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Register of Interests Act withdrawn after strong objections from civil servants

- Premier Wheatley said it was appropriate to withdraw bill in spirit of democracy & the legislative process
Following strong objections from civil servants and even Members of the House of Assembly (HoA), the Government of National Unity led by Premier Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has withdrawn the Register of Interests Act, 2022, after consultations with the local civil service. Photo: YouTube
The Virgin Islands Civil Service Association (VICSA) had slammed the National Unity Government of Premier Wheatley for trying to swiftly pass the Register of Interests Act in the House of Assembly (HoA) despite the many concerns by both HoA Members and public servants and the lack of consultation on the Bill. Photo: VICSA
The Virgin Islands Civil Service Association (VICSA) had slammed the National Unity Government of Premier Wheatley for trying to swiftly pass the Register of Interests Act in the House of Assembly (HoA) despite the many concerns by both HoA Members and public servants and the lack of consultation on the Bill. Photo: VICSA
BAUGHERS BAY, Tortola, VI - Following strong objections from civil servants and even Members of the House of Assembly (HoA), the Government of National Unity has withdrawn the Register of Interests Act, 2022, after consultations with the local civil service.

The Motion to withdraw the bill was moved by Premier, Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) and seconded by the Deputy Premier, Hon Kye M. Rymer(R5) when the Fourth Sitting of the Fourth Session of the Fourth House of Assembly (HoA) convened at the Save the Seed Energy Centre in Duff's Bottom today, July 14, 2022.

Bill Withdrawn

"Madam Speaker, I withdraw this bill on the basis that the Government of National Unity in our framework agreement with the United Kingdom... we agree by June 30th to make the existing Register of Interest which is only applicable to elected public officials, we agree to make that public along with penalties for not declaring interest on time.

"We also committed to contacting the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association to get information on how persons in the United Kingdom or otherwise declare their interest, that contact was made and we were referred to the House of Interest," he added.

Dr Wheatley said; however, that while the House was preparing to have the act passed by June 30, 2022, a new bill taken to the cabinet and introduced to the House was not what the Government of National Unity initially committed to passing.

New Bill Proposed

"That new bill, in essence, was the new system for declaring and registering interest and once members of the House of Assembly recognise that, we collectively agreed to recess the house," he added.

The Bill, controversial from the beginning, would have mandated legislators and some 18 categories of civil servants, and even members of the public volunteering on statutory boards, to declare their interests.

The Premier added that consultations were made with public officers and many persons had indicated they had challenges with the bill.

One vocal legislator, Hon Mark H. Vanterpool (R4), in a previous debate, added that the bill does not only affect those in the HoA, but 18 categories of persons in public life, “So I want those persons out there who are in public life already or who intend to be in public life to really study this bill."

More consultations & research to come

The Premier at today's sitting said that in the spirit of respecting the integrity of the democratic and legislative process and given the short time for consideration of the public and HoA members, it is the correct position to withdraw the bill for proper consultation and analysis.

He said once that process is completed, and with more research and robust consultations, a new bill on the subject will return to the House for deliberations.

Civil Service Association had rejected bill

The Virgin Islands Civil Service Association (VICSA) had slammed the National Unity Government of Premier Wheatley for trying to swiftly pass the Register of Interests Act in the House of Assembly (HoA) despite the many concerns by both HoA Members and public servants and the lack of consultation on the Bill.

It had also written to Acting Governor David D. Archer Jr to express its concerns said it has copied each elected representative to advise them of its opposition, as an executive, to the passage of the Act in its current form.

The Register of Interests Act, 2022 was read for the first time in the House of Assembly (HoA) and it was slated on the Order Paper for the Unity Government to suspend the Standing Orders to allow the Act to be read three times and passed in one single sitting.

The straight readings were discontinued following a strenuous objection by some Members of the HoA.

“We believe that the Act should be shelved until the wider public service is meaningfully consulted, have had their views heard, and reflected in a redrafted Act. We believe that justice and democracy so demand,” VICSA said.

30 Responses to “Register of Interests Act withdrawn after strong objections from civil servants”

  • No surprise here (14/07/2022, 14:21) Like (67) Dislike (5) Reply
    First of all it is the PUBLIC SERVICE you cannot be in PUBLIC SERVICE and at the SAME TIME try to HIDE ALL YOUR BUSINESS with GOVERNMENT and OTHER INTERESTS, that's called CORRUPTION

    • Justify (14/07/2022, 16:41) Like (21) Dislike (2) Reply
      “I am Spartacus” or should they all be saying “I am Head Coach”?!?
  • Feet dragging (14/07/2022, 14:23) Like (36) Dislike (4) Reply
    will bring the Unity Party HOA down. It missed the 30 June deadline so further delay just hastens direct UK rule and the implementation of the enhanced ROI law. Bad decision Premier.
  • Back to the old ways (14/07/2022, 14:23) Like (51) Dislike (8) Reply
    • john public (14/07/2022, 15:42) Like (2) Dislike (26) Reply
      TRANSPARENCY? 1. The COI report was given to the governor and him alone who is to say he didn't ask for it to be modified to his likeness before he release it? and that was one of the reasons for the delay in releasing it.
      2. The COI was help my one man I wonder if he have wisdom of all as if he was sent by GOD to save us. transparency would have at least a three judge panel...
  • Oir Yuh Yoi (14/07/2022, 14:23) Like (8) Dislike (4) Reply
    Unity government between a rock and a hard place.
    • Direct Rule now. (14/07/2022, 15:07) Like (51) Dislike (4) Reply
      I have seen Social Development take children from parent/s they consider to be unfit parents. Don't understand the difference if we have proven to be unfit and incapable and Britain step in to put things in order...Direct rule is needed and put these needed recommendations in place..These corrupt politicians and officials will fight for ever..How come Bobby Hodge had no issue exposing all his business just to Bail Andrew Fahie. So why is out politicians we suppose to trust with our treasury have a problem..Bobby Hodge should run for office. I will vote for office, he don't have nothing to hide...
  • Peaches (14/07/2022, 14:30) Like (29) Dislike (0) Reply
    Dem een waan nobody know dem bizness! lol!!
  • absurd (14/07/2022, 14:53) Like (27) Dislike (1) Reply
    Welcome to these ethics-free islands where accountability is an illusion.
  • Disgraceful.... (14/07/2022, 14:56) Like (39) Dislike (1) Reply
    Opposition to the legislation came from those members of the association with things to hide.... the legislation is for the betterment of the territory and to stop abuses of the system that have become the norm. The 'association's' opinion is that of the few top level civil servants who abuse their positions and NOT the majority of the civil service. It is disgraceful that they can pen a letter from the entirety of the civil service making it look like they all have something to hide. Put the legislation back on the table. Those who don't want it do not deserve to be paid by our taxes.
    • hmmm (14/07/2022, 15:17) Like (4) Dislike (10) Reply
      Then the UK should have agreed to I from the jump. Not try to sneak it in through the Pupper DG
  • Silent Majority (14/07/2022, 14:56) Like (44) Dislike (5) Reply
    Governor it is time.
  • WOW (14/07/2022, 14:58) Like (44) Dislike (1) Reply
    Hmmmmm. So he spoke to everyone. Some delay tactics. Blame it on others while the politicians are the ones who really don't want it. Moon runs till day catches it. Ask the drew. Keep hiding. You all full of it. If your businesses and money are legit, what's the problem? Keep looking, England. They have no intentions of changing. Never had and never will.
  • Fear and guilt.. (14/07/2022, 14:59) Like (27) Dislike (0) Reply
    We need this law. Time for a new start...Let the, clean and honest come forward..
  • pressure (14/07/2022, 15:15) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    buss pipe
  • The Watcher (14/07/2022, 15:38) Like (31) Dislike (3) Reply
    DEAR GOVERNOR: You see how it has started already? YOU said you would not stand for obstruction and delays. Yet here we are at the first hurdle barely weeks into the project. What are you going to do?
    • Rubber Duck (15/07/2022, 10:36) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      Unfortunately he wont do anything because he is weak and afraid of confrontation.

      i believe we need a new , tougher Governor to bring these rascals to heel.
  • watch (14/07/2022, 16:22) Like (32) Dislike (1) Reply
    Just proof of ignorance parading in suits . We deserve foreign rule.
  • THE GOVERNOR (14/07/2022, 16:28) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Mothers Milk (14/07/2022, 17:04) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    They just won’t give it up!
  • Just saying (14/07/2022, 17:09) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    The current government under that slow man from the east must go!
  • Ploy (14/07/2022, 17:33) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Deliberately trying to throw the baby out with the bath water.
  • Listen Good (14/07/2022, 18:09) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply
    The solution to this whole heeming and hawling was to pass the bill for just Members of the House and leave the top shotters in government departments alone for right now...simple. At a later date feel free to make amendments to include them after there is a better understanding and comparison made to what is done in other BOTs. This concept is called "baby steps".

    The bill as it stands want to group a whole bunch of people together with Elected Officials and that is what is wrong here. We are looking to our Elected Reps to lead by example but them so scared to do it after crawling them just want to start sprinting. The deadline is for the ELECTED to make their Interests public. Lead by example and the rest will eventually follow, simple...again "baby steps".

  • Weak HoA (14/07/2022, 20:04) Like (22) Dislike (5) Reply
    To hell with what the civil servants think. The tail does not wag the dog. They can either like it or lump it. Why are they being allowed to hold a whole territory hostage. Let them shape up or ship out. The HoA has demonstrated that the more things change the more they remain the same. Same attitude as with head coach.
  • resident (15/07/2022, 06:25) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    Governor needs to drop the hammer. The whole BVI system has been designed to enable a small number of politicians and civil servants to extract government revenue, with no accountability. The system is rotten. It’s why we have such poor infrastructure and public education after billions of government revenue since the 1980s. We need fundamental change or we will carry on being a corrupt, third world, garbage strewn dump.
  • Smart Mark. (15/07/2022, 06:25) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    He wants to delay, delay, drag on, drag on until election so he can leave without complying, without let them into his business...
  • Madea (15/07/2022, 13:56) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hahaha! So the first step in trying to get rid of corruption and conflicts in the Civil Service and the Government has been stopped by the very people who its trying to check for conflicts of interest. UK direct rule is acoming.
  • Withdraw also (15/07/2022, 15:59) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The inconceivable atrocity of the increased Trade Licensed charges

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