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Return your extra provisioning grocery packages - Hon Malone

- says households that collected multiple packages have violated system
Deputy Premier and Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon Carvin Malone (AL) has issued a strong warning to households who may have collected multiple provisional grocery packages, to return the extra ones back to authorities. Photo: BVI Red Cross
According Hon Carvin Malone, homes were only supposed to receive a single assistance package instead of multiple from the various distributors. Photo: GIS/File
According Hon Carvin Malone, homes were only supposed to receive a single assistance package instead of multiple from the various distributors. Photo: GIS/File
Hon Malone said that while several in the territory may have benefited, the program was intended for those who needed and could not leave their homes because of the extended curfew (in spite of income level), so that they would not go hungry. Photo: Facebook/File
Hon Malone said that while several in the territory may have benefited, the program was intended for those who needed and could not leave their homes because of the extended curfew (in spite of income level), so that they would not go hungry. Photo: Facebook/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - Deputy Premier and Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon Carvin Malone (AL) has issued a strong warning to households who may have collected multiple provisional grocery packages, to return the extra ones to authorities.

"All recipients of territorial provisioning packages (groceries) are warned that the delivery to homes are being checked to verify that numerous packages (more than one) from either Government, FSN and Red Cross were not received by the same household," Hon Malone said in a social media update on Saturday, April 25, 2020.

He said while several in the Territory may have benefited, the programme was intended for those who needed and could not leave their homes because of the extended curfew (in spite of income level).

The BVI Red Cross and the Family Support Network (FSN) have been delivering groceries in addition to the Government's $2M assistance programme for basic food packages for seniors, the vulnerable, and those in need during the additional week of lockdown to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in the Territory.

The lockdown has been lifted today, April 27, 2020, and persons are allowed to shop for food supplies and essential items; however, a curfew will be in place from 1:00pm until 6:00am for the next 14 days.

One care package per household - Hon Malone

While Premier and Minister of Finance, Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1) has said no one would hungry during the period, many took to social media to complain about not getting through to the numbers provided by Government and charitable organisations for distributing food supplies and not getting supplies in general.

According to Honourable Malone, homes were only supposed to receive a single assistance package instead of multiple from the various distributors.

"Violators would be identified and contacted. You are encouraged to call 852-7688 and make arrangements to correct as there are families in need that have not been served," he said.

It is unclear what penalty would come for violating the system; however, some guilty of the offence have already taken to social media to complain that while they may be living under the same household with several others, they do not share groceries.

38 Responses to “Return your extra provisioning grocery packages - Hon Malone”

  • ha (27/04/2020, 10:32) Like (31) Dislike (3) Reply
    Return? HON Malone the days of honesty has long gone. Irma ain’t teach them, this covid 19 ain’t teaching teaching them. Sad how we’ve came as a people then wonder why we get hit by major hurricanes. If though it affected me as well, we had deserved Irma and some. May we her 2/3 Irma within one this year. Just star over The Whole country from Genesis…
  • lol (27/04/2020, 10:34) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    The child done drown
  • trergdffdg (27/04/2020, 10:34) Like (15) Dislike (4) Reply
    You have to blame who deliver the items. Because they must know who get from who didnt. They had a list. Soo
  • Eagle Eye (27/04/2020, 10:39) Like (7) Dislike (18) Reply
    The real food for the people now is who will be the deputy premier. Tell us Andrew from locking us down like animals.
  • Really (27/04/2020, 10:40) Like (10) Dislike (6) Reply
    Return what? we done pack away we goods and rations
    • To Really (27/04/2020, 15:39) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
      Dishonest and greedy people like you will never prosper in life. I know someone who lost their apartment after Irma and had to move in with someone else.....and the person who own the house signed up for the care package and they BOTH shared the groceries. I dont understand why some people had to be so greedy and signed up multiple times SMH
  • Inte. Analysis (27/04/2020, 10:45) Like (24) Dislike (0) Reply
    With the presence of CODVID 19 in our territory is that a safe thing to do? After all, we do not know where these were. I hope some of these dishonest persons who allegedly received multiple packages are ashamed of themselves. once identified, they should be asked to pay for any second delivery they wilfully received. The problem is because this was not established before the program, they are not legally required to do so.
    • voter (27/04/2020, 14:55) Like (6) Dislike (8) Reply
      Whatever starts bad will end bad.. why weren’t these packages delivered through the 9 elected representatives?? I am sure they know the persons in their districts.. why were they elected?? Just to collect tax payers money?? This was a chance for them to earn their pay!!! Bunch of Jokers..
  • The Reaper (27/04/2020, 10:55) Like (6) Dislike (8) Reply

    Holy $hit !!! U got to be joking ...Why say a thing like that...Our people are hungry..This on u. Your bad!!!! Life goes on. 6-1 Haaaaaaaaa !!!!

  • wellsa (27/04/2020, 10:55) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    This news early in the morning come on man, people received and from what i know the data was clocking in delivered and people didnt received any government packages besides the ones from Honourables and that was a blessings. If you believe it had dishonest persons it could be yes and no, because some of the dishonesty was the delivery persons not clocking in correct data then another team come in this same location and deliver and the same person come back out side and collect triple bags and aint say crap.
  • Trumpet (27/04/2020, 11:09) Like (13) Dislike (5) Reply
    Without haste and with urgency, deport the jobless migrants.
    Make a list, and roundup the ones who are now a liability.
    We must save ourselves, There are many among us with resources elsewhere . They have much but selfishly devour our last ,even depriving others who have nothing.
    America deporting.v They could make a fly by and pickup.
    Time to whittle down for our survival.
    • @Trumpet (27/04/2020, 11:56) Like (27) Dislike (0) Reply
      Agreed! The only thing though, some of our own people (B.V Islanders) who are in the USA, jobless and depending on Welfare handout, should be deported back to the BVI with haste and urgency to. They have lots of resources here. They should not become a liability to America who like us, must whittle down for its own survival. We must expect that what we give, we should be prepared to receive likewise.
      • @@Trumpet (27/04/2020, 12:11) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
        Absolutely!! And that is precisely what America is and has been doing. If there are VI liabilities there,they would have been deposited at Beef Island,long time. In order to be on Welfare in the US, I am sure they must be documented.
        and bonafide or else they will be seen as paupers relying on the State to be disposed of with no hesitancy. And VIslanders never have a reluctance to come home. They would be glad for the ride home.
        America deposited 62 Jamaicans at the Jamaican airport last week. Some bawlin long tears as they boarded a caged van for quarantine.
        • @@@ Trumpet (27/04/2020, 13:47) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
          Point taken but I have seen BV Islanders who were deported from the USA (illegally remaining there longer than what was authorized or who committed crimes there) over the years and are currently living amongst us. Most have turned their lives around). It doesn't really make news but believe me, I worked in a position to know. Do not think I am not in favor of what you wrote. I just want to show that we like to throw stones at others but when it is our turn to be stoned we cry foul.
  • Mavis (27/04/2020, 11:12) Like (10) Dislike (18) Reply
    I got 3 and I ain't returning NONEEEeeee, y'all will have to come fight it from me, miss Mavis seh so. I at Fahie hill.
    • @Mavis (27/04/2020, 11:23) Like (25) Dislike (2) Reply

      They will be taken,ten fold Ms Mavis. You and your children will pay. The Universe is a Mother F@&#*& when it comes to settling scores. Yes Mavis, enjoy now . Payback at leisure,big time.

    • Jones (27/04/2020, 11:47) Like (4) Dislike (18) Reply
      I stand with Mavis
      • @Jones (27/04/2020, 18:53) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
        You stand with her because birds of a feather sticks together. You are just as dishonest as she is. Give me the impression that she will snatch a lollipop out of a crying child’s tiny hands and keep on walking like it is no big deal.
    • @Mavis (27/04/2020, 14:04) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
      Greed is truly fuel for badminded people like you. No wonder you so sick!
      • Sure (27/04/2020, 17:49) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
        Mavis is one of those down Island Garrots that came here to fleece the Government.She never had it so good until she landed on the BVI shores. Big upgrade from the dirt floor one room galvernize shack she grew up in. Mr. Primer you say 7%, I say that is to little, 10%.
    • @Mavis (27/04/2020, 15:47) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      Thank you for giving up your address and where you can be found. I will be paying you a visit with a tranquilizer and a cage to escort you back to the jungle due to the fact that you are not fully trained as a human or to live in the human world. I hope you Holler NONEEEEEE, when KARMA put a foot up you know what. MAVIS, word of advise. Sometimes it is simply best to keep those lips zipped. 9 out of ten, it backfires. Think about that.
      • @Mavis (27/04/2020, 18:44) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
        What a wicked thing to do, what a wicked thing to say. I bet you are one of the demons that is in the church every Sunday calling on god for his mercies.god don’t like or condone wrong doing.
        You truly are wicked and selfish. What goes around always comes right back around. What goes up, always comes down. Good Eats, enjoy your 3 bags of food.
    • lmao (27/04/2020, 16:04) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply

      Can someone please dispatch the Psych squad with a straight jacket and a muzzle to Fahie Hill and pick up a unstable subject that goes by the name of Ma**is for a 72 hour lock down and Psych evaluation.

    • Really (27/04/2020, 19:17) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      There's no mavis living at Fahie hill, that person is a troll
  • Hmm (27/04/2020, 11:43) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
    Return y????? I got a 8 member household and u hunk a bang from u can carry us tru a week. I got another from FSN that helped better. So cut it, it’s Ben said wrong. Is ahyo lock is down the extra week
  • Hmm (27/04/2020, 11:58) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    The staff that was distributing during irma took all the good stuff and was giving crap to people .Nothing was done about that. Well at least people should return if they have a small household.
  • Hmm (27/04/2020, 12:01) Like (6) Dislike (17) Reply
    Tell that to the island people if them could’ve send food down island like the money they woupd
  • @hmm (27/04/2020, 14:00) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Stop trying to be important. You are not. Bet you are the ones who blog just because of nothing and check every ten minutes to see how many "likes" you get. Go get a life! and check to see how many likes you got. You make Intelligent BV Islanders look dunce!
  • Return what.. (27/04/2020, 14:09) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    U all messed up....if you all did put the right people and prpper process in place that wouldnt happen..
  • @Mavis 2 (27/04/2020, 14:27) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
    You on here bragging about how you get soo much and not sending back any, am sure you are among the set of down islanders calling the Government the devil for charging an extra 7% for sending money back home. Look how life is now the Premier said that even non local would benefit from this money down the road, but you are benefiting way ahead of time. Some people nature is just pure evil.
  • Come on (27/04/2020, 14:36) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    D delivery people them know exactly what they were doing don't make them Fool u Mr Primer so don't blame d people
  • Stuck (27/04/2020, 14:38) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    I got stuck here before the lock down and I need to go home to look after my I'll mom. Please premier organize something so we can get home
  • vinzen (27/04/2020, 23:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    We had people who did not receive anything.
  • I left it for those who need (28/04/2020, 11:22) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    I find it interesting that there in not much blogs expressing outrage at these greedy individuals. so that tells me not much is going to come of this. the minister takes his cue from what is going on in the community.
  • FATSO (28/04/2020, 17:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Da ben sold. Nice $$$

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