QE II Park ‘brought to life’ using local contractors & vendors- Premier Smith

Speaking at the park opening on May 31, 2016, Premier Smith thanked OBM International for the park designs and said he was “very pleased that the QE II Park was brought to life using our local contractors and vendors at every stage thus stimulating the economy and demonstrating the extraordinary skills of the small and medium businesses as the project progressed.”
This news site understands that more than fifty local contractors worked on the park, providing various services.
Among the names called were Elliot Hodge and Lancelot Alphonso.
He said Greencrete in Virgin Gorda made the concrete benches while the signature lamp shades at the public restroom facility were from Bamboushay.
It was also announced that solar powered lights will be used throughout the park in keeping with the Going Green initiative.
Vision for revitalising Road Town
Premier Smith also announced that the QEII Park is part of his Government’s vision for revitalising Road Town and ensuring that activities in the city reflect its economic and historic importance.
“The QEII Park is also part of our wider vision to improve the quality of life for all residents in this territory, and helping to make Road Town pedestrian and environmentally friendly.”
Premier Smith also said that the QEII Park is not just another beautiful place, and its value as a functional green space within the community is immeasurable.
“I anticipate that it will serve our community with many benefits including health benefits - both mental and physical; as well as social and even economic benefits. With the opening of our renovated children’s playground, we are encouraging our little ones to move at an early age, and keep moving. By doing this, we are taking bold steps to reduce the instances of childhood obesity in future generations.”
Virgin Islands News Online was told that there are still some finishing touches to be made to the park, including labeling the gardens and covering a part of the ghut that is next to the children’s playground.
The cost for the park is roughly $1.8M.
“We don’t have the exact cost as yet but I believe the last figure reported was $1.5 million. I would guess that it is now in the region of $1.8 million, but I don’t have the exact figure because obviously we have just concluded works and we haven’t quite finished paying all our bills,” Acting Permanent Secretary in the Premier’s Office Mr Brodrick Penn told this news site.

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