Repeated absentee juror Keron Scatliffe fined
The accused Mr Keron Scatliffe was said to have been absent on previous occasions without giving the required notice and this did not go down well with the court and especially the Judge.
"Mr Everad Scatliffe could you stand please? I understand that you are related to Mr. Scatliffe?" asked Justice Byer.
Everad Scatliffe responded in the affirmative and said that to the best of his knowledge his relative Keron Scatliffe was on Island as at today December 11, 2014. Further asked if he had any knowledge if Keron Scatliffe was served notice to attend today's sitting for the closing of the December assizes, the present Scatliffe said that he knew he was served for a sitting but could not say if it was indeed for today's proceedings.
"Well Mr Scatliffe I am making it very clear unfortunately some people seem to think that jury duty is a bother but it is a civic duty and I understand that Mr Scatliffe has taken a pattern of absenting himself in this assize so therefore I am fining Mr Scatliffe one last time because he would not probably be on a list when we sit in January but I am fining Mr Scatliffe $100 to be paid by Monday [December 15, 2014]," ordered the Judge.

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