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Reparations: Barbados task force sets sights on UK families who owned slave plantations

- British tabloid accused of deceptive campaign to concoct narrative surrounding reparations campaign
David Comissiong, Deputy Chairperson of the National Task Force on Reparations, however, has had cause to issue a statement on January 2, 2023, in the Barbados Nation, in response to British newspaper articles about Barbados’ reparations campaign on other families it plans to target. Photo: Internet Source
Meanwhile, the Barbados National Task Force on Reparations believes that the historical facts pertaining to the Drax family are more than clear to support a Reparations claim. Photo: Internet Source
Meanwhile, the Barbados National Task Force on Reparations believes that the historical facts pertaining to the Drax family are more than clear to support a Reparations claim. Photo: Internet Source
Third District Representative and Opposition Leader, Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3) laid down the gauntlet to the primary school students in a speech on the death of the Queen in September 2022 that they too must seek reparations. Photo: Facebook/JTV
Third District Representative and Opposition Leader, Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3) laid down the gauntlet to the primary school students in a speech on the death of the Queen in September 2022 that they too must seek reparations. Photo: Facebook/JTV
BRIDGETOWN, Barbados – The Barbados National Task Force on Reparations is turning its sights on families who once owned slave plantations in the Caribbean island, singling out the Drax family connected to UK Conservatory MP, Richard Drax.

According to The Guardian, the country’s task force has determined that this particular family had a near 400 year uninterrupted presence in Barbados as owners and operators of a slave plantation called the Drax plantation, inclusive of the famous Drax Hall Plantation. 

Deceptive campaign by British tabloid 

David Comissiong, Deputy Chairperson of the  National Task Force on Reparations, however, has had cause to issue a statement on January 2, 2022, in the Barbados Nation, in response to British newspaper articles about Barbados’ reparations campaign on other families it plans to target.

This comes after international news had broken that Barbados also planned to target the family of Benedict Cumberbatch, a British-born actor as part of its campaign.

“It is clear to me that Britain’s Daily Telegraph newspaper has commenced upon a mission to concoct its own narrative about Barbados’ Reparations Campaign."

"Indeed, the Daily Telegraph’s modus operandi seems to be to interview Barbadian parties associated with the Reparations Campaign and then to quote answers out of context, thereby effectively putting words in one’s mouth,” Comissiong said. 

He said as part of the technique in the Daily Telegraph, a journalist asked him if Barbados intends to pursue a Reparations claim against the family of someone named Benedict Cumberbatch.

Answers taken out of context - Comissiong

"And when one answers that one does not know who Benedict Cumberbatch is nor anything about his family’s supposed involvement in slavery in Barbados, that answer is reported as my having asserted that Barbados has not ruled out pursuing a Reparations claim against Mr Cumberbatch and his family!,” Commission added.

Meanwhile, the Barbados National Task Force on Reparations believes that the historical facts pertaining to the Drax family are more than clear to support a Reparations claim.

It is against this background that the issue of a possible Reparations claim against the current owner of the Drax Hall Plantation and a leading representative of the Drax Family has been referred by the Task Force to higher governmental authorities.

Students tasked with seeking reparations 

Meanwhile, within the Virgin Islands, one legislator Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3) faced community backlash in September 2022, after tasking students of the Ebenezer Thomas Primary School to seek reparations for slavery and make independence a reality as part of their duties as the next generation of Virgin Islanders. 

A month before on August 1, 2022, during Emancipation observances in the VI, Hon Fraser in a social media post said even as the territory celebrated its various emancipation events, it will never be fully emancipated until Britain pays up reparations to the descendants of slaves.

Hon Fraser has told students that topics like reparations and independence will be their responsibility in the future and it is something they must pursue.  

23 Responses to “Reparations: Barbados task force sets sights on UK families who owned slave plantations ”

  • HMMM (04/01/2023, 10:25) Like (3) Dislike (17) Reply
    Time for the BVI to wake up!!
    • Problems (04/01/2023, 12:22) Like (5) Dislike (4) Reply
      but the BVI got very rich well the main families did, so who would get the money, the rich families???
    • Rubber Duck (04/01/2023, 13:52) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Yes, lets go after the family of the biggest slave trader of them all
  • hmm (04/01/2023, 10:40) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    Take it to court and see what happens
  • ok (04/01/2023, 12:21) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    as a white guy from the UK I think this is the way to go, go after the families directly not the governments, even though the families are all linked to the governments probably. These are the people who made generational wealth from your ansestors and should not pay, but who gets what is the big question that will be hard to answer. Perhaps a pot of money for land purchases and education fees.
    • Quiet Storm (04/01/2023, 14:01) Like (2) Dislike (14) Reply
      Both government and companies are accountable. Government legally sanctioned slavery so it is not without fault and obligation to make descendants whole.
  • E. Leonard (04/01/2023, 13:35) Like (12) Dislike (9) Reply
    African slaves were victims of the worst Holocaust in history. Slavery was the greatest forced migration of people in human history; they were captured and transported under horrific conditions in cramped ships (liked packed sardines) from Africa to the Americas with no opportunity to returning to their families( separated forever). Their labour was exploited, land expropriated, treated as field animals, dehumanized, abused, raped, separated from families with no hope of returning, culture, religion, customs, heritage slaughtered; etc, psychologically and physiologically traumatized, deprive of education, etc. Slave labour built and enriched the UK’s and other European, US economies; slave labour create great wealth for countries and individuals. However, neither slaves nor their descendants have benefitted from the fruits of slave labour. Moreover, the UK treasury appropriated £20M in 1833 under the Abolition Act to compensate slave owners for lost of chattel property ( France demanded 159,000,000 France in 1821 for lost of chatel property). Nevertheless, neither slaves nor descendants have gotten a ‘hapeney’ or a simple apology. Other injured groups, ie, Jews(Holocaust) , American Indians, Japanese(for internment during WWII), Mau Mau, etc, have gotten reparations so why should not slaves descendants? Reparations are made in compensation for wrongs committed an injured group of people. Reparations are not just cash awards but can also include development grants, setting up pogrammes(education, health, social services), grants/low-no interest loans, debt forgiveness, land grants, assistance in developing socioeconomic, political, competitive national empowerment plan, etc. The Anglo-Caribbean region still reels from the psychological traumas, pathologies legacies of colonialism and slavery.
    • asking a question (04/01/2023, 13:58) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
      mr Leonard.
      pls coreect me if im wrong, ( and I may well be) were the lands in the BVI handed over to the slaves once their ' owners" left the territory ??
      a real question which I hope you are able to answer for me.
      • Curious (04/01/2023, 16:49) Like (3) Dislike (15) Reply
        What is your point? Trying to create some mischief? Why don’t you provide your name so we know who is trying to create mischief?
    • Undercover Observer (04/01/2023, 14:10) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      A reasoned post on slavery, colonialism and reparations. Reparative justice is needed for slave descendants. Often anti-reparationists always roll the the canard that Blacks want a cash hand out. Your additions to cash payments are on point.
    • Free Handout (04/01/2023, 16:46) Like (12) Dislike (19) Reply
      Leonard, you not tired begging for a free hand out from people who worked hard for wealth and who had nothing to do with slavery. Give it a rest man, for slavery was over 400 years ago. Take a seat and go write nonsense about something else. I hope the UK does not bend to fleecing and pic pocketing. You all are a bunch of ungratefuls. Did not the UK provide you engrate with an education and other services. The UK should ask for a refund from you engrates.
      • Josiahsbay (04/01/2023, 18:30) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
        It's not a free hand out it's a debt owed; Strange that you would say they worked hard for wealth our forebearers worked harder for nothing, except pain and anguish and death. The UK provided nothing that didn't serve their interest. Their aid model was to give a dollar but extract a hundred.
    • Ne Timeas (04/01/2023, 18:36) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
      Ed, good points. But I particularly like the following quote from the blog: “ Other injured groups, ie, Jews(Holocaust) , American Indians, Japanese(for internment during WWII), Mau Mau, etc, have gotten reparations so why should not slaves descendants? It is an understatement to say that slavery was injurious to slaves and their descendants. So what is the point in denying reparations to slave descendants? Well, slaves/Blacks were categorized as a underclass, ranking at the bottom of racial socially acceptance and only useful to serve and comfort of Whites. Their force labour built White wealth for whites while Blacks remain impoverished. It is time for reparative justice for slaves descendants.
    • E.Leonard (04/01/2023, 19:16) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
      The following parenthetical clause: “ ( France demanded 159,000,000 France in 1821 for lost of chatel property) should have read France demanded a 150,000,000 francs from Haiti in 1821 for lost of its highly profitable sugar and tobacco industry and chattel property. France was punished, ostracized and isolated for getting uppity, defeating a larger French force, becoming the first Black independent republic in the western hemisphere. It is the first time that slaves successfully revolted against the slave masters and won. For its effort and success, Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere and is a living hell. Haiti too is well-deserving of reparations from France, etc.
      • haitian (05/01/2023, 19:51) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Haiti’ is still suffering from European countries, along with the US, undermining Haiti’s sovereignty through might is right isolation,,punishment and isolation for pursuing their right of self-determination, freedoms and the blessings of liberty that their citizens were are enjoying. Blacks and slaves are viewed as lower than dirt and therefore Haitians should have get-low, instead of fighting suppression, oppression and exploitation to become the first independent Black republic in the Westren hemisphere. Haitians and Haiti was exploited and Brie bested for that. Where are the reparations for Haiti from France and French companies engaged in Slavery?
    • Quiet Rebel (04/01/2023, 21:36) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      Here is a news flash. The colonialists and anti- reparations crowd hitting the dislike button on any item that advocates for reparations or anything to right a wrong does not change the facts and realities of the situation. The evils of slavery and and colonialism are not erasable though many whites are working extremely hard to wipe an record of them. The cruelty, paid, shame, guilt, exploitation, etc will exist into perpuity and eternity.
  • good news (04/01/2023, 14:03) Like (7) Dislike (3) Reply
    this is good news for all of us work permitted slaves who have to toil for pennies for our local masters, get robbed of our social security contributions by our local.masters and without any recourse...we are robbed, abused and treared like third rate people and just have to remain silent, because to report it means you loose your job.....but this is great news that reparations will be coming our way..... doubtful vino will print this.
  • l (04/01/2023, 17:09) Like (4) Dislike (4) Reply
    The slave owners turned over their plantation to the so-called indigenous BV Islanders already
    • @I (04/01/2023, 19:04) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
      @I, colonialism was and is about conquering and colonizing. The colonialists expropriated the land from the indigenous people or was granted patents by the UK to forcefully take the land and enslave people to work the land. After the plantation system profitability collapsed, the colonialists sold the land to slaves and bolted from the territory leaving it as impoverished and only good as a bird sanctuary. Did Virgin Islands give themselves titled to the land? No. Colonialists were not in the business of giving anything to either slaves or their descendants, for they were inferior and not in their class and not worthy to have anything of value. They still hate to see blacks have anything of value. The land is of value know so they are coming back to take it through the power of colonialism and gentrification. Virgin Islands must know the value and importance of what they own. Moreover, even slave owners bolted and left the land to slaves, slaves deserved it, for their free and exploited labour paid for. And are still owed more for their exploited labour. BVI should follow Barbados’ lead and to recoup payment for slave labor.
  • Loose mouth (04/01/2023, 17:19) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    Yes, Barbados!! and if you are successful please give some of the lands to the Caribs who are living in both St Vincent and Dominica surely they are the ones who were driven off their ancestral lands by the European slave traders and Colonists. They represent the true ingenious owners.
  • Handel (05/01/2023, 13:09) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
    Let’s go after all the African countries that captured and sold our ancestors to the white man.

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