Remain vigilant in face of global pandemic & active hurricane season- Premier Fahie

"By the goodness and grace of our Heavenly Father, we have been spared from serious damages that could have resulted from the passage of Tropical Storm Isaias last night," Premier Fahie said today, July 30, 2020, adding that, given the forecast rainfall amounts and wind speeds experienced in St Martin and Puerto Rico, "we know that flooding and other damages were a real possibility as this system passed us."
The Premier said he is thankful to God for the dedicated preparatory work carried out by many Government agencies to help mitigate impact on lives and property and was also thankful to the people for doing their part to prepare and be ready.
"I know that every one of you from my fellow Members of the House of Assembly, to those providers of essential and critical services who worked during the passage of Isaias; to the private sector employers who took steps to protect their businesses and staff; all the way to the persons who simply reached out to their neighbours to see how they might lend a hand with preparations; each and every one of you contributed to our Territory coming safely through this storm."
A special thanks, Premier Fahie continued, has been earned by the teams from essential services, Works and Utilities for going out to assess the Territory this morning to ensure that everyone can return to a state of normalcy now as the Territory continues to move forward in the “New Regular" of iving and working with COVID-19.
Remain vigilant
"I am asking all of us to remain vigilant.
"Let us think about what more needs to be done around our homes or businesses, in terms of what may not have withstood the strong wind and heavy rain as well as we would have liked. I would urge you to think carefully about what Isaias is trying to teach you and how you can move forward into the remainder of the hurricane season stronger, safer and more prepared."
Premier Fahie said he hopes everyone will continue to be the vigilant citizens that they have shown themselves to be in the face of a global pandemic and an active Atlantic Hurricane Season.
Even as Tropical Storm Isaias remains in the Atlantic, forecasters have shown at multiple weather systems set to move across the West Coast of Africa.
"This year it is especially important that we stay in preparedness mode. We must continue to monitor the advisories provided by the Department of Disaster Management so that we are able to plan ahead.
"May God continue to bless and protect you the people of the Virgin Islands and this Territory. Let us Be Ready and Stay Ready!" Premier Fahie urged.

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