‘Read your Constitution; stop blogging nonsense!’ – Edmund G. Maduro
He was speaking on his EGM radio show on ZROD 103.7 FM last night September 4, 2014.
“Over the last few weeks and months I have been noticing a lot of comments on the net, the blogs, and I have come to the point that in fact a number of us do not read our laws and we do not read particularly our Constitution,” he said.
“I was speaking to a couple of persons for the last couple of days and one of the common things that came forth is that there are a number of us BVIslanders who are taking bribes in the form of money, who are being paid by some politicians, whether they come from the Government or not…paid money by politicians to put things on the blogs that are not commonsense and I want to say to you, the blogs maintain all the rights to all information they publish and I am saying to you VINO and others, if you say something that is derogatory about me I can sue you, whether you like it or not,” said Maduro.
He pointed out that that the blogs do not carry registered names of the persons making them but all sorts of ‘nancy story’ names.
“…among our own people when we try to educate them and show them what their rights are, they try to make you look stupid on the blogs,” he said. “So I am taking on the special responsibility for the next couple of weeks, maybe months, to continue to educate my people with regards to their Constitution and their other rights,” he said.
During the show he went on to list some of the fundamental rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution urging that people get familiar with them and understand them. “These rights cannot be taken away from you. No law in the Virgin Islands can be passed to deprive you of your rights,” he said.
“No international agreement can be made that are contrary to these rights that your Constitution gives you,” he said.
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