Residents told to desist from burning garbage

Fire & Rescue kept busy with open burning
Some of these burnings have resulted in the need for the Virgin Islands Fire and Rescue Services to be called in, Chief Fire Officer Mr Zebalon A. McLean has disclosed.
He said between March 27, 2020 and March 31, 2020 alone, the department had responded to 13 calls from the public, several which had to do with open burning, in addition to persons breaking curfew to be burning on locations away from their homes.
Giving an account on JTV News on April 1, 2020, Mr McLean said: “Two were calls for medical assistance, two were to fire alarms, one was for a pole fire, one was controlled burning and there were two calls that were backyard burning that got completely out of control, the guys had to chase them down."
He added there were five other calls that were deemed smoke disturbances.
"Persons were burning garbage in their yards and they were causing problems for their neighbours."
The Government of the Virgin Islands has implemented a house to hose waste collection system during the lockdown period.
The Department of Waste Management (DWM) has since notified the public that waste collection will be done on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and persons are encouraged to place their garbage outside of their household between 6:00am and 7:00am on the given days.
Be considerate of others
In appealing to persons to cease and desist from such practices, Mr McLean stated, "I understand that at this time it is difficult with the garbage but we have been given the guidelines for garbage maintenance and disposal in the interim."
He added, "I urge everybody, I am not sure what your attitude is towards your neighbours but there are persons who have respiratory related problems and also even if you don't, it is very difficult to breath with the smoke coming into the house and lingering in your clothes and in your furniture."
The Fire Chief admonished, "Think about the people around you. I understand that it is a bit difficult but you can’t afford to make persons sick. We are dealing with COVID-19. Can you imagine us being successful in squashing this ailment and then you have several persons whose health and lives have been compromised simply because of something that could have been avoided?"

26 Responses to “Residents told to desist from burning garbage”
Do you rather be stuck in a hospital bed or sick feet under than at home for 2 weeks?
When decisions were made to over populate our islands, it’s obvious that no thought was given to:
1. more traffic resulting in the road infrastructure decay;
2. water supply reduction;
3. strain on electricity supply;
4. increased demand on food supply;
I’m not condoning the actions of burning at home but realistically speaking; At present, having to face this pandemic people will take desperate measures and burn garbage around their place of residence when given the opportunity; especially if their mindset is NOT that of being a good steward for their place of residence.
Our islands are now repeating havoc and will continue to repeat havoc if mindsets are not changed. Research the story of EASTER ISLAND. For those of us born and raised in what was once our beautiful Virgin Islands will understand what was; and what is happening now.
The mindset of the people were once loving and kind to each other but then, money, greed, power and a dire need to be in authority entered minds and the needs of our people were thrown outside the window. STOP INCREASING THE DA.. POPULATION.
BVI elected officials - Use this time to assess the need of our islands. Again research the story of what happened to EASTER ISLAND located in the pacific ocean. If that does not trigger your thoughts for implementing corrective measures, then read the book of Isaiah, especially Isaiah 1:7.
NUFF SAID for now.
So you expect the BVI population to remain the same as in 1920. OMG Tortola People makes me shame
In the future,when you are coming to the public,please identify the statutory law,defining that burning of garbage is a criminal offence,under the law of the BVI..
Because,if someone burn garbage and the smoke affected me medically,I have the right file a civil suit against the person..
But I call on the fire chief to point out to the public the section of the law,which creates the offence of burning garbage. [Is it arson under the Criminal Code?]
If it Arson, Then call the police to arrest them!
there must be an offence in the law books of the BVI.
So,charge them for the offence,because I will sue them for burning garbage in my neighbourhood.