Retired UK police chief Mark Collins to reportedly head RVIPF

The man given the nod to replace Commissioner of the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF), Mr Michael B. Matthews, who is scheduled to exit the RVIPF in the first quarter of 2021, is Chief Constable of Dyfed-Powys Police Mr Mark Collins, QPM, who on December 14, 2020, announced his intention to retire during early Spring 2021.
Interviewed by Police Service Commission
According to our sources, Mr Collins was interviewed by the Police Service Commission and recommended to the Governor, Mr Augustus J. U. Jaspert, for hire.
Dyfed-Powys Police Department in a press release to announce Mr Collins’ intended retirement, said he started his policing career as a Special Constable with Sussex Police in 1985 but returned to his home force in 1987 and continued to volunteer on the front line until joining the Metropolitan Police in 1991.
Mr Collins has been Chief Constable of Dyfed-Powys Police for some years.
Dyfed-Powys Police said under Mr Collins’ watch, Dyfed-Powys Police has led the way in the development of digital crime investigation and scientific support, with an investment in staff into these departments in recent years.
These specialist units, it said, have both been hailed as leading in their fields, and central to the success of a number of significant investigations.
Mr Collins, who was awarded the Queen’s Policing Medal in the New Year’s Honours List 2020, has also held the national portfolio on policing and mental health, and in more recent years has also led UK policing in understanding and tackling group based child sexual exploitation, according to Dyfed-Powys Police.
No blacks or locals seriously considered for CoP
Meanwhile, our sources had also informed us that no locals or blacks were seriously considered for the post of Commissioner of Police.
The one popular local and female officer that persons felt could have filled the position, Jacqueline E. Vanterpool, did not apply, according to the same sources.

64 Responses to “Retired UK police chief Mark Collins to reportedly head RVIPF”
Good riddance to Maverick Mick, Gus’s Sycophantic Sidekick with no back bone nor competence. Let them both sail off into the sunset together. FINALLY! Rac**t Big**s.
We see you.
Clearly a white sycophant or wife of theirs.
Sooner the two clowns micky mouse n gormless gus leave the better. Racist bigot freeloaders.
Can’t wait for worst commissioner & worst governor ever to leave!
We’re sick to death of employing rac**ts.
Answer: for an all expense paid vacation while at the same time keeping an eye on the natives.
Again we wonder if there weren't colored senior officers capable of serving in this position. And of course the same for the position of governor.
Moreover, the UK is the Sovereign country with VI being a client territory. The UK shares governing with the VI. The UK (Governor) is responsible for a)external affairs, b)deference (Governor Commander-in-Chief?), c)internal security including RVIPF, d)Court admin and e)Civil Service; local government, everything else, including finance. It seems like a convoluted, disjointed process. For example, VI taxpayers mostly fund the RVIPF yet administrative and operational control fall under the Governor. At the next constitutional review, government needs to strongly advocate for more autonomy, including RVIPF, civil service, Governor reduced reserve power, change in process (assenting) in how bills become law, Governor membership in Cabinet, Premier key spokesperson for territory on local issues, adding Senate in addition to HOA(bicameral), realigning of electoral districts, increasing number of ministerial positions, referendum on independence.........etc.
Further, as Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore first Premier/Prime Minister and still the guiding spirit, summoned and inspired his countrymen/women to strive for the stars despite lack of resources by employing talent, intelligence, discipline and ingenuity so too must VI leaders summon their compatriots to plan and prepare for self-determination, including independence, as provided for in UN charter for non-self-governing territories. It must get to a position that there are always a cadre of quailed local personnel for every position in the VI.
[Lets lead like eagles, not careen off the cliff like buffaloes]
It is not enough to want, to dream and to hope for something. Goals and objectives require proactive planning and planning execution to be realized. Reactions, reactive planning, are temporary and costly. Poor planning piss poor performance. The BVI is resource poor with human capital being its most important resource. Nevertheless, it has not effectively and targetedly invested in and on it. At this stage, the BVI should have had an embarrassment of riches/qualified people to fill all positions. Its challenge should be who is best qualified and the best fit for the job, not scrambling to find someone that meets the minimum qualifications.
The BVI is disappointingly lagging, not much ground gained and must do better or remain dependent on others. You mention Lee Kuan Lee. He was Singapore transformational leader, leading it from Third World to First World status in an impressive short time. Though Singapore was small and resource poor, he did through planning and education. The BVI is poor boasting, thumping its chest on its standard of living , quality of life and per capita income but it needs to take a sober look at urgently strengthening its structural weaknesses if it wants to join the league of independent nations. It needs to some work wading into this deep ocean. It must be able to feed, protect, secure, govern......etc itself before diving in.
Sensing opportunity, the UK started to take note and started the gentrification process. The process started with the attempted capturing of Wickhams Cay and 3/4 of Anegada for a 199 years through a one-sided, lose-lose deal for the BVI and its people in a lease to UK company Kenneth Bates-Hill. The agitation against the deal by Noel Lloyd and Positive Action Movement save and kept Wickhams Cay and Anegada in Virgin Islanders hands. Now, capitalizing on opportunity, the UK through a networking pipeline is occupying positions in BVI and other OTs, rotating from OT to another.
The pipeline works because the BVI inadequately invested in and trained its people to take up any position in the territory. As Diaspora 3D/360 noted, the BVI should have had an abundance of riches in regards to a cadre of highly qualified personnel. Nonetheless, thus far, this has not happen. The BVI needs to expedite the process to make things happen. Never again should it be wondering what happen. Plan,plan, plan to give the most important resource——people—-the opportunity to take up positions. Reroute that pipeline elsewhere.
Local officers are going to be at a disadvantage but if they have the basic qualifications and a little experience then they should be given the chance even if they are Down Islanders because most of the more experience officers in the force are Belongers.
If our current deputies don't have the omph to reach higher and aren't training themselves to take the position why are we all bitching??
Howere we have a lot of matter to be resloved or we will meet in the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court of Justice.
I am suggesting to you to follow the law, i will be monitoring you. Should you request any assistance pertaining to the law. Please to do hesitate to contact me. Please request my telephone number from the Governor or the COP.
I am affording you an opportunity before we go anywhere. We shall have a glass of red wine together. I will warnd you that i have MI 6 training.
Then we must understand that those white Commissioners did not chose themselves. They were recommended by a locally appointed Police Service Commission. I do not understand people making noise for Superintendent Jackie Vanterpool when she herself decided not to apply for the position. She must know something about herself that we do not know. Then we have a Deputy Commissioner now for the past 9 years. He must be Deputy for life, send him home and make room for someone else. A man who is Deputy for 9 years and cannot make the top is useless.
The Commissioner do not have to be a police. He just have to be a good leader with strategic vision who understand the issues facing the Community and the police force put policies in place to deal with them and is able to get the best out of his men.
I can clearly see what the Premier is talking about. From a bird sanctuary to a country that can support itself and no assistance from Britain, why should we continue to be subjected to British authoritarian rule. Those who are criticizing the Premier for fighting for his people should bury their heads in shame. This is what we should be fighting against. I cannot wait for the Union Jack to be lowered from over our heads in the territory and hand it to the Governor to take to Britain and we become a free nation. Long Lives the Virgin Islands