Researching before revealing
When Voice of the People is Choice for the People: With persons meeting and asking me about the absence of my regular column I should be flattered but while I appreciate the fact that you have been reading them it is more important that you understand the message… This mission must not be just talk for the sake of talking but a factual supply of information for critical thinking on the way to making informed decisions.
We are all aware of the Social decline of our country and deep suffering of our people, however, those wishing to refer to me as ’Voice of the People’ should not ignore that it was the decision and right of the electorate not to reinstate me as the ‘Official Voice of the People’… Under those conditions it seems more appropriate for me to focus on providing real truth for the youth.
This makes it so important that things I say, do and tell you are true and accurate that up until you requested the scheduled article I intended to await crucial information from ongoing research… These topics are too important for the credibility of the pursued information to be downplayed or circumvented so the most I can do - out of respect for you - is mention 2 of these areas:
#1… Before Blaming the Health Services Authority or Minister of Health:
You are already aware of the practice by Labour Department and BVI Health Services Authorities to block or remove our recruited staff but this worsened when a Senior Officer at the Labour Department has half apologized that within the past few weeks new impediments were being maliciously used to block applications for medical staff for our companies.
While such institutionalized corruption is neither new nor unheard off, the part being researched is the allegation that this was done personally by the Minister of Health and Senior Personnel of the Health Services Authority… He also apologized that I had not been told but he was assured that the applicants had been formally notified of this ‘new requirement’. - Research is in progress.
#2… Before Believing an Official Willingness to Hurt the Less Fortunate:
As you know for many, many years I have entertained musically in order to provide for charities - whether to provide scholarships or assist the young, elderly and other charities – so it is troubling to hear that those in power and authority would try to prevent this from continuing – whether I am playing to do this or personally create the opportunities… Research is in progress.
Are You or Are You Not for Sale?
Things are getting rougher and as a people held ransomed by bank loans, living expenses and other transient bills it is easy to understand that with Government and its agencies being the largest BVI employer we are forced or coerced into being silent sheep for fear of losing crumbs that may trickle down to our level – In this way we have become the property of governments.
This is reality so instead of getting upset because you think that by saying ‘I am not for Sale’ it implies that you are, you should face the truth and admit that knowingly or unknowingly, you have been sold… Furthermore we do this to ourselves every election as we fight and fuss for the opportunity to sell ourselves for hot air and empty promises while claiming imaginary freedom.
This universal oppressive agenda to silence sources of information is not accidental so it should be no surprise that they feel no need to listen to us since where they are concerned, the more uninformed and ignorant we are, the greedier they can become thus making it much easier to buy us and sell us… Colonial history has programmed us to accept and react without research.
Think about it… Three out of every four years you are used, abused and treated like nobodies and then on the 4th and final year you are wined and dined and kissed behind to get you fooled and ruled - Meanwhile, special interest persons of groups give your party $10,000 - $50,000 - Now, is it so hard to realize they have bought you along with all your rights and privileges until next election?
Is it not time to realize that refusal to face reality is never a virtue – After all, the Pope selected 8 Cardinals to modernize the Church because he acknowledges the failures of Religion and President Obama refuses to entertain Cruz’s demands because he knows shutting down the economy harms the poor more so, Why is it so hard for us to research, reason and react for the better?
PS:… I will continue addressing some of your Questions & Comments on Live BVP Radio Programmes
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