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Road works to be halted during rush hours- Hon Rymer

- to prevent backing up of traffic
To alleviate traffic, roadworks are scheduled before and after rush hour, as well as into the evenings in certain areas. Photo: Facebook
Minister for Communications and Works Honourable Kye M. Rymer (R5) has announced a temporary suspension of ongoing roadworks during peak traffic hours to address significant congestion observed in Sea Cows Bay. Photo: Facebook
Minister for Communications and Works Honourable Kye M. Rymer (R5) has announced a temporary suspension of ongoing roadworks during peak traffic hours to address significant congestion observed in Sea Cows Bay. Photo: Facebook
Traffic was backed up all the way to Pockwood Pond due to road works during rush hour on the morning of November 20, 2024. Photo: Team of Reporters
Traffic was backed up all the way to Pockwood Pond due to road works during rush hour on the morning of November 20, 2024. Photo: Team of Reporters
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Motorists may be breathing a sigh of relief now that Minister for Communications and Works Honourable Kye M. Rymer (R5) has announced a temporary suspension of ongoing roadworks during peak traffic hours to address significant congestion observed in Sea Cows Bay.

Hon Rymer has also extended his apologies to motorists and the public for disruptions caused.

To alleviate traffic, roadworks are scheduled before and after rush hour, as well as into the evenings in certain areas.
According to a press release from the Works Ministry, the washout on Lower Windy Hill leading into Carrot Bay, resulting from excessive rainfall, has necessitated its closure and the commencement of essential work.

“Consequently, there has been increased traffic flow into Road Town through Sea Cows Bay, where roadworks are currently underway. Motorists who are confident in their driving abilities are encouraged to carefully utilize the Treadfall (Elevator Road) to access Chalwell and then proceed into Road Town for quicker routes until the roadworks are completed. Successful completion of work has been achieved at the Boys Gas Station area, and similar progress is anticipated for other locations,” the statement informed.

Road @ Hodge’s Creek temporarily reopened

During a recent site visit to Hodges Creek, Minister Rymer observed that despite the announced closure on Tuesday, November 19, 2024, motorists continued to seek passage through the closed road, according to the press release. As a result, the road has been temporarily reopened for safety reasons.

“However, please note that the road will be fully closed on Friday, November 22, for approximately four days, in the first instance. This closure is essential to focus on trenching operations for the installation of conduits for BVIEC power lines, which will be placed in the middle of the road, alongside the upgrade of 8-inch HDPE water lines to be installed three feet from the center,” the press release cautioned.

The Minister urges the public to adhere to all notices and road signage as efforts to improve infrastructure continue.
“A few days of inconvenience will ultimately lead to years of comfort for all residents and visitors in the Virgin Islands,” the statement encouraged.

Meanwhile, Permanent Secretary Mrs Elvia Smith-Maduro emphasised the goal of completing trenching before the following work week to ensure road accessibility.

See link below to related article:

'We planned to start these works weeks ago'- Hon Rymer on road works

21 Responses to “Road works to be halted during rush hours- Hon Rymer”

  • driver (21/11/2024, 10:13) Like (25) Dislike (0) Reply
    Fix those big old pot holes ontop Bellevue an further going to East can’t have bad roads on both main road
    • HMMM (21/11/2024, 10:29) Like (17) Dislike (4) Reply
      They don't have clue what they doing....all he do is de by the basketball court in his district hoping to win next election again....
  • Madea (21/11/2024, 10:20) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    It was crazy. The notice came out after the roadworks started on Monday. I could get get my small car down the 10inch hole they left. And they started digging up a third part of the road yesterday as we were driving to work. It took us 50 mins through get Sea Cow Bay. But glad they doing something. The high way was dug up since July but at least we get the cars over it.
  • COMMON SENSE HAS PREVAILED (21/11/2024, 10:28) Like (6) Dislike (18) Reply
    • Stuck in Traffic (21/11/2024, 17:01) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      Duh, is Sea Cows Bat not in Frazer's District? I was stuck in that cluster f*#@@ of traffic in Sea Cows Bay. This a classic reponse of taking action after the fact, not before. These clowns do not know how to manage projects, there was no pre planningt to handle the enormous amount of traffic...
    • DownWest (21/11/2024, 20:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I say amen to that. Sense alone could a tell you that.
      If it isn't possible to do a diversion then do one side of the road at a time.
      Frazer is the man
  • COMMON SENSE HAS PREVAILED (21/11/2024, 10:28) Like (5) Dislike (18) Reply
    • take that to the bank (21/11/2024, 14:37) Like (1) Dislike (11) Reply
      Ayo could hate on Fraser all ayo want but we're giving him 4 more years
  • Citizen (21/11/2024, 10:44) Like (36) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why are they digging up all the roads at once at the start of tourist season
    Three cruise ships in the other day and where could the people go.
    Complete one section at a time.
    To dig up numerous roads on a small Island will bring traffic to a stop and is extremely poor governing.
  • HMMM (21/11/2024, 10:59) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
    For this BS this guy need be removed.
  • Norris Turnbull (21/11/2024, 12:03) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
    That still will not stop the back up in traffic. Repait he dam roads at night. SIMPLE COMMON SENSE.
  • Chris P Bacon (21/11/2024, 12:55) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
    Halting works during rush hour, wow, ya think? Which Einstein came up with that idea? Complete incompetence if ever I've seen it, but that's the mantra of the BVI.
  • Captain Obvious (21/11/2024, 13:57) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why not do roadwork at night
  • Rattler (21/11/2024, 14:01) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    Clearly, this project was initially shortsighted in its planning and execution. The initial terms and conditions should have included a) contractor(s) commence work after morning rush hour and stop work with the commencing of evening rush hour traffic, b) commence work again after the end of evening rush hour traffic and stop before the start of morning rush hour traffic. Now, the contract has to be amended to allow contractor extended time. The sight challenged could see that starting work during rush hour was a problem. In any event, the Snafu is softened . Was this SNAFU timeline force fed or it was the normal course of things. Now, let’s see some quality road work, bringing the project in on time and under budget.
  • Morning Well Sense (21/11/2024, 17:13) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    All this drama and complaining could have been avoided to begin with. The way we conduct business yesteryears cannot be the same today. This type of work is ideally for the evening after hours. Planned it thoroughly if your in a residential area should be reasonable time to avoid noise during sleeping hours etc. You’re not going to please everyone but meet us halfway by making it commonsensical. Geeesh we lacking roads as is and closing here there and everywhere simultaneously with every road having the same issue is crazy.
  • Info (21/11/2024, 17:15) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Crazy people running this country with more crazy people working under them but want independence
  • BVI/UK (21/11/2024, 18:15) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    They do not have proper engineering skills to do any road. It's times for government get contractors and engineers to fix these roads. All they're doing waisted material, time and money.
  • DownWest (22/11/2024, 00:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Maturity. Frazer is seasoned.
    Please crying shameful infrastructure so,they rushed out without a plan. They said they have been planning for months. Plans without the people in mine. Inhumane execution.
  • Random repairs (22/11/2024, 07:03) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Can anyone explain the sense in tearing up random sections of road just to lay unreinforced cement calling it a road? Are we really going to have a patchwork quilt of soon to be broken concrete after all this hassle and misery? It’s like a bunch of kids got Fisher Price my first public works department for Christmas early!
  • 2024 (22/11/2024, 08:09) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    what cant the road work be carried out 2 o’clock in the morning, just put down some lights

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