Qualified personnel needed at Adina Donovan Home- 2012 Report
One of the many challenges was the need for qualified personnel. The report further stated that the Home was built to be an elderly care facility, but the needs of the elderly have changed becoming more complex in terms of medical diagnosis. It also said the Home now functions as a Nursing Home.
“The residents at ADH have chronic and terminal illnesses which the present staff has difficulty providing the scope of care that is needed. Qualified personnel are needed to ensure that they are receiving the best health care possible, therefore the need for Registered Nurses on staff and adequate medical coverage,” the report stated.
ADH was initially built to house a small number of residents. However, the demand for housing has greatly increased. “Unfortunately, space is limited at the Home. The need for adequate medical equipment also exists.”
The structural setup of the facility was also said to have posed many challenges, including that the doorways of the home are too narrow, making egress difficult; it does not allow all of residents to be observed all at once; More than two residents have to be housed in some of the rooms; the ramp that leads to the upper level makes it difficult to get wheelchair bound residents up and down the ramp; need for constant repairs to the building; mould due to inadequate air circulation throughout the entire building; a large number of residents cannot be accommodated; it does not allow for quarantine rooms in the event of an outbreak; the kitchen is too small to properly store food and it has inadequate air circulation.
According to the 2012 Report, the ADH budget was reduced from $1, 143,100 to $1, 124, 400 in 2012, which presented some budgetary constraints.
“During the year in review there were many challenges, however, progress was made. Teamwork was encouraged at all times among the staff. Work camaraderie was encouraged. The Mission and Vision of ADH were the cornerstone of moving ADH forward in order to bring about the Home’s goal and objectives,” the report concluded on a more positive note.
Government is currently pursuing building a new facility to house the elderly at Spooner’s Estate.
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