relationships that affected their mental state.

    Nothing worst than losing the trust, respect and love of a partner that truly loved you for a pretty face who wouldnt dance with you in the rain.

    Men, women let us examine our lives so similar tragedies do not occur.

    This has awoken the pain many relationships. Everyone busy playing fantasyland. De plane De plane has landed lets us get our lives in order
  • Love prevails (06/02/2021, 11:00) Like (36) Dislike (3) Reply
    My condolences to the family on both sides who are left to deal with this pain. While I don't condone what happen I'll say this. For all who out their playing the cheating games for whatever reasons better take this as a wake up call. Stop playing one foot in one foot out in your relationship. Not everybody can handle this cheating shit so stop playing with people heart, mind, and soul.
  • Help (06/02/2021, 11:17) Like (23) Dislike (0) Reply
    This tragedy has indeed uncovered a hidden social problem in our community
    I hope the churches, family and support groups can be initiated to help persons who may be going through emotional turmoil, Sense of loss, depression, hurt in relationships that may result in dealing with pain in this manner.

    If we dont , we may end up with many more tragedies as this. Additionally, other stressors such as financial hardships and health challenges compound the situation.

    Time to bring back love, trust, honesty, support and most importantly prayer in our relationships.

    Forget about vanity , money and a pretty face.

  • mercy (06/02/2021, 11:43) Like (42) Dislike (0) Reply

    Tell me if you with a woman and you have to give her money do you think that is genuine love?

    Women will say what they want and do what you want until they get what they want . It is never about you.

    My aunt had a husband they were living good then he met a young lady and he started acting out. Everything home was a problem.

    Next he left to be happy, didnt check on home or wife. Shortly after he got sick and couldnt do much, the same woman what was a problem is the same one went for her husband and cared for him.

    Granny say all that glitters ain gold.
  • foxy (06/02/2021, 12:14) Like (9) Dislike (7) Reply
    Better hope that cat was good to take his life for
  • wow (06/02/2021, 12:34) Like (44) Dislike (5) Reply
    Partner was to handle that inhouse with his girl. There was no reason to involve Mileage.
    • Guest (06/02/2021, 13:30) Like (10) Dislike (6) Reply
      School children trying to blame the girl but my question is who really break up who relationship. What was the initial relationship and who was the outsider in the initial relationship??
    • Hmm (06/02/2021, 13:31) Like (0) Dislike (4) Reply
    • Kim (07/02/2021, 20:42) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I totally agree. Then he went to the man’s house.
    • Yep (10/02/2021, 08:26) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      You seem to be the only one making sense here.
  • Bitter Wormwood (06/02/2021, 13:29) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
    Jehovah - In the end she will be as bitter as wormwood and as sharp as a 2 edged sword.
  • Hmm (06/02/2021, 14:07) Like (27) Dislike (13) Reply
    I can’t believe persons are blaming the woman. NO ONE is responsible for the actions of an adult. Skerrit is not a victim, Mr Simmonds and the girl is. No one told him to do that, he needed to learn how to control his emotions and actions. He beat her which means he is abusive and controlling. I went to school with the girl and skerrit. They were always on and off and the obvious signs of him being abusive and controlling makes leaving someone hard. You get stuck in the relationship due to fear. So please don’t accuse or blame her for anything. They could have been on the off point of their relationship when she got involved with Rodney. Skerrit used to cheat on her too, she didn’t go out there and kill anyone and EVERYONE knew they were a couple. so why are we blaming her for the deaths of these men?
    • rewrsdffds (06/02/2021, 14:41) Like (17) Dislike (6) Reply
      So if he was abusive.. why not report him to the police? If they were off...why you living together still? I don't condone what Mr skerritt did. I agree he was dead wrong. It got too much other woman out there for such actions. He would have found someone else. However, call me heartless if you wish but i feel if you unhappy, a man controlling you, you getting bang...move out, seek help, get away before it ends like this. She too like skerritt had a choice and unfortunately they both took the wrong route may be young naivety...who knows. We all just gotta pull together, pick up the pieces and stop bash and finger point. All 3 parties made some decisions I am sure all can agree we wish they could undo.
      • wow (06/02/2021, 17:56) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
        It is not that easy to walk away from an abusive relationship if the mind has already been clouded with anger/hate/trust/abuse.
    • @hmm (07/02/2021, 11:35) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
      Thank you!!!!! As per usual they find it hard to hold
      Men accountable for their actions
  • wise up (06/02/2021, 14:21) Like (7) Dislike (10) Reply
    So sad that a prominent business man and and a young man life got lost today.Hopefully this send a message to person out there who going with other man woman and offering large Amount of cash for sexual desires one day all must come to and end like this one.NB:I also give the young lady fault for encouraging both at the same time but if one can’t fulfill monetary needs a way has to be found.
  • my two cents (06/02/2021, 14:51) Like (11) Dislike (4) Reply
    Long story short if you are with someone stay with that one person I do not know the story but if this lady was living with a man and children she should be faithful and honest to that one and only man I feel my opinion that she is the cause of the situation she should have told Mr Simmons I am in a relationship and I cannot do this she is to be blamed. My condolences to both families I pray that God will give you guys the strength to go through day by day during this passing of your loved ones rest in peace to both young man and I hope this situation has opened up the eyes of many of us who are so unfaithful to the ones that we said we loved
  • @wise up (06/02/2021, 14:54) Like (23) Dislike (1) Reply
    A word should be given to the men who out encouraging two and three women and know they have their family at home. They will quickly give these women money and attention and leave their home hungry. The trigger can go both ways. Preach on both sides of the fence brother.
  • Nice (06/02/2021, 16:21) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    Sometimes I wander why men kill another for a woman what did thay think after thay do so that that women become a nun thay are there to do the same thing brother
  • Distressing ....being the voice of logic and reasoning (06/02/2021, 17:47) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
    I blame her why because if she and dude were having issues, and she wasn't happy leave nuh my girl?? Why stay only to bloody cheat, dah make sense?? Leave the man house and life, if needs be report his abusive behind to the authorities, do all of this BEFORE even commencing a relationship with someone else. If she had all her ducks in a row she wouldn't have been bashed, blamed and judged the way that she is now. She ain't blameless in all this because she went right when she should've gone left.

    Mileage with the few interactions I've had with him, he was s cool dude, I'm saddened to hear this happened to him, but big man respect yourself not to be anyone's side piece, point blank! Wait until she left his sorry behind, before engaging with her, I pray that both men and woman have learned something from this.

    As a whole person never settle for a fraction of someone else, know your worth.

    My condolences to the bereaved, may God be your source of strength in this very difficult time. This woman ain't entirely blameless in this, yes she was battered and abused but what exactly did this man do to stop her from leaving his butt? He took his own life because he couldn't live with the CONSEQUENCES OF HIS OWN IGNORANCE!!
    • blessings (06/02/2021, 20:42) Like (2) Dislike (8) Reply
      What made you think that she was still with that dude or better yet that she was cheating. You people need to stop speaking on things you don't know and let the families deal with this tragic situation. And not point finger to the survivor cause that's what she is a SURVIVOR!!!
      • Hmm (07/02/2021, 05:07) Like (15) Dislike (2) Reply
        Not together but still living in same apt? This is one thing I could never understand. People who live together but claim not to be together. Makes no sense to me....I ain't staying in no house with no man/woman i done with...unless i really ain't done. I am sure others feel like I do so this is y they finger point.

        She seems to be your friend by the tone of your comment so I will say this. Encourage her to next time around do things the right way, move out, truly and permanently cut ties before moving on. Also please leave men alone who could be her father. That man was atleast 30 yrs her senior aint a thing they could have in common but the almighty dollar bill.
        • @hmm (07/02/2021, 11:40) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
          Have to seen the rent prices. This happens all the time. Some ppl just find it feasible to live with each other till
          They can do better. Just that one party couldn’t handle the fact of the other party moving on happens all the time
          • Really (07/02/2021, 12:29) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
            Well i sorry i rather bunk with a friend or relative til i can do better. Me nah continue to bunk with someone i have broken up with.
        • blessings (07/02/2021, 12:26) Like (7) Dislike (21) Reply
          @hmm why ayo assume she was with Simmons...they did business together, had a partnership with her real estate company.
          That young girl was building her business from the ground up. You people r so small minded and assume the worst only.

          Also, you don't the why they were living in the same apt. Just mind ayo business.

          This is a tragic situation for everyone involved, period.
          • @blessings (07/02/2021, 12:33) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
            Well dead men tell no tales so we can only go with what she says now I guess. She can paint the relationship or lack thereof however she wants. I won't say anything further as I sense a lot of holes in this new story also but I will respect the grieving...
          • @blessings (09/02/2021, 15:11) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
            If it was someone else you would be in their business the same way so take a seat or two.
  • Scared (06/02/2021, 19:01) Like (17) Dislike (1) Reply
    Well you two timing men out there better seek redemption or sleep with one eye open because this here stirring up a lot of anguish and emotions. I think on a real more women get trampled on in these relationships but they dont hurt the men. They end up sick, stressed and borderline suicidal. But one day they might just snap. Do better men. Stop letting the wrong head lead you.

  • u (06/02/2021, 20:06) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    I always heard my grandma say your own is better than beholding sad to say some woman in this place are like bee thay smel money
  • The New Regular (06/02/2021, 20:21) Like (40) Dislike (3) Reply
    I dont blame women, I blame the men. Some men know they cant even get their head up home but want to be up and down with young women playing casanova.
    So they have to give the women money for dipping round their honey since the machinery ain working.

    Then the women take that same money and support another man and believe it or not some men know they using the older men because its all a game, but emotions are getting involved.

    So all you Papis out there if you driving keep on the side of the road and if you walking just stay home!

    Set of ole fools!
  • Hello ME! (06/02/2021, 20:47) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
    Listen in every tragedy some life is saved. I am in a long term relationship and every year or two its always some woman drama.

    These blogs and this situation woke me up because I was in a dark place " it couldve been me". I couldve hurt him or myself.

    The anger, hurt, pain had me losing my mind. I am worth more than someone who cant be true to themselves.

    Its a new day. My prayers are with the family of both victims and all within the community who have some personal struggle.

    Sisters let us build each other up instead of breaking families up. These men only do what we allow them to.
    • Grateful (07/02/2021, 05:12) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
      I don't know you but I am glad you have found your self worth. There is a better man out there for you!
  • fdsfdsf (06/02/2021, 23:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Thinking (07/02/2021, 03:18) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    Soo what could cause him to build such
    Rage towards the man?
    I could be wrong or right
    But did she blame the the man?
    Did she make herself look innocent and say to the common law husband that she tried to stop but the man keeps coming back calling texting or even threatening?
    How she escaped ?

    I’ve seen soo many love triangles tragedy but first time I’ve seen the woman survived.
    In almost all the man kills the woman first
    Or on the spot where he kills the lover (hornerman)

    She had enough time to think
    And i’m sure he told her he’s going to kill him
    She should not comply regardless of if he beat her whether at that point you would know people are going to die.
    She should’ve kept her legs for her common law

    Me nada I got eyes for 1 man even despite that man cheating on me.
    When we have we have when we don’t have $ we make whatever do no fuss to me.

    I believe in accepting the losses same way I accept the winnings.

    How is it that the man must die first then you go home take your life but the woman got away as soon as the man gets gunned down ?

    I don’t know dead man tells no tales
    That being said it’s only my theory and we may never know the truth it’s easy to lie on the living much less the dead.
  • g (07/02/2021, 05:05) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Roy C says don't blame d man
  • Optimist (07/02/2021, 08:34) Like (15) Dislike (1) Reply
    "I read all these comments and wonder to myself , does people still have compassion? Lives are affected by their actions......child/children without their fathers, mothers losing their sons. Stop these ridiculous comments, assumptions,, bickering and lets pray for families. The devil has launched an attack on families, love, christianity and we're all so blinded by lack of compassion for each other , we're allowing the devil to win...PRAYERS FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILIES AFFECTED. "
  • God Got Us (07/02/2021, 09:17) Like (8) Dislike (85) Reply
    Guys these comments are nothing close to facts.
    The Young Lady and Mr. Simmons had NOTHING She did some works for Him in the past. They were friends, Mr. Skerritt saw it differently and thus reacted the way He did. Mr. Skerritt was indeed a Loving and Caring Father. May God comfort all 3 Families hurting. Young Lady keep Your head held HIGH
    God Bless You Guys Always
  • Sad (07/02/2021, 10:56) Like (7) Dislike (3) Reply
    Keep your head up rox for you and your daughta I know he love her bad
  • VI man (07/02/2021, 17:29) Like (20) Dislike (0) Reply
    I was cheated on in a couple different relationships in the past (and who knows how many other times that I was not aware of). But when I found out, I took my bun like a man, lost my appetite for a few days, lost sleep for a few days, then went on to eventually find someone else, usually someone with better qualities too.
    • dcf (09/02/2021, 14:24) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
      Amen to that. This 2 man thing or multiple partners can't work. 2 much diseases in the place.
  • Word of God (07/02/2021, 19:44) Like (19) Dislike (5) Reply
    I read over 100 comments and no one, not one mentioned that the world and the way relationships are going are not according to the word of God. God says that fornication is a sin. So boy meets girl. Boy gets to know girl by talking and spending time together outside of sexual relations. If they are happy and compatible, then boy marries girl. Lastly the married man and married woman then have babies. You see this sin of the flesh called sexual activity really doesn't assist you in getting to know your partner. In fact it distracts away from it in a lot of circumstances. Do you truly get along outside of sex? Do you enjoy just spending time with your partner and conversating with them? Do they make you laugh? Are they kind and loving? Can you learn these things from sex? No. You cannot and guess what sometimes babies are made after two sexual encounters with a stranger. Does that help you to know him or her better? We have to go back to the Bible and live clean. Love comes to a couple, true love, when it is built over time. Lust, well that is a different thing. The Bible speaks about love and lust. Let us research it for ourselves. Let us stop taking off our clothes and joining our bodies with strange men and women that we aren't married to. That joining is sacred and for the marital bed.

    Because you see, if you are not married to someone, can you truly get upset if they speak to someone else or date someone else? Should you get upset? A committed relationship leads to marriage. If you are not married, are you truly committed to each other? Let us train our young people that there bodies are not for random men and women in the street because they smiled at us and told us they like us. Coupling in cars and strange houses, and yes, even leaning against buildings and in the bushes. Where is our pride for ourselves? God is love and he wants his children to do the right thing. He said fornicators will not make it into the Kingdom of Heaven just like liars and thieves. But I don't see anyone killing someone because they lied to them or stole from them. This can show us the emotional baggage that sexual relations carries. It is for the marital bed. Just repeating God's word. Others should too.

    Let us teach our boys and girls the word of God and admonish them daily to follow his teachings. When are we going to stop saying that is the way the world is and these are the sign of the times and let the young people know that living a clean life is better than gold and riches. Judgment Day is coming. Are we all going to Hell? As for me and my house, we want to go to Heaven. It is hard work everyday trying to do right in a world that has gone wrong, but with God's help it is all possible. We can do all things for Christ strengthens us.
    • get a grip (08/02/2021, 12:52) Like (5) Dislike (10) Reply
      For as long as humans have existed, adultery, fornication, sodomy etc. has existed. It hasn’t changed since the beginning of existence, it didn’t change when Christianity arose as a new religion, it won’t change today, it won’t change tomorrow and it’s just time to get over it. People have to make the personal choice to live a “righteous” and “godly” life.

      Every year for thousands of years people like you claim that the world is coming to an end, judgement day is coming etc. it is not. You are judged after death. Of all the planets in the universe God is going to destroy Earth? Get a grip.
      • @Get a grip (08/02/2021, 14:36) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
        I just wanted to DISLIKE your comment (but the page wouldn't let me), so here it is...

      • @Get a grip (09/02/2021, 15:09) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
        Yes, Dear. It is a personal choice and parents should take their children to church and teach them the word of God and encourage them you do not have to live like the masses and to live clean lives. Why? Because sexual immorality is destroying the minds and lives of both young and old. A righteous and Godly life leads to true happiness in Christ. Yes judgment Day is coming and nobody knows the day nor the hour. May God help us all.
  • Rich (07/02/2021, 20:45) Like (10) Dislike (3) Reply
    The woohoman is alive and that dude went to mileage house and killed him when mileage did nothing to him. That’s a hard pill to swallow.
  • Just sad ¹ (07/02/2021, 21:21) Like (5) Dislike (6) Reply
    Its only sad to read these comments seeing clearly most don't know anything but like gossiping and pointing finger

    Mental health issues seams to be the issue here and not cheating
  • Condolences (08/02/2021, 07:28) Like (20) Dislike (0) Reply
    Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. May God comfort the Simmonds and Skeritt families for their losses as I am sure they were both loved. May God be with the young lady involved. There is only one person allowed to judge and that’s the Almighty Father. To both families, don’t worry the noise. Stay strong and seek strength in God.
  • We C U (11/02/2021, 12:54) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    Anyone lay down with another man's wife shoukd expect the same.
  • Love (15/02/2021, 13:15) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

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