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Returning VI resident tests positive for COVID-19

- Infected individual placed in quarantine; Lone active case in VI
The Government of the Virgin Islands has reported there is one active case of COVID-19 in the territory; a returning female resident who has since been placed in quarantine. Photo: Internet Source
The announcement of the positive COVID-19 case was made last night, October 13, 2020, via social media.
The announcement of the positive COVID-19 case was made last night, October 13, 2020, via social media.
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The Government of the Virgin Islands has reported there is one active case of COVID-19 in the territory; a returning female resident who is in quarantine.

The announcement was made late Tuesday, October 13, 2020, via social media.

It is the lone active COVID-19 case in the Territory as there have been 70 recoveries and one death.

A total of 5461 persons in the Territory have been tested for the virus that causes COVID-19.

22 Responses to “Returning VI resident tests positive for COVID-19”

  • Hmm (14/10/2020, 07:59) Like (10) Dislike (4) Reply
    Why wasn’t she tested when she arrived - we would have known the result 14 days ago. We need to test on arrival.
    • x (14/10/2020, 10:46) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
      What could you have done if you had known 14 days ago. If she does not have any symptoms, it just has to run its course. She was in quarantine since she arrived.
  • x (14/10/2020, 08:18) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
    Returning from where? And not tested before leaving just asking
  • No (14/10/2020, 09:06) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
    Do not repeat this careless act. We are almost to the point of re-opening.
  • facts (14/10/2020, 09:18) Like (19) Dislike (2) Reply
    One can be tested upon arrival and show's no sign and symptoms. How ever they can development symptoms after which is within the14 days. We all have to learn to live with covid and not panic.
  • BVI (14/10/2020, 09:19) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
    Y'll aint see nothing yet, wait til December 1, when the tourists start coming. Something we must be ready for and to cope with. Country have to run.
  • Shouldn't happen (14/10/2020, 09:29) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
    How did she get on a flight without a certified negative test to come here.? . Hence we see the need to test on arrival with 3 days quarantine at a hotel or guest house of their choice since they are the one paying until their results are known.. Put all the certified boatding places and location online so teavellers can access and choose.....
    • @should not happen (14/10/2020, 10:42) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
      It does not make sense to have people quarantine at a hotel or guest house of their choice, that means people will be quarantined all over the territory exposing othet guest in these establishments.. The best thing is to have designated places specifically for quarantining.
  • trrefdrfds (14/10/2020, 09:37) Like (10) Dislike (3) Reply
    She came in with a negative test and was found positive after quarantine so they should tell the whole story.
    • x (14/10/2020, 10:55) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
      Doesn't mean she got infected here. Coming in with a negative test doesn't mean anything. She could have been infected 1 day before taking the first test, or even while waiting for the results.
      • @x (14/10/2020, 13:56) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
        Nobody is saying she got infected here, people are saying that nobody understands this virus therefore the stupid 14 day isolation and panic mode needs to stop. It means tests aren't fool proof and we are just messing up the economy over nonsense. Take care of the sick people and let us get on with our lives. We should of course continue our safety measures but let us live life!
  • Heckler (14/10/2020, 09:47) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    so 4 days will be enough for visitors?
  • Good Advisor (14/10/2020, 10:15) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    The impatience are quick to go in area, where even the Almighty anels fear to go. Think wisely before you move. Survey properly before you open your door wide open. Remember, "WE ARE NOT YET OUT OF THE (Covid-19) WOODS.
  • Cruising (14/10/2020, 10:34) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    Just wait for the cruise passengers! They will be in and out and leave Covid and winter flu in their wake, some without spending more than a few dollars. What's the cost benefit of opening for these short term guests?
  • vi (14/10/2020, 10:48) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    Good to know is she from the vi or island cuz no blog bashing island people
  • Follow the science (14/10/2020, 12:14) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    A person can come with negative test result or test negative upon arrival and test positive between 4 to 14 days later. The good thing is persons legally returning to the Territory are placed in mandatory quarantine for 14 days. However, when we reopen to allow visitors, coming with a negative test result and quarantining for only 4 days would be opening pandora's box because some may end up showing symptoms after that, shed the virus and nfect others or end up being a burden on our health care system if they become very sick.

    Even now among those of us living here people are not adhering to the rules of wearing their mask properly, by wearing it under the chin, mouth cover and nose exposed, or as soon as you go to talk to someone pulling the mask down to talk which is a no, no etc.

    Be vigilant everyone and don't let your guard down among family or friends. Wear your mask properly, keep hands clean and stay 6 ft apart when gathering.

  • trrefdrfds (14/10/2020, 13:52) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hello she was tested. Where she came from it was negative she had to show customs ok
  • Boo (14/10/2020, 15:29) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    So she came in negative and found positive at the end of 14 days quarantine and you guys really sure about this 4 day quarantine thing?
  • Regular flu (14/10/2020, 17:04) Like (3) Dislike (53) Reply
    You people don't think.if 70 out of 71 recovered how could it be deadly.Start thinking sheep's. Covid is just a common flu. And that one woman didn't die from covid either, FACTS.

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