Quality Construction Ltd inks $4.3M contract for new JvD Primary School

The signing of the $4,333, 743.86 contract and groundbreaking ceremony were done on August 25, 2022.
More than just a school- RDA CEO
According to CEO of the Virgin Islands Recovery and Development Agency (RDA), Mr Anthony S. McMaster, the project is a multi-purpose educational facility for Jost van Dyke.
“This facility will not only be classrooms, but it will be classrooms, it will be offices, it will have in an auditorium that you would be able to do not just school meetings but community meetings as well. It will have in a resource centre so that you have the ability for the students to be able to do their library research.
Mr McMaster also said the facility will be equipped with a computer lab.
“So, it is not a simple school structure we are putting back up but a multi-purpose educational facility for the people of Jost van Dyke.
“This project, if I am not mistaken, is probably the single most financial investment that the government has made to date on Jost van Dyke.”
Mr McMaster said he expects the building to be ready for September next year.
6 firms submitted bids for project
According to the Virgin Islands Recovery and Development Agency (RDA), six pre-qualification applications were received for the project, including five from the Virgin Islands and one from St Lucia.
Following a rigorous short-listing process to determine the firm’s capabilities to undertake this project, invitations to tender were issued to three shortlisted firms to submit detailed technical and financial proposals.
“At the submission deadline, three tenders were received and detailed evaluations were done by a panel of evaluators, consisting of members within the RDA and the Ministry of Education.
“Subsequently, it was determined that Quality Construction Limited was the highest ranked tenderer and the evaluation panel recommended this firm for the awarding of the contract, Head of Procurement at the RDA Mr John Primo stated.
New location for school
The construction of the new school is not being done at the same location of the new school.
The location has changed because it is important that if we are going to build stronger and greener with resilience in mind, then we had to consider flooding that takes place in this current area. We had to consider the impact of the possible storm waters during hurricanes…and of course seismic activity in the region,” Mr McMaster stated.
Among those at the contract signing and groundbreaking ceremony were Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7); Minister for Education, Culture, Youth Affairs and Sports Hon Sharie B. de Castro and Minister for Natural Resources and Labour Hon Melvin M. Turnbull (R2), who all gave remarks.

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