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Queen of hate speech Cindy Rosan claims she is not ‘Mika Barry’

Rosemary L. Rosan is escorted to a police vehicle on May 24, 2024, for allegedly being a no-show to court. Photo: Team of Reporters
The local tabloid, Guavaberry Media, owned by Cindy Rosan, erroneously reported Hon Lorna G. Smith, OBE (AL) was 'sacrificed' to allow Mr Julian Willock to run in the 2027 general elections. Photo: Guavaberry Media
The local tabloid, Guavaberry Media, owned by Cindy Rosan, erroneously reported Hon Lorna G. Smith, OBE (AL) was 'sacrificed' to allow Mr Julian Willock to run in the 2027 general elections. Photo: Guavaberry Media
Rosemary L. Rosan aka ‘Cindy’ was allegedly kicked off the Morning Ride Show on ZROD 103.7 FM after a live embarrassing episode where she was being malicious against an employee of the station and was also kicked off the Tola Radio 100.5 FM Morning Braff show. Photo: Facebook
Rosemary L. Rosan aka ‘Cindy’ was allegedly kicked off the Morning Ride Show on ZROD 103.7 FM after a live embarrassing episode where she was being malicious against an employee of the station and was also kicked off the Tola Radio 100.5 FM Morning Braff show. Photo: Facebook
HUNTUMS GHUT, Tortola, VI- The queen of hate speech in the Virgin Islands (VI) Rosemary L. Rosan aka 'Cindy', who was sacked by the BVI Tourist Board when her job was made redundant (some claimed it was for lack of performance), is at it again.

She posted yesterday October 25, 2024, on her Facebook page that she is not affiliated with the Mika Barry platform. For months, many residents have suggested that she is involved in the platform that traffics in melee, malicious gossip and many inaccurate stories about residents, business people and elected officials of the VI, putting their lives in danger.

Ms Rosan, who is labelled on social media as a confusion maker and having financial hardship, was allegedly kicked off the Morning Ride Show on ZROD 103.7 FM after a live embarrassing episode where she was being malicious against an employee of the station.

She was also kicked off the Tola Radio 100.5 FM Morning Braff show, and threatened to sue the owner Floyd P. Burnett aka ‘Heritage’.

'I am not with Mika Barry'- Rosan claims

The queen of hate speech, Ms Rosan, wrote on her Facebook page denying that she has anything to do with the Mika Barry platform. “I find this action to be extremely egregious and defamatory, as the statements are untrue, and can have the result of lowering my motives in the estimation of right thinking members of society generally or expose me to hatred, ridicule, contempt or harm and to disparage me in my profession, calling, business or trade," Rosan wrote.

However, Ms Rosan has continued to attack and defame many high-profiled residents of the VI, including Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), Businessman and former Speaker of the House Julian Willock, Dirk L. Walters of the BVI Tourist Board, former Premier Andrew A Fahie, and a former Miss BVI to name a few.

It was recently that a legislator wrote the embattled Rosan with a warning to keep their name out of her articles, knowing her propensity for Ms Rosan to tell lies and defame residents’ good names. 

A scandalous new video making the rounds

It was earlier this year she was arrested by the police for allegedly being a no-show to court but she claimed it was a mistake. The police had issued a statement clearing up the confusion. The embattled and disgraced Rosan used her tabloid, Guavaberry Media, to spread lies, propaganda and mislead the public. Advertisers have steered clear of her tabloid platform so she is reduced to charging fees for a WhatsApp page where if you disagree with her hate-filled one-sided views with no solutions you are removed.

Early this week, Ms Rosan erroneously reported that CIBC- a bank operating in the Terrority- had issues with their accounts and she was forced to apologise to the bank. She also had egg on her face when she again reported false information about a shooting on October 13, 2024, in Long Bush on the main Island of Tortola. Rosan had falsely claimed two persons were injured. She also maliciously reported that the former Speaker was involved in Hon Lorna Smith’s firing as a Minister of government as a sacrifice for him to be endorsed by Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3), another story that turned out to be erroneous tabloid trash.

It was also revealed through leaked documents that she was trying to exploit taxpayers for over a million dollars in damages after her firing. This was labelled by many as a form of political exploitation and corruption. It was also leaked that Ms Rosan already received a cheque for over twenty thousand dollars when her job at the BVITB was made redundant. 

Many of her critics have claimed that the queen of hate speech has mental challenges; however, our News Centre believes that mental illness is serious and must never be used to go after anyone.

Our newsroom was made aware this morning October 25, 2024, of an explicit video clip about Ms Rosan circulating on social media platforms. However, our news centre has distanced itself from the video and condemned those who are using it to go after Ms Rosan and call on others to do the same.

13 Responses to “Queen of hate speech Cindy Rosan claims she is not ‘Mika Barry’”

  • I Like Rosan.. (25/10/2024, 16:19) Like (12) Dislike (23) Reply
    But she suffers from little woman syndrome, hot headed , aggressive, easily upset...This is what troubling, she thinks, she doesn't have a problem...She was excellent on Zrod, she and queen don had something good going, that had potential of been big and special, again the little woman syndrome s
    Get in the way...How seen now, she may have to leave Tortola for a while. Such a wasted talent..talent
    • Madussa (26/10/2024, 07:59) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
      PLEASE! No more Cindy news! She's Whacko Jacko who craves attention. I feel sorry for her children only. She has to be held accountable for her recklessness I know, but must we see her regularly as if she really is a wanna-be star? A small woman with an over exacerbated big mouth.
  • african (25/10/2024, 16:26) Like (14) Dislike (34) Reply
    Who paying her to relecule and bring down the great Sowande, Premier of the Virgin Islands?
  • ... (25/10/2024, 17:42) Like (14) Dislike (4) Reply
    Poor Cindy she crying out for help
  • Salty Cindy (25/10/2024, 17:47) Like (9) Dislike (6) Reply
    Sourberry media is at it agin but losing crediblity daily
  • Cindy (25/10/2024, 18:10) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    How come no one sending me the vedio?
  • Neppy Jost (25/10/2024, 18:49) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    This case and another is the product of ignorance of democracy "the right to free expression continues to restrict" until there is education of those who want to direct the governance of BVI and the citizens, otherwise the hatred in the streets will cause crimes, I'm not saying that the communicator is an angel, I am from what I understand that in the vineyard of the Lord there are worse than her in our streets including parliamentarians of before and present, Cindy who I only hear about and my eyes have never seen her, let's ignore her until her voice fades away all from under the sun of time, she will learn or she will stay. I said we have worse, crazy and selfish.N
  • The curious case of Cindy (25/10/2024, 18:56) Like (25) Dislike (5) Reply
    By most conventional standards, Rosemary Rosan should to be a success. She’s appeared on popular radio programs and even runs her own media company, which may very well be profitable. But here, success has to mean more than just financial gain. There’s a clear drive within her—a craving for attention and respect—that seems to be pushing her. And as that respect remains out of reach, it manifests itself in self-destructive, often abrasive behavior. Envy and resentment appear to consume her focus, with most of her ire aimed at the Premier and figures like Julian Willock, a businessman and former Speaker of the House.

    To be fair, Ms. Rosan is not without talent. She knows how to attract listeners, as her radio success shows. But she falls short in her ability to lead, to build any genuine following. It’s one thing to draw an audience, and quite another to inspire people to rally behind you. And therein lies a critical lesson for her: because of her hyperbolic and subjective rhetoric, her rallies have attracted little turnout, a clear sign that her credibility with the public is in question. Yes, she can entertain, but that alone doesn’t translate to real influence.

    It’s likely much of her support stems from the expat community, who view her as a counterpoint to the Premier and others like Willock—individuals they may dislike or distrust. But Ms. Rosan needs to understand a basic reality:their sponsership and talent won’t take her far. Many athletes with incredible skills never win championships, and countless singers with great voices never establish real careers. Achieving genuine influence requires a strategy built on credibility and long-term vision, not sensationalism and partisanship. By opting for the latter, she’s undermining her own brand and sacrificing substance for short-term attention.
  • long look me come from (25/10/2024, 19:59) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    i blame the esteem for wasting time answering her the moo moo is sick and not going anywhere stop barking at a bird in the sky leave this monster girl alone she needs help
  • OB (26/10/2024, 13:18) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    Mika Barry she is ! My bet
  • Really (26/10/2024, 13:39) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    You all have no sense as people. The police can find everyone and anyone they want. If you're not looking you won't find anything. All social media accounts or any activities need internet period. You can track anyone messenging. The government is setting up the gunmens to kill each other which is another form of depopulation
  • Liar!!!! (26/10/2024, 18:52) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    She is!! Don't mind her mds.
  • hm (27/10/2024, 11:22) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Heffa crazy. How she like put everyone on blast but keep her dirty draws a seat? Talking about the premier business. He's a man. Like you want a sample.
    All you got todo is ask.
    Prepare, can I have some, pleaaaaase?

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