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Reading VI news blogs is 'not constructive for me'– Karia J. Christopher

-Real Talk hosts & guest Floyd P. Burnett discuss criticisms in public eye
Real Talk host, Ms Karia J. Christopher who is also the acting Director of Communications has painted the Virgin Islands (VI) article comments called 'blogs' as unconstructive for her, adding that she tries not to read any. Photo: Facebook/File
Ms Karia J. Christopher was at the time interviewing Tola Radio VI 100.5 Managing Director, Floyd P. Burnett aka ‘Heritage’ where the topic centered on criticisms and facing ridicule in the public eye. Photo: Facebook/File
Ms Karia J. Christopher was at the time interviewing Tola Radio VI 100.5 Managing Director, Floyd P. Burnett aka ‘Heritage’ where the topic centered on criticisms and facing ridicule in the public eye. Photo: Facebook/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Real Talk host Mrs Karia J. Christopher, who is also the acting Director of Communications, has said 'blogs' on news articles in the Virgin Islands are unconstructive for her and that she tries not to read any.

Mrs Christopher was at the time interviewing Tola Radio VI 100.5 Managing Director Floyd P. Burnett aka ‘Heritage’ on criticisms and facing ridicule in the public eye, especially over his popular morning show 'Da Morning Braff'.

Facing public criticisms 

Mr Burnett said since being in the public eye, he realized that criticisms would always come, “I try not to read the blogs, even though on other news stories I read the blogs… you got to just keep moving, people opinions stick with you, something things ring a bit and make you feel bad,” he said on the January 28, 2024, edition of Real Talk.

“But don’t wake up three, four, five days and dwell on what Tom, Dick, and Harry said,” he added.

Mrs Christopher said she too has experience facing criticisms in the public eye. “I certainly don’t read the blogs because I know, for me, they're not very constructive. If I have somebody that has something to say where I can improve even in my other job that I'm mostly now on the public face even more, then I very much welcome constructive criticism,” she said.

“But I try to keep focused because I know people say that words are just words but words can be hurtful, so I try to just keep positive and be focused,” she added. 

Blogs in the VI

Over the years, the mostly anonymous comments referred to as blogs on local news websites have been the subject of much discussion and controversy, over their nature of giving people a voice in a community where they may not otherwise want to share less popular opinions.

Current Premier, Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has in the past referred to the blogs as a form of online bullying in reference to him being called ‘Slowande’ and at other times, he said the blogs show a lack of maturity as it related to the negative ones.

“When I see those negative comments on the online news it displays a certain lack of maturity we have in our society. I am not saying that it is the majority of people who do it but I would certainly like to see a situation where people, even those reading the comments, who go and put positive comments,” he said back in 2012. 

Despite the criticisms, blogs have also been welcomed by other public figures as a way to gauge public opinion on issues, despite the sensational nature of some news articles accused of being created simply to generate blogs.

29 Responses to “Reading VI news blogs is 'not constructive for me'– Karia J. Christopher”

  • FUNDS (29/01/2024, 11:09) Like (15) Dislike (2) Reply
  • Real People (29/01/2024, 11:32) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Realistic Thinker/Writer (29/01/2024, 11:50) Like (26) Dislike (0) Reply
    It is impossible to be a Talk Show Host and don't expect some critical comments that fully or partially contradict your views.
    Know this facts, now or later, if a child is in the mother womb, that child will be talk about by others . When that child is birth, that child will be talk about by others, both positive and negative. When that child become able to talk bother positive and negative word word be spoken by that child.
    If you talk positive and negative things about others, others would talk and comment positive and negative word about you.

    We all are living in a world of random views, beliefs, opinion, like and dislike, good and evil, stupidity and wisdom. If you hate been criticized, be careful of what and who you criticized.
    Talk, but first collect the facts. The world's way is what it is. "It is not in man that walk to direct his/her steps." God the Creator is. Neither is he/she the director of words void of errors. Only God our Creator is.
    If you hate to be criticized, criticize no one, expect it is absolutely necessary.
  • Drift (29/01/2024, 12:19) Like (28) Dislike (0) Reply
    One of the biggest problems we have in the BVI is to many sheeps want to lead and they afraid of speaking the truth.
  • 2024 (29/01/2024, 12:37) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    FM Rastafari
  • ccc (29/01/2024, 12:45) Like (5) Dislike (16) Reply
    Karia is good people
  • Styles. (29/01/2024, 12:48) Like (23) Dislike (5) Reply
    Natalio calling other people immature is pretty ridiculous.
  • Read Dis (29/01/2024, 13:03) Like (1) Dislike (6) Reply
    Tell yo killer get bail and come on the road for his turn of green light he has to pay for all the death he paid for and all them police on pay roll
  • Roger Burnett (29/01/2024, 13:57) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
    The problem is that 99% of those commenting do so under a pseudonym, rather than their real name. It would appear that the majority, for various reasons, have a fear of being identified.

    Interestingly, to create a comment on this news site, you are asked to provide a nickname, and that speaks volumes about the problem we are up against.

    On the other hand, there has been of occasions, when a post under my real name, Roger Burnett (who incidentally is the father of Floyd Burnett) has been blocked, whereas the same post under the pseudonym Donald Duck - or whatever - is allowed. This leads me to assume that censorship, as a means of protecting favoured families, is part of the equation.
  • Bourgeois Professor (29/01/2024, 14:33) Like (28) Dislike (0) Reply
    Something has gone awry. The Communication Director for the Public Sector don’t read residents’ ‘blogs’ on eNews sites. Why? Blogs on articles are a popular medium for the lil man, the people who are not connected, to have their say on what is going on in the community. Are they not read because they may not measure up to the intelligentsia level of Director? Are they not read because they may be written by the underclass, non-degreed, etc? Are they not read because they may not be written by the snobbish, bourgeois, upper class? Are they not read because dem peeps can’t write anything worth reading??

    Moreover, anyone in the communications universe know that it comes with criticism. It goes together like bread and cheese, brick and mortar, hammer and nail, duck to water, etc. Expecting no criticism, is like a leader wanting to be loved by everyone, pleasing everyone with his/her decisions, etc. It is impossible and if expected, it will be a long unfulfilled, stressful and disappointing life. Sound like the comm folks are full of themselves, getting to big for dem britches, draws, etc. If the kitchen is getting too hot get the hell out, for we the lil man will have our say and we have long memories like elephants. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark/VI. This reminds of the classic Animal Farm in which in the end the animals start behaving like humans. All animals are created equal. But some animals are more equal than others. These bourgeois people need to cart dem @$$.
    • @Bourgeois (29/01/2024, 18:38) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
      @Bougeois, the lady is not going to see this, for it is beneath her to read comments on eNews site. The current situation in the BVI is a race caste and social system. The bourgeois don’t give a rat’s @$$ about the poor and working class. Anything written by the working class is not worthy of their reading. Former US Supreme Court Justice Richard Taney declared that Blacks had any rights which a white msn was bound to respect. Two worlds apart with same attitude; one on race, the other on both race and social status. Does this lady deserve to be on the taxpayers payroll?
  • Andy was saying the same.. (29/01/2024, 15:07) Like (32) Dislike (0) Reply
    Thats a know it all dictatorship mentality. Not wanting to hear from the people, not prepare to listen to nothing we have to say.. See way Andy end up. If he was reading the blogs he would have been a wiser man and would not have made that stupid mistake...Be careful.!
  • Common Sense (29/01/2024, 16:46) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    A very timely subject and one that needs urgent attention. The BVI government should adhere to the same media regulations the US and most of Europe adhere to, no printing of hate speech, or, racist commentary. This is illegal in the UK and should be the same here being we are a British territory. The entire world can read the commentaries in question, which, paints a terrible picture of our society.
  • l (29/01/2024, 17:18) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    You cannot have a talk show and expect only positive criticism. The reason for a talk show is to see how everyone feels. If you have thin skin when it comes to naysayers, then you shouldn't have a talk show because people can be brutal. Read everything and work on the positive, that is what tough professionals do.
  • @ ROGER BURNETT (29/01/2024, 17:30) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    • Roger Burnett (30/01/2024, 07:20) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Thank you @ for reminding me of that, in addition to pseudonyms, there is the anonymity of symbols.
  • asura (29/01/2024, 18:07) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    They all say they don’t read the blogs but that’s the key word to say I not only read but I blog
  • hmm (29/01/2024, 19:23) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    Want to be in the kitchen but cant stand the grease lol. Time to pull up the big people pants.
  • Norris Turnbull (29/01/2024, 19:39) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    She reads every dam blog. Nosey like that.
  • round rock (29/01/2024, 21:08) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    It is very difficult sometimes to please everyone. However, in this little country when someone reads the blogs, it is left to wonder if there is a war zone, we are living in. Some of the comments are so hostile. I am living in this country for quite some time, and it is a privilege to be here. I would like to see us progress collectively and enjoy the opportunities we have here. But when you read some of the blogs with all the negative comments, it is very disturbing. Let us shower praise for this country because what comes out of your mouth is what is defiles you. Let us try our best and promote the Virgin Islands as a peaceful and hospitable place to visit and live.
  • Uhoh (30/01/2024, 07:17) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Jack Donkey needs to stop the crap ..,there would be none like her if there were no bloggers. Simply put she is demonstrative of Jack donkeyishness and a classic case of "get the body moving" and push push from the table..demonstrate self luv and stop being a poster for the health crisis in these VI... Image is everything and our image needs less such as yourself..and your bro currently gracing national media.
  • Arrion (30/01/2024, 08:12) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    If the blogs are unconstructive to her, why does she have a talk show where the public can voice constructive and unconstructive ideas? That's an oxymoron.
  • ausar (30/01/2024, 10:38) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Kara, you should read the blogs!

    The blogs illuminate the thoughts, and moods, of the people.

    If you truly want to be an effective talk show host Karia, bloggers, and their views, are, indeed, where you should go to, in your daily assessment in the happenings of our country!
  • El Demonio Negro (31/01/2024, 09:05) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    You are certainly right. If I looked and wore make up as ridiculously as you do I wouldn't read the blogs either.
  • Just Checking (01/02/2024, 21:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    So hear gossip show/kissing up show is a good thing?

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