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PWD Director Hodge Out! To be assigned to RDA on secondment

It is being said that Director of the Public Works Department (PWD), Jeremy W. Hodge will be reassigned to the Virgin Islands Recovery and Development Agency (RDA). Photo: GIS/File
The Public Works Department (PWD) has come under fire over the past two years for the poor road conditions, potholes and lack of consistent maintenance of public infrastructure. Pictured is road in Nibbs Estate as of July 2024. Photo: Team of Reporters
The Public Works Department (PWD) has come under fire over the past two years for the poor road conditions, potholes and lack of consistent maintenance of public infrastructure. Pictured is road in Nibbs Estate as of July 2024. Photo: Team of Reporters
BAUGHERS BAY, Tortola, VI- It is being said that Director of the Public Works Department (PWD), Jeremy W. Hodge will be reassigned to the Virgin Islands Recovery and Development Agency (RDA).

Hodge was confirmed to the post as Director of the Public Works Department (PWD) on November 1, 2022.

While it is still unclear what his role at the RDA will be, a few weeks ago the CEO of the RDA Anthony S. McMaster told senior staff that Mr Hodge will be joining the team.

PWD has been criticised for poor public infrastructure

The PWD has come under fire over the past two years for the poor road conditions, potholes and lack of consistent maintenance of public infrastructure.  It is also believed that staff at the department is demoralised, and it is alleged that the Minister for Communications and Works Hon Kye M. Rymer (R5) cannot get the department to efficiently move things forward. The working relationship between Hon Rymer and Mr Hodge is also unclear currently.

However, Mr Hodge has said the department is lacking the funding to do the things needed to carry out the mandate of the department. It is also unclear when he will leave the PWD, his role at the RDA or if he will ever return to the PWD.

Another CoI fallout?

Many government departments are at a standstill, afraid to act even when they are doing right because of the UK imposed one-man Commission of Inquiry (CoI). Many Opposition legislators including Leader of the Opposition Hon Ronnie W Skelton (AL) and Hon Myron V. Walwyn (R6) have lambasted and blamed the CoI recommendations and implementations for the state of the country.

They note that the CoI has sent the country backwards, slowed down progress, taken away rights and rendered the civil servants to a go slow.

Recent research has also shown that because of the CoI, poverty has increased in the Virgin Islands (VI) as there have been millions of dollars spent on the CoI and UK police officers, which has therefore robbed the local Treasury of funds for education, health and infrastructure.

Hon Walwyn noted the increase in poverty has resulted in some residents living in their cars and eating one meal per day.

The CoI script was that all Virgin Islanders, especially the political class, are corrupt and only the UK can save the VI. It is a narrative that has been rejected by the progressive class, the media, talk show hosts and members of the House of Assembly. The CoI did not look into the Governor’s Office, the Police or the Court System, all subjects under the Governor.

RDA boss unaware of Hodge's move 

When contacted, McMaster told our news centre that he is not aware of Mr Hodge being moved from the PWD to the RDA. He did; however, confirm that the RDA, PWD and Ministry for Communications and Works have been working closer together to address the infrastructure issues in the Territory.

McMaster alleged he does not know how the increased level of cooperation has led to a statement that Hodge is being moved from the PWD to the RDA.

He said he does not know what the future will hold as the current situation is just an increased level of dialogue and working together to improve the VI’s infrastructure.

“The Minister wants us to work closer together because he wants the infrastructure to be fixed,” he alleged, again denying that there has been any talks or confirmation of moving personnel from one department to the next.

VINO also reached out to Hon Rymer and Mr. Hodge but comments from them were not received before publication.

22 Responses to “PWD Director Hodge Out! To be assigned to RDA on secondment”

  • 2024 (16/09/2024, 12:03) Like (34) Dislike (0) Reply
    how can PWD execute Works without MONEY
  • HR guy? (16/09/2024, 12:04) Like (34) Dislike (2) Reply
    Mr. Hodge’s experience is mainly in HR and so too are his qualifications. He has been the PWD Director for several years now. What reasonable expectations are there that he will garner new skills to manage a critical department as PWD which has failed miserably for 20 years now.

    RDA has migrated significantly for on its original mandate and is now a dumping grounds for certain people/positions. The cost of running this unit and the benefits need to be analyzed to ensure value for money which I am having difficulty seeing this. Beat of luck but don’t see the value in this at this time.
  • Deh Watcha (16/09/2024, 12:22) Like (39) Dislike (3) Reply
    If I had 1/4 of the luck and opportunities of some in the BVI, no one, no one would touch me.

    This place never ceases to amaze.
  • Cindy (16/09/2024, 12:25) Like (6) Dislike (8) Reply
    The portion on the Coi is very correct too much hardship
    • Odd headline (16/09/2024, 14:01) Like (24) Dislike (6) Reply
      Most senior Government employees are anxious to move to the RDA because it is a sane sensible place to work, has little or no political interference, gets jobs done properly, on time and on budget. None of that can be said for working directly in Government.
  • Finally. (16/09/2024, 12:50) Like (27) Dislike (4) Reply
    I really hope this move is to transfer and allocate all Govt project ,, new, old, and unfinished to RDA. No more lingering, no more wastage, no more delays, no more unfinished or late finished projects..RDA will ensure all these have seen their last days and we move into better days..
  • Let Us Face It (16/09/2024, 14:20) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    We could not continue at the rate we were going even those who don't want to admit it publicly know that what was happening was not right. It is not too late to get our act together and do better.
  • resident (16/09/2024, 14:44) Like (14) Dislike (2) Reply
    our roads been bad before the coi, this is not the fault of the coi it is our fault for not hiring people that know how to fix roads, let's being in an outside company and leave pwd to just patch potholes
    • BVIslander (17/09/2024, 08:28) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      I am 100% for BVIslanders, but I agree with this one 10,000%.
  • Wellsah (16/09/2024, 16:02) Like (5) Dislike (11) Reply
    if a Hodge couldnt fix the PWD i dont know who can
  • Chris (16/09/2024, 16:52) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    The game of musical chairs continues.
  • Bush Professor (16/09/2024, 16:52) Like (19) Dislike (1) Reply
    Jeremy seems to be out of his depth at Public Works through no fault of his own. The BVI has a habit of putting square pegs in round holes, diminishing the level and quality of service. The Public Works Director is the premier technical position in the public sector, providing technical guidance to the Premier among other staff . Consequently, the Director must have the demonstrated knowledge,skills, ability, experience, etc. Furthermore, for one to move, promoted, etc, to a position of increasing responsibilities, one must have had a demonstrable record of performance, accomplishments, etc. To do otherwise is embrace the Peter Principle, ie, promoting one to a level of incompetence. Is the RDA a place which rescue the perishing, etc. ?

    The RDA is a construction activity. And to deliver the best services at the lowest cost, it must be staffed with best people, ie, qualified, experienced people , etc, getting value for money. Public Works still has a critical role to play but must be led by a qualified and experienced engineer. We have tried non-engineers on a full time basis but the outcome was not impressive, leaving PWD with a bad name, ie, lessness. Someone remind me that Public Works at its best was under the leadership of civil engineers, eg, Clarence Christian, Bennett Smith, etc.
    • Quiet Warrior (16/09/2024, 18:46) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      @Bush Professor, you rolling, telling truth, keeping it real and feel right. If only what youndidhibg coukd be bottled. Well, ah well damn!
    • Unnoticed (17/09/2024, 08:25) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
      Putting square pegs in round holes, diminishing the level and quality of service - No Problem, while others who have the qualifications and experience go completely unnoticed. Sigh!
  • Closed eyes (16/09/2024, 17:56) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    The minister might have well try someone else. Money or or money. Small things can’t sill be done. It appears to me that the men at PWD Dept. Are not use effectively. We the road users example the great pot hole at Purcell roundabout? How many weeks that hole was there? Where did this man drive to get home? Travel to cane garden where this man lives, that’s why I use to love Frazer for the Third. Sometimes is the small things is what will show you up. Not because your well educated something’s are not for you to manage. Hands-on at some levels are not thought in class.
  • Simeon (16/09/2024, 21:09) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
    Well I am confused. Early in this article it says that McMaster told senior staff weeks ago that Hodge will be joining the RDA. Now VINO spoke with him and he’s claiming that he doesn’t know anything about the move. We’re really in trouble in this country no matter who transfers from where to go where.
    • @SIMEON (17/09/2024, 09:46) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      To Simeon, indeed McMaster is speaking out of both sides of his mouth, playing politics but amateurish politics. Politics is engrained in every aspect of BVI life. Who can you trust? They are not speaking English but polispeak . When they speak one has to read between lines, further and further. In a simple interview McMaster has shattered what little credibility, if any, he had left. Trust but verify what these mumus, Ms, says.
  • @SIMEON (17/09/2024, 09:20) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
  • coi (17/09/2024, 09:55) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    has improved the BVI but entitled thieves are still complaining!
  • taxpayer (17/09/2024, 10:33) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    "They note that the CoI has sent the country backwards, slowed down progress, taken away rights and rendered the civil servants to a go slow".
    Please do not blame the COI for shinning a light on the mismanagement of this country.
  • @ taxpayer (17/09/2024, 14:56) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
    We already got a racist subterfuge who loves to create drama with his lies about the COI - the UK - the GOVERNOR - or the COMMISSIONER for everything that we are doing to ourselves , and he thinks he is a genius
  • troy (18/09/2024, 16:33) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    The white hair man have to go to he a waste of time

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