Referee walks off b/ball court in protest at EE/LL league
Deep into the 4th quarter of the game, which was won by the Nottingham Bulldogs, 70-62, Referee Nelson C. Hull aka Joe Jack, felt he was left with no choice, but to walk off the court with 5 minutes left.
Speaking exclusively with Virgin Islands News Online, Jack said, “It was my first time reffing a game in the league, I like to be part of helping the youths, but they showed no discipline and seem to want to be the players and the Ref. too.”
A strict disciplinarian, Nelson felt he was left with no choice, but to walk off after a few players kept questioning his calls, especially a “steal” by Nuttin Nyce which he called as a foul.
Hull, who won’t return to the League after the incident, which was felt to be nothing more than competitive players perhaps being overzealous in the heat of the moment by some observers, will instead be focusing his interest in helping the Prison set up a league at Balsum Ghut.
“Some players should know better,” he suggested. “I felt good leaving home, but can’t tolerate players crossing the line. I wish the League all the best, but also believe Sponsors and the Organisers have more of a role to play in ensuring their Tournaments are well run and disciplined. They should (sponsors) visit the games and see what happens rather than just putting up their money.”
Hull, who came back to Basketball after a two-year break following similar lack of discipline and following a melee at a Tournament held in Duffs Bottom, felt that all future leagues should take a leaf out of the Hon. Julian Fraser/ Save the Seed Basketball League.
“I was impressed with that Tournament,” he said. “I was impressed with the fact the Honourable Julian Fraser came to the games, the discipline was good and the games well organized. Sponsors have a role to play beyond finance, they need to come and see what goes on. I remember one sponsor, when we played outdoors on the concrete in town, saying if there were any fights to pack up the uniforms and put them in a box, the shirts don’t belong to them!”
Whilst Jack has undoubted Refereeing credentials, the problem he faced is one that crosses many Sports.
Whilst players are constantly trying to lift and improve their game, what is being done by Federations and Associations to keep the Officials well versed in new rules, new regulations and even providing frequent refresher courses.
“Players should know better,” concluded Jack, “but because of a lack of organization sometimes the environment is not good for referees and other officials. Players watch TV and think it’s the NBA, with NBA Refs, but we play to FIBA Regulations, which aren’t the same.”
With more understanding from both sides, perhaps there can be changes to the perceptions with “Elite”, more experienced players adopting a role of councilors to younger players with the aim of improving relationships with Officials in all Sports, but as one such player commented without wishing to be named, “Sometimes it’s hard in the heat of the moment as we have to deal with performing whilst given less leeway than others. We take more abuse or contact and yet still have to show our skills, shooting under contact etc and it’s not always easy.”
It seems with all the District Leagues sprouting up and more demands being made on both players and Officials alike, the new Basketball Federation that will be in place after the January 23, 2014 elections will have much to ponder as they look to plot the future path of the game in the Territory.
Could the situation have been handled better from all sides? Probably yes, but Hull made a stance based on principal and the Players and the League Organisers should admire him for that, whilst taking a good look at the bigger picture and find ways to stop what is in danger of becoming an epidemic in the game.
As a salient last point Jack pointed out, “players shouldn’t play the game if they can’t take the calls. We are all human and make mistakes, so for the good of the game, let’s hope everyone can find a way to improve. People come to watch the players, but without Officials there can be no game.”

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