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Residents need to be equipped for Cruise Pier project - commentator

Commentator and People's Patriotic Alliance (PPA) political candidate Natalio Wheatley aka Sowande Uhuru has suggested that government needs to prepare its citizens properly if it intends to sell the Cruise Pier Development Project. Photo: VINO/File
Wheatley talked about residents needing access to micro loans in order to properly benefit from the project and said that the persons behind the project have a good talk in selling the project but have effectively failed to prepare the people of the Territory who should ultimately benefit. Photo: VINO/File
Wheatley talked about residents needing access to micro loans in order to properly benefit from the project and said that the persons behind the project have a good talk in selling the project but have effectively failed to prepare the people of the Territory who should ultimately benefit. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Commentator and People's Patriotic Alliance (PPA) political candidate Natalio Wheatley aka Sowande Uhuru has suggested that government needs to prepare its citizens properly if it intends to sell the Cruise Pier Development Project.

He talked about residents needing access to micro loans in order to properly benefit from the project and said that the persons behind the project have a good talk in selling the project but have effectively failed to prepare the people of the Territory who should ultimately benefit.

“What we need our leaders to do is to ensure that our people are equipped to be able to capitalise on the opportunities… they have the resources to be able to help the people,” he stated on a recent Open Mic radio programme.

He added that the project should not be done in such a way that persons who are just trying to get themselves started in businesses are forced to compete against millionaires and billionaires or faced with the option of being chided about not seizing the opportunities made available.

“In order to have the facts, the people who are responsible for the [cruise pier] development have to be honest enough to put the facts out there,” host of the programme Julio S. Henry stated. He noted that this would allow residents to better form their opinions based on what they have been told.

Henry suggested that a destination should not be built within a destination to sell the Virgin Islands. “You don’t build a destination on the cruise pier, you build a destination because the BVI is a destination. So, forty million dollars shouldn’t go into the cruise pier development; it should go into downtown Road Town; it should go into Cane Garden Bay…” he stated.

He further suggested that once the port project has been completed, ordinary residents and business owners would only be able to access what the investors want them to.

13 Responses to “Residents need to be equipped for Cruise Pier project - commentator”

  • the rock (14/08/2013, 07:51) Like (0) Dislike (6) Reply
    why don't u two guys put up the 40 million and let this thing get started cause the people of the 4th awaits for the development!
    • rattie (14/08/2013, 08:08) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
      why the hell they should because they are speaking truth to power?
  • . (14/08/2013, 08:06) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    This guy is soft because he don't complain when he's on cromwell show, i wonder why?
  • Madness (14/08/2013, 10:34) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply

    Why Government have to do everything? Why people don't stop buying $h1t, cars, jewels, rims, taking care of women who don't even like them, making it rain in the strip club etc. Every $%&^g thing is Government man ya'll make the damn dog sick!!! Save your money and invest then maybe, just maybe Government can pickup the shortfall but it doesn't have to start with Government. Where will the money come from? People done balling bout paying back their student loan and mortgages to National Bank you want them issue loans again? Our people sick!!

  • trrefdrfds (14/08/2013, 10:46) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    this guy is soft in truth but he is so accurately correct in this article that i think we all should pay keen attention to what he is saying. i am not fond of him in politics but what is being said here is very vital to our future as simple as it may seem. He has just brought to the light a little dark agenda that our so call government either overlooked or want to take advantage of when the time was right.
  • shaw (14/08/2013, 11:21) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    I agree with both the hosts. BVI is the destination, not a shopping mall which could be on St Thomas or Miami. It is contained which means it is not the most inviting to all. put that $40 Mil into cleaning the island, cleaning the beaches, quit developing natural areas you anticipate visitors to want. why do they want to go shopping on a beach? Why is VG in the top 10 destinations when it is smaller than tortola. They have NATURAL resources and it is cleaner. Main Street should be preserved as a pedestrian walk way. History plaques put up, maps and historical interest brochures, The cruise ship dock is only going to make a few filthy rich and BVI will be left with the debt. The cruise ship dock area should be small scale and BVI oriented, not another chain store development.
  • Chris (14/08/2013, 13:34) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Wait a minute...No they are not trying to put a Fairest Wheel on the Cruise Pier... This plan looks just like the Santa Monica Pier in Los Angeles California... They trying to take a page out of West California... Now I just want to know if they realized that the BVI...have a lot of hurricane and that Salt water do a lot of steel.. I wonder if they are ready to pay thousands or hundred of thousand of Dollars every month for maintenance. They just can't expect to build something so extravagant as that picture and not have a maintenance back up funding plan..
    • GoonSquad (14/08/2013, 15:22) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
      Where were you when the plan was revised? Geezzze man!! so long the ferris wheel was taken out of that plan. I for one wish it had stayed in. Some of us still living in the 18th centurary. There is a group of young people who do not wish to live overseas we have to think about. Do they not deserve anything to look forward to? Exactly who are we building this country for? I thought it was for them.
      • Chris (14/08/2013, 15:46) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
        Yes, we all don't wish to live overseas...but there is so many people that own land and don't want to give it up or they want to the price of being a rich before they can live happy... so to move going to be hard. But like the Comment GoonSquad.
  • xxxxxxxx (14/08/2013, 15:56) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    i agree with the boy
  • my two cents (16/08/2013, 06:55) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply

    How the hick we can equip ourselves and we do not know a $h1t about the project?

  • Profound Virgin Islander (19/08/2013, 15:16) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    I concur with this article. Sowande Uhuru, I admire your depth, wisdom and courage. You are truly a blessing in disguise....thank you for being the bold, outspoken man that you are. I know you're misunderstood and criticized by many but find comfort in knowing that Christ too was crucified so.....keep doing what you do, and continue holding your head high because many of us are glad to know we (Virgin Islanders) have a voice out there. Please, please stay strong....we're here with you.

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