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Re-elevating Softball, the de facto VI sport, back to national prominence

Edgar Leonard. Photo: Provided
A softball match being played on E. Walwyn Brewley Softball Field in Long Bush. Photo: VINO/File
A softball match being played on E. Walwyn Brewley Softball Field in Long Bush. Photo: VINO/File
Softball has also been popular among women in the Virgin Islands. Photo: VINO/File
Softball has also been popular among women in the Virgin Islands. Photo: VINO/File
Edgar Leonard

[British] Virgin Islands softball soared and reached the pinnacle of international competition, excellence, and prominence; however, its status and standing declined precipitously in the past decades. As such, the softball governing body needs to take urgent action to re-elevate it to local, regional, and international competitiveness and prominence. The exuberance of its glory days needs to be recaptured.

Softball origin

George Hancock, a reporter for the Chicago Board of Trade, presumably invented softball in 1887. It was labeled “indoor baseball,” but it moved outdoor in spring 1888. Indoor baseball, also called mushball, kittenball, changed officially to softball in or around 1920. Softball comprises three disciplines: fastpitch, modified fastpitch, and slow pitch.

US Organisation/Olympic

Softball was organised in the US in 1933 with the Amateur Softball Association of America (ASA). Men first played the sport but now are more prevalent among women, growing in popularity across the US and the rest of the world. The World Baseball Softball Confederation (WBSC) lists 69 countries and territories in its standing. And the International Softball Association lists 122 national federations as members.

Softball is currently an Olympic event for women. It first became an Olympic event for the 1996 games, but softball and baseball dropped after the 2008 Olympic games. The Olympic placed softball and baseball back in the games for the 2020/2021 games in Tokyo, Japan; Their inclusion for the 2024 games is uncertain.

Growth of Softball                        

US service members played a key role and were instrumental in introducing softball outside the US to other countries. Since the official softball organisation in 1933, many organisations have formed/competitions rolled out. They include a) International Softball Federation (ISF) in 1965, b) First Fastpitch World Championship for women 1965, c) First World Competition for Junior Men and Women in 1981, and d) Slow-pitch World Champion began in 1987.

Import of Softball Into VI

Gaston Penn learned about softball in St Thomas, US Virgin Islands (USVI). He is widely credited with bringing the game to the VI; Randolph Malone aka ‘Mose’ and Archibald Francis instrumental in engaging women in the sport in the VI. Softball game introduced, it was first played in Road Town at Old Recreation Ground, now E. Walwyn Brewley Field. In the early days, equipment was in short supply, and the players had to improvise. For example, bats fashioned from branches from trees in the nearby hills, gloves were prized possession and were generally shared; some fields were rocky, broomsticks and other pieces of wood used to hit rocks, sponge, and tennis balls for practice…………. etc. I remembered hitting rocks at Major Bay Primary School and sent a sharp liner in Leslie Malone’s taxi door. Hearing the impact, I dashed for cover and concealment, but the fellows ratted me out. Mr Malone was heated, but it was all good in the end, even after a scolding at home.

Nonetheless, a strong passion for the game ensued, and the game spread like wildfire throughout the communities/villages. The Villages embraced, owned, and supported their village teams. The village supporters were the 10th man when their teams were playing. They turned up and turned out to robustly support their teams. Each village/geographical area had at least one team.

Teams included Tigers, Marlins, Astros, Jets, Twins, Bears, Animals, and Vets, Road Town; Hot Shots and Byrds, Sea Cows Bay; Hunters, Huntums Ghut; Blue Jays, Capoons Bay; Blue Wings and Red Legs, Baughers Bay; Hawks, Roots, Atoms, Knights, Rays and Mars, East End/Long Look; Clippers and Royals, Brewers Bay; Rockets, Belle Vue.  Women: Warriors, Angels, Amazons, and Hawks, and Lady Braves. Clearly, this list is incomplete, for many teams may have been inadvertently left out. Moreover, in addition to league play, the government introduced softball into primary and secondary schools. At Major Bay Primary (now Willard Wheatley), we didn’t have uniforms, so we would use white T-shirts and markers to write our name/school on them. As kids, softball was the primary sport, and we played every chance we got.

Further, the school teams were the feeder/minor league of sorts for the league teams, keeping the sport solid and vibrant. Reaching back into the old memory bank, I remembered Major Bay Primary playing against a Town team. And either Joseph Percival aka ‘Scruff’ or Austin Todman was catching for the Town team, and I galloped towards home plate, trying to score. A rough tag was applied at the plate, throwing me towards the trees behind the plate, or so Austin Todman and Butchie Eddy inflates and narrates the story. Oh, the good old, fun days of softball.

Stars and Executives of the Game

Mario ‘Black’ Connor, brother of Elmo ‘Equaliser’ Connor, was the best of the best, crème de la crème, and the best overall complete player in VI softball history. Black was a ‘genuine’ all-rounder; he hit, pitched, and fielded equally well; played every position skillfully. Other top tier players included Aston ‘Flag’ Barronville (effectively made transition from cricket to softball), David ‘Jacky’ Todman (completed transition from cricket to softball), Rufus ‘Hook’ Scatliffe, Irvin ‘Fletcher’ Scatfliife, Ishmael Scatliffe, Rupert Smith, Elton ‘Elibit’ Smith, Elmo ‘Equaliser’ Connor, James ‘Butchie’ Eddy, Rene ‘Panchie’ Julius, Eric ‘Hippie’ Matthias, Raymundo ‘Mundo’ Boynes, Clinton ‘Butch’ Walters, Jerome ‘Lolla’ Parson, Edwin ‘Boss’ Hodge, Freddy ‘Jerado’ Matthias, Nichol Rhymer, Roy ‘Panhandle’ Hill, Dolph Cline, Glen Industrious, Mac Hodge, Roy ‘Picko’ Pickering, Valence ‘Mantle’ Malone, Rufus ‘Sleepy’ Malone, Marvin Malone (made the transition from cricket to softball), Elroy Franklyn, Clement ‘Tommy’ Turnbull, Ralston ‘Rabbit’ Daly (popularised the ‘in-shoot’ pitch), Frank Daly, David ‘Flopper’ Matthias, Mercer brothers [Charles, Sam, Raymond (Mahassa), James (Hanbrook)], Edward ‘Batman’ Francis, Bert ‘Big Man’ Henley, Kermit ‘Web’ Frett, Nolan ‘Dickie’ Davies, Neville ‘Sheep’ Smith,  Allen ‘Woodrow’ Smith, Raymond ‘Jackson’ Smith, Sylvester ‘Bucker’ Johnson, Ely Henley and Elton ‘Uppy’ Leonard.

Women players included Doris’ ‘Dopu’ Scatliffe, Eda Ham, Eva Simmonds, Lydia Pickering, Leola Todman, Ivana Monsanto, Bernice Smith, Gracie Hodge, Jennifer ‘Mela’ Johnson, Patsy Thompson, Adina Nibbs, Jelisha Potter, Che’Vaunne Richardson, Bria Smith, Leonel George, Dorothy Durante, Kennisha Powell, and Pearline Scatliffe-Leonard. This list is incomplete and may create some active discussion and controversy regarding who was on or left off the list. It is open for debate. It is important to note that women had/have the same passion for the game as men.

Moreover, the following are just a few of the game’s executives. Leading the pack is E. Walwyn ‘GM’ Brewley, after whom the Road Town softball facility is named and is a force and powerhouse in VI softball. He dedicated over 40 years to softball as a player, statistician, official scorer, announcer, treasurer, vice-president, and VI Amateur Softball Association president. Additionally, he served as Vice-president of the Caribbean, Central American, and Softball Association. The International Softball Association (ISF) inducted him into its hall of fame for his contributions to developing softball in the VI. Further, as the VI Softball President, he was ably supported by Eileene L. Parsons aka ‘Ms P’ and Juliette Penn, among others. Ms P, a cultural icon, is also a deep repository of VI softball information. Further, displaying exemplary servant leadership, the GM continued to serve as chief cook and bottle washer for softball even while serving as a Legislator, Minister of Communication and Works, and Leader of the Opposition.

Baseball in the VI

VI residents played baseball at a relatively low level. Nonetheless, baseball was a popular sport. Most Virgin Islanders were either a Los Angeles Dodgers or New York Yankees fan (I was a Dodger fan). There were a few exceptions, e.g., Walford ‘Mets’ Hodge, NY Mets; Vincent ‘Old Father’ ONeal, San Francisco, Giants; Rundell ‘Skin Back’ Hunt, Atlanta Braves. During the MLB regular season, All-Star Game, and World Series, every man jack had a transistor plastered to his/her ear, enjoying the baseball commentary. The sweet commentary could be heard pouring out from every nook and cranny, i.e., homes, the ballpark, bars, domino tables, under trees, boats……. etc. The game was so popular that children played a game with baseball cards. For example, players held a card about three to four feet above a wall or tree and dropped it, and if dropped on another card, you won that card(s). The serious collectors didn’t use the cards of superstar players in the game; players cherished these cards. Nostalgia. Stars of the game included Willie Mays, Willie McCovey, Willie Stargell, Willie Davis, Sandy Koufax, Don Drysdale, Maury Wills, Tommy Davis, Juan Marichal, Roberto Clemente, Reggie Jackson, Hank Aaron, Rickey Henderson, Elston Howard, John Roseboro, Dave Winfield……. etc. I’m confident and convinced that given the demonstrated talent, skill, and prowess in softball and with training and the opportunity, many VI residents would have had successful careers in MLB.

Softball Rise, Peak, and Decline

Softball busted on the VI scene around the mid-1950s. As noted earlier, VI residents developed an immediate passion for the game. With little formal instruction and sheer talent, skill, and perseverance, VI players played with a flair and took to softball like ducks to water. They were naturals. Consequently, the players and the game grew to a highly competitive level. Per E. Walwyn ‘GM’ Brewley, a VI softball connoisseur, the battle-hardened voice of all things softball in the VI and a lived, walking encyclopedia of VI softball players and stats, indicated that the VI though small, was a force in the Caribbean and Central American regions and beyond. Cuba was the toughest competition in the region for the VI. The VI placed 12th in the ISF Men’s World Championship in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, in 1988, played Cuba in 1987 Pan Am Games for the Bronze medal and lost 3-4.

Nonetheless, despite the VI peak, its progress dropped precipitously in recent times. It is dying on the vine with a slight pulse and on life support. And without urgent action, softball will die a painful death due to neglect. What are some of the contributing factors to the steep decline?

From my vantage point, contributing factors to the decline include:

a) Centralizing the game in Road Town, reducing village(s) engagement and participation;

b) Competition from other sports, i.e., basketball for talent from an already small and limited talent pool (VI population approximately 34,000);

c) Decline of softball in primary and secondary schools, and;

d) Lack of a structured and reliable feeder system for higher Amateur Softball League;

e) Declining pitching reservoir due to older pitchers retiring, some top pitchers emigrating, and lack of effective tutoring mechanisms for potential, interested pitchers;

e) Public underfunding in the sport, i.e., upgrading and modernising facilities.

Revitalizing the Sport

Softball rocketed to the top and can do so again; it can become the de jure, not just the de facto, national sport. The following are some suggestions for revitalising and breathing life back into the sport. They are not in priority order:

a) Government commit, budget, and appropriate funding to invest in modernising the E. Walwyn Brewley Field, Capoons Bay Field, Green Land Field, Roger Allen Hodge Field, among others;

b) Decentralising the sport from its current centralising in Road Town and site in villages to the maximum extent possible and practical;

c) Participate in more local, regional, and international tournaments;

d) Engage and involve more public participation in the sport;

e) Recruit and engage former players participating in the game;

f) Construct and maintain quality facilities on sister islands, i.e., Anegada, Virgin Gorda;

g) Increase the number of leagues and tournaments, i.e., slow, fast, and modified fastpitch;

h) Recruit local and external experts to conduct training on softball fundamentals, i.e., pitching, hitting, fielding……etc.;

h) establish a hall of fame;

i) Place softball back in primary and secondary schools;

j) Encourage and incentivise employers to compensate employees while engaged with the national team;

k) Explore health insurance opportunities for players engaged in official league play and with the national team;  

l) Recognize, reward, and celebrate the national team, and;

n) Establish Pony/Little League (B-League) as a feeder for the A-League, and;

m) Establish a public education and outreach programme.

Moreover, if the VI wants to be world-class and enjoy and brag about being top-tier competitive softball at a high level, it must act, look, behave, and invest in being world-class, e.g., investing in world-class, state-of-the-art facilities. In large, advanced countries, sports are, for the most part, the province of the private sector. However, the VI is a small developing territory, and government must be the fulcrum in revitalising softball. The VI boasts of having a $1B GDP and a $400M Operations and Maintenance budget, so surely it can effectively afford to invest in constructing, operating, and maintaining world-class softball facilities.

And given the current makeup of the HoA (softball pedigree), many residents were giddy about softball getting more attention, support, and a strong resource shot in the arm. However, that ship has not sailed, so softball supporters are hopeful. The VI is a small fry in the softball universe, but it can be a considerable force to reckon with, as it proved in the past. And with robust planning, it can rebound to its past glory, swimming with big fish in the softball ocean.  

The big question is if the decline of softball is symbolic of what is on the horizon for the VI?

21 Responses to “Re-elevating Softball, the de facto VI sport, back to national prominence”

  • The watchdog (05/05/2021, 14:02) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    The Spanish man them took over the game
    • @the watch dog (05/05/2021, 16:01) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
      @The Watch Dog, are you falling asleep on your sentinel duties? The Latino residents playing softball are not depriving others of playing or enjoying the game. Latinos brings energy and fanfare to the game, livening up the games. Latino fans are passionate about and bring a fiesta type energy to the games. The bottomline is that it is a non-rival situation, meaning that their playing does not diminish others ability to play. Don’t hate; compete.
    • Bango (06/05/2021, 05:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      This article was so long I gave up the will to live.
      • @Bango (06/05/2021, 10:35) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
        @Bango, hope you have a long life. Spice it up with some reading; reading can get addictive though. I take you don’t take the time to peruse bills passed in the HOA and assented to by the Governor. Bet you don’t read the fine print on your cellphone contract.
  • J*hn (05/05/2021, 14:40) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    What about Garfield Smith AKA Pinkboy????
    • @J*hn (05/05/2021, 19:16) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      @J*hn, Garfield “Pink Boy” Smith was probably an above average player but not too sure he was a top-tier player. His brothers Rupert “Putty” Smith and Elton “Elibit” Smith who were shortstop and third baseman, respectively, are definitely top-tier players. Not all of the players listed in the article are hall of fame caliber. This statement is not a criticism of the article but an opinion. The article should animate the discussion on the fate of softball in the BVI.
  • Olde Timer (05/05/2021, 15:49) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Haa! Softball back to its glory days. Softball is dead and all that is needed now is for the minister to read the last rites. All we have is our memories of the glory days. Thanks for the nostalgic trip though. Surprise you remember the names and teams. The suggestions are a good collegial try but they are DOA. Softball like a lot of other cultural events will end up on the dung head. How much the GM pay you for the high endorsement? Lol.
  • and (05/05/2021, 16:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    David "Flopper" Mathias, Elroy "Ellie" Henley, Clifford "Kato" Christopher, me there is soo much of our past softball greats I can think of Raymond "Mahasa" Mercer, Andre "Shabba" Pickering (who by the way one saturday he hit a home run in the methodist church cemetery almost on the Joes Hill Road lol
    • Old School Softball/Baseball (05/05/2021, 19:04) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      Leonard mentioned Ellie Henley, David “Flopper” Mathias and Mahassa Mercer among his top tier players. He did interestingly or inadvertently leave out Clifford “Kato” Christopher though. But nice that he is getting mentioned. That was monster shot by Andre “Shabba” Pickering that seemed to have baseball distance. There was a rumor going around at one time that he was being recruited by the Chicago Cubs organization. Is there any truth to the rumor? Was it an opportunity to miss an opportunity? If so it may have been squandered opportunity. Leonard did mention in his post that some softball players had the skill and talent to make it to the MLB. Shabba may have been one of those diamonds in the rough. I was privilege to experience BVI softball in its glory days. It is painful and heart- breaking to see how far it has plummeted. By the way, not everyone can be on a top -tier list. Nevertheless, I will Gene “Yak” Hodge and Vincent “Greasy” Payne. Perhaps, the host(s) of Paul on the Ball sport show can take up the issue as to whom was best of the best. How about Picko, Bone crusher or GM.
  • Flashback (05/05/2021, 19:47) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
    Growing up,I remember playing "rounders " in school,also cricket.
    Rounders was like softball/ baseball.
    I wish we would have more focus on cricket. In my opinion, cricket sophisticated and has a touch of class .
  • Diaspora 3-D/360 (06/05/2021, 06:56) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    It is an open secret that softball is on a steep decline and dying on the wine in live and living color. The die hard fans of the game recognized that it soon it will go the way of local land—-Gone. Its glory days will be read about by Virgin Islanders yet unborn in electronic media. The physical library/ learning resource centers too will be dead. The current generations of Virgin Islanders operate on a fast-food mentality; they want things fast. They want to short-circuit processes to get to destinations. You want things bad you get it bad.

    Back to softball, fans have been flapping their gums for years that softball was critically ill. Yet its condition worsen and now it is on its last few hours. Nonetheless, don’t know what Ed had in mind when he dropped his article. But it is a good draft on a path forward. Looking back and yearning for the glory days may give us a warm feeling. However, strong action is needed to change things?

    The last statement in the article is powerful and every Virgin Islander should soberly ponder it: “ The big question is if the decline of softball is symbolic of what is on the horizon for the VI?” It is smooth how softball was metaphorically tied to the direction of the territory.
  • class mate (06/05/2021, 08:17) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Ed, you bring memories of softball at Major Primary rushing back. Memories of the rocky, dirt field behind the school bounded on the east by Frank George land, on the south by main road and on the north by the ghut. We played at recess, after school, all the time. Sometimes we didn’t have proper bat so we use a piece of wood. Nothing like “bringing up” on the ball with good piece of solid wood. Some of the guys that I can remember includes Ashford “Bucka” Frett, Attlee “POP” Frett, Roger Davies, Bennett Penn, Cromwell “Punchie” Smith, Charles Penn, Randolph “Scotch” Penn, Roy “Sony” Wheatley, Macfred “Freddy” Wheatley, Kensley “Buff” Wheatley, Oraldo “Peval” Wheatley, Franzel Penn, Rone Brannigan, Wilbert Malone, Edward “ Batman” Francis, Nathie Penn, Ephraim Penn, Volnie George, Collingston George, Harvey George, Wilmot “Borba” Stoutt, Vincent “Bing” Malone, Robert Chalwell, Commet Chalwell, Titus “Rocky” Crabbe, Walterdin Wheatley, Truman Davies among others. True, we didn’t always have have uniforms and we go down Fat Hogs Bay by Calvin George to by White T-shirt and used markers to write information on them. Cannot remember who our softball teacher was. I think we just wing it. Some of us were talented but short on fundamentals. Cherished those days though.
    • Major Bay Alumni (07/05/2021, 11:14) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      @Class Mate, thanks for the shout out to the old boys. Lots of memories come flooding back. Edgar, good thing, good read.
  • voter (06/05/2021, 09:09) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Long but well done.. I am sure there were many names that were not included. Great sport history lesson.
  • Stay Woke (06/05/2021, 10:41) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Copied and pasted for emphasis. Let’s stay woke or the sport will give up the ghost:

    a) Government commit, budget, and appropriate funding to invest in modernising the E. Walwyn Brewley Field, Capoons Bay Field, Green Land Field, Roger Allen Hodge Field, among others;

    b) Decentralising the sport from its current centralising in Road Town and site in villages to the maximum extent possible and practical;

    c) Participate in more local, regional, and international tournaments;

    d) Engage and involve more public participation in the sport;

    e) Recruit and engage former players participating in the game;

    f) Construct and maintain quality facilities on sister islands, i.e., Anegada, Virgin Gorda;

    g) Increase the number of leagues and tournaments, i.e., slow, fast, and modified fastpitch;

    h) Recruit local and external experts to conduct training on softball fundamentals, i.e., pitching, hitting, fielding……etc.;

    h) establish a hall of fame;

    i) Place softball back in primary and secondary schools;

    j) Encourage and incentivise employers to compensate employees while engaged with the national team;

    k) Explore health insurance opportunities for players engaged in official league play and with the national team;

    l) Recognize, reward, and celebrate the national team, and;

    n) Establish Pony/Little League (B-League) as a feeder for the A-League, and;

    m) Establish a public education and outreach programme.
    • E. Leonard (07/05/2021, 11:31) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      @Stay Woke, to the suggested list, I add a Senior League , ie, 55+. The league can be modified fast pitch or slow pitch. It would keep former players in the game and help to them physically active.
  • Liking (06/05/2021, 18:02) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Great topic withh happy vibes.
    Start a Facebook page!
  • Just Curious (07/05/2021, 19:26) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    @E. Leonard, either through research or up close familiarity with the game, you have some insight into the glory days and steep decline, as well as good suggestions for reviving, the game. Did you play softball beyond the primary school level, and if so with what team(s)? Lastly, what is your level of confidence that the game can be revived and sustained?
    • E. Leonard (08/05/2021, 05:45) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      Played briefly with Vets, a Road Town-based team coached by Calvin “Tully” Baronville. Confidence level relates to statistics and surveys. Nonetheless, I will take a WAG that with adequate investing, planning, organizing, programming, marketing, public educating and outreaching .......etc. the game can be revived. A Rattler of operating mode is needed. A Rattler does not initiate an attack but once engaged in fight, it does not surrender. Well, softball is in a fight for revival. As a FAMU Rattler, just a shout out to the Rattler Nation: Rattlers Will Strike, and Strike and Strike Again.
  • Deprived Gen Z Fan (08/05/2021, 08:46) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Too young too have seen Mario “Black” Connor play,
    and have not heard much, if anything, about him. However, he seems like an extraordinary play. Any more info about him.
    • E. Leonard (08/05/2021, 11:04) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      @Deprived Gen Z Fan, Mario ‘Black’ Connor was a complete player and the best player in the annals of VI softball history. Generally, it is challenging to master/specialize in multiple skills. In softball, Black hit, field and pitch equally well; he played every position well. E. Walwyn ‘GM’ Brewley, the pre-eminent voice on all things softball in the VI can enlighten us further on Black’s exploits.

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