Report: Adina Donovan Home stretched to its limit
“Since the inception of the Home, the increasing demand for elderly care service has continuously contributed to an over increase in resident with cancer to the mouth cannot chew properly and his condition has to be evaluated daily. This is a challenge for both the nurses and cooking staff because his nutritional needs must be met,” the report, which was laid in the House of Assembly on July 3, 2012, revealed.
The report further stated that several patients have terminal diagnosis and require care beyond the scope of what the current staff can provide.
“...because of the great demand for these services within the Territory, the Home has been forced to provide more advanced medical care services which falls beyond the scope of its services and creates a serious challenge for the administrative staff.”
The report also pinpointed the need for a bigger facility, since the existing two storied building located on Main Street in Road Town, is not conducive for residents and staff.
Furthermore, the current ramp being used at the facility to move residents from the top floor needs restructuring to become more wheelchair friendly.
"It is very difficult to push the residents up the steep incline and only the male workers are able to accomplish this task. The steps to the facility are concrete and most of our residents cannot use this passageway safely,” the report highlighted.
In addition to that, the current structure does not allow for safe evacuation of residents in case of an emergency. “This problem has been identified and solutions suggested, but the structure of the building does not allow modification of the current doorways.”
According to the report, in addition to the space limitation, the environment of the facility lacks modern equipment resources necessary for residential care and the facility also exhibits many hazardous elements which if not addressed in a timely manner can generate potential threats to the lives of both staff and residents.At the moment, the Home is accommodating 13 males and 11 females.

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