RiteWay hit by burglars again!
The perpetrators, three of them, were caught on surveillance camera.
According to information reaching our newsroom, it appears the men carted off with contents of a safe that they broke into and beverages. They also allegedly ransacked drawers and cabinets.
The discovery was reportedly made by an on-duty security guard shortly after 2:00am.
Masked men
The security guard reportedly became suspicious after he noticed two masked men coming from behind the building and running off into the dark of the night.
Upon investigating, he reportedly found smashed glass on the ground below a kitchen window.
It is believed the burglars gained access to the building via the said window.
There are also reports that the burglars attempted to take a number of bottled items, including soft beverages and alcohol, some of which fell as they exited the building.
Police are said to be investigating.

26 Responses to “RiteWay hit by burglars again!”
security see somene running and investigates. Call the police!!! don't investigate your self
I don't feel sorry 4 those big establishments. Maybe the thief's had good intentions of sell n them cheaper.
Did I miss something?