Residents fedup with garbage overflow in East End & Trellis Bay
It appears as if garbage is collected once per day from these areas, however they quickly fill up by half the day and it leaves an unsightly and deplorable situation for residents and visitors alike.
Most often garbage is placed on the side of the trash can overflowing that leads to rats, local chicken and other rodents and insects going into the bins looking for food.
Department of Solid Waste to investigate
Virgin Islands News Online (VINO) reached out to Mr Marcus E. Solomon, Director of Waste Management for a comment regarding this issue.
He informed that the overflow is most times due to the “misuse” of the garbage bins by both commercial entities and households, as well as the placing of garbage in those bins on days not designated for pickup.
For the Christmas period in 2024 two pick up runs were done with most utilising his own staff to do those extra runs, Mr Solomon said, as this time of year more garbage is normally produced.
“I would have worked with my staff to get them to go those extra runs to address the overflows at that time,” he said. Now garbage pick up is back to its regular schedule.
As to the current situation in East End and Trellis Bay, “We will look into it to see what is really causing it in those areas...and we [will] do our own investigations as well; if it’s due to the contractors not picking up on time we will liaise with the contractor to have that attended to,” he added.
10 Responses to “Residents fedup with garbage overflow in East End & Trellis Bay”
Bad management at the highest level from the top to the bottom. You all really allowing this once safe and the most beautiful place on earth really turn to a *&^% hole place. . Stop sleeping voters. Running a country is a business not a show..Hope one day we have a new party that really care about country and its people.
Garage bins..