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‘Put the jealousy & envy aside’ - Myron V. Walwyn

- Former NDP leader urges VI to stop the prejudice against each other
Regarding by some as one of the most divisive and controversial politicians in the history of the Virgin Islands (VI), Mr Myron V. Walwyn, a former legislator and ex Chairman of the National Democratic Party (NDP), is now calling on Virgin Islanders to put their differences aside and live as one. Photo: Facebook/File
The ironic Facebook post by Former Minister for Education and Culture, Mr Myron V. Walwyn. Photo: Facebook
The ironic Facebook post by Former Minister for Education and Culture, Mr Myron V. Walwyn. Photo: Facebook
The Auditor General (AG) Ms Sonia M. Webster in a bombshell report on the ESHS wall had said that the wall project broke financial laws, there was no value for money and persons were paid and work not completed. She also listed a tail of corruption surrounding the entire project. Photo: VINO/File
The Auditor General (AG) Ms Sonia M. Webster in a bombshell report on the ESHS wall had said that the wall project broke financial laws, there was no value for money and persons were paid and work not completed. She also listed a tail of corruption surrounding the entire project. Photo: VINO/File
Portions of the expensive Elmore Stoutt High School wall did not survive the floods and Hurricanes of 2017. Photo: File/Team of Reporters
Portions of the expensive Elmore Stoutt High School wall did not survive the floods and Hurricanes of 2017. Photo: File/Team of Reporters
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - Being out of power and on the sidelines can be a rather humbling experience, with the once mighty given plenty of time to do deep introspection. Or so it seems at least!

Criticised by many as one of the most divisive and controversial politicians in the history of the Virgin Islands (VI) Mr Myron V. Walwyn, a former legislator and ex Chairman of the National Democratic Party (NDP), is now calling on Virgin Islanders to put their differences aside and live as one.

“We have so much more in common than what differences we have. We should all make a greater effort to live better together. Put the jealousy and envy aside. Put the prejudices aside. Put the malicious behavior aside,” Walwyn urged his Facebook followers in an ironic January 27, 2020 post.

Most hated figure?

Mr Walwyn contested the 2019 General Elections as the Leader of the National Democratic Party (NDP) and was brutally rejected by the electorate. He moved from getting the most votes (5777) in the 2015 At-Large run, to coming in fifth in 2019 where he lost by over 600 votes.

Walwyn was first elected in 2011 and during his tenure, it is alleged that he victimised then opposition supporters in government and allegedly victimised businesses, including people he did not like, such as members of the media.

“Put aside all those things that do not make us a better version of ourselves. For what is life? It’s like a vapor that appeareth for a little time and then vanisheth away. How would you like to be remembered after you leave this earth?” Mr Walywn wrote.

After seeing his own party divided into two factions under his leadership, Mr Walwyn was then ousted from office in the February 25, 2019 election where the people of the Territory spoke overwhelming via ballots that the VI is not the place for hatred and divisiveness.

Walwyn making a comeback?

It should be noted, that Mr Walwyn’s change of heart comes at a time where significant progress has been made regarding his investigation for a wall he built around the Elmore Stoutt High School (ESHS), costing taxpayers some $1.6M. He was at the time serving as Minister for Education.

The wall project that was said to be corrupt, broke financial laws and lacked value for money, according to a report by Auditor General, Ms Sonia M. Webster.

According to Commissioner of Police, Mr Michael B. Matthews, after a long and thorough investigation, the project file is now with the office of the DPP to determine if there is sufficient evidence for criminal prosecution.

During the 2019 election season, Mr Walwyn was accused of running one of the most divisive political campaigns in the history of VI politics; allegedly putting locals against foreigners, locals against locals and even attacking close diplomatic neighbours like the United States Virgin Islands (USVI).

32 Responses to “‘Put the jealousy & envy aside’ - Myron V. Walwyn”

  • born again (28/01/2020, 12:07) Like (10) Dislike (4) Reply
    You lie? This man's Facebook page was hacked!
  • No words (28/01/2020, 12:16) Like (17) Dislike (12) Reply

    ha ha look who talking about coming together....the face of S*t*n

  • fact (28/01/2020, 12:43) Like (60) Dislike (58) Reply
    Walwyn would have been a great Premier for the VI especially in these trying times. He has his issues, but so does every one of us. I don't think he could have done any worst than this set. In a few weeks this Government would have been elected for 1 year. What have they done in that year? Say what you want about Myron personally but his record of getting things done speaks for itself. He will make a comeback and be elected once again, I would bet on that/
    • Kitchen Table focus Group (28/01/2020, 14:16) Like (54) Dislike (45) Reply
      @Fact, we agree that Myron would have been a good leader. Love him or hate him, he is a Realist and he get things done.
    • i from here (28/01/2020, 17:21) Like (13) Dislike (14) Reply
      You got to be crazy the premier post is reserved for locals
    • No Name (31/01/2020, 07:44) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

  • Hmm (28/01/2020, 12:49) Like (62) Dislike (8) Reply
    So we tend to take people Facebook post to make headlines??? So many people on Facebook have similar messages, but I have never seen it made headlines....
    This article is a prime example of what the message is about.
    Too many of these new sites are causing the division throughout the country... Majority of these news sites are quick to turn the positive into something negative just for likes..
    People will never see the good in the ones they don’t like
  • lmfao (28/01/2020, 13:09) Like (13) Dislike (15) Reply
    LOL look who talking....this is too funny. This have to be a joke
  • Have Mercy (28/01/2020, 13:25) Like (39) Dislike (9) Reply
    lord have mercy ...why you hate Myron so much? why? please let loose and let go!
    • @Have Mercy (28/01/2020, 17:25) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      The hater is the one/ones with the problem, not the one that is being hated on. I have a few haters on my job and I’m always telling them they can kiss my A** through the glass window at Banco popular on any hot sunny day.
  • £££££ (28/01/2020, 13:37) Like (37) Dislike (2) Reply
    Slow news day?
    • So sad (28/01/2020, 18:35) Like (7) Dislike (5) Reply
      Why don’t vino spend your time investigating the corruption and stealing on the $1.6M wall and investigate the contracts in the 2011-2018 Ministry of Education under his leadership and the festival committee and employees.

      Myron Leave the people and their country alone they do not want you
      • 411 (29/01/2020, 09:36) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
        That's so silly. Since when Vino has become an investigating agency?
  • shut up!! (28/01/2020, 13:50) Like (19) Dislike (11) Reply
    He need to shut the hell up and pay his former staff their graturity.
  • HMMM (28/01/2020, 14:24) Like (11) Dislike (5) Reply
    I call this jealousy to the highest
    • Curious (28/01/2020, 18:42) Like (10) Dislike (5) Reply
      Some fools will never understand why we the people vote Mr. Walwyn out of politics!!!! we do want the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer on tax payers dime
  • rattie (28/01/2020, 14:36) Like (26) Dislike (12) Reply
    Myron need to go sit down but he testing waters
  • trrefdrfds (28/01/2020, 15:44) Like (33) Dislike (13) Reply
    He hated because he himself try to decide the people of the virgin islands born here and island people for his own political gain. U all stop pretending u don't know this and all u all who backing him is of that nature. But God is love . He is a hypocrite to his own face book msg
  • nonsense (28/01/2020, 16:20) Like (12) Dislike (7) Reply
    Look how a simple facebook message turn up people. Jes. I know he laughing at all of alyo this is exactly what he wants to see your reaction and the media bite the bate. boom
  • facts (28/01/2020, 16:37) Like (14) Dislike (8) Reply
    Political career over long time
  • ... (28/01/2020, 18:30) Like (14) Dislike (8) Reply
    We do not want to hear about this wicked man! … just pack your stuff up and leave for Antigua !
    • Xpats Dis n Xpats. (29/01/2020, 05:22) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
      That's what Mark. Myron and Archie did. They get in power then they become pampus forgetting where their power came from..... Premier Fahie in his wisdom recognizes this and seize on it. Created the fast track program.... Yep..
  • Mister Muffin (28/01/2020, 18:38) Like (14) Dislike (5) Reply
    One thing for sure the people of the BVI are not going back to the political lawlessness of the last 8 years of Myron and NDP
  • Feel N Sad. (29/01/2020, 05:16) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
    I always thought of walwyn as a good man. I don't want to put too much blame on him because NDP leadership were very stubborn and won't listening to the people... It's very disappointing to see Fahie and VIP had to look out for xpats and their status when Walwyn and NDP benefit most from xpats. Any party that dis or isolate xpats will suffer at the polls. For them not to see or no this is naive and ignorant.. I want to think that NDP is done unless VIP do something really stupid and crazy...the only person in VIP I'm impressed with is the premier... I'm not seeing no real change or progress from the rest.... They need to start working..
  • GG (29/01/2020, 09:40) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
    Put what aside what? after he done break up the NDP and ran a nasty campaign against foy, Ronnie, Claude and the esteemed ????

    Myron go from here trying desperately to get back in power to kill locals hence the country
  • Foot Soilder (29/01/2020, 18:24) Like (2) Dislike (5) Reply
    You know one of the many reasons why cancer is so prevalent in areas of the BVI according to a recent article : Envy, bitterness and hatred for people whom God has bless with charisma , a sound educated mind, compassion and kindness for all people local or expatriates . Why you people hate Myron so ? He fit all the profile . Look at the man’s contribution to Education and stop letting one criteria rob the country of progress - You parentage cannot trace back to deep roots in the BVI . What poor mentality . For people who claim to be son Educated This is LACK of wisdom . Shame on people who cannot see beyond such poor rational . Let the man be . It should not be locals against belongers . We are BVIslanders . Let us work for the common good of this country
    • @ FOOT SOILDER (30/01/2020, 15:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      start off by telling that to Myron who said he cannot protect locals
      • @@ Foot soldier (31/01/2020, 08:16) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
        How much you want to bet you cannot say what that entire sentence or paragraph said? Yet it was taken out of context and one line shared and misued over and over. Go and research and read and understand what the man was saying in reference to locals and stop being one of the ignorant who don't read and understand for themselves and just resort to spreading propoganda.
  • No weapon form (29/01/2020, 18:32) Like (2) Dislike (6) Reply
    Myron don't mind the noise it is pure jealousy. People what GOD has for this young brilliant, intelligent man you one of you all can take. No weapon form against him will never prosper these are the words, he shall not be condemn and will strive no matter what you all think and says about him. Cant you all see he lives a very happy successful live so just stop being ignorant to your brother and lets live like one. John 3-16: For God so love the world that he gives his only begotten son that whosoever believe in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.
  • To no weapon form (29/01/2020, 19:15) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    U believe in who ever ...but the lord no the real deal of and behind that tax payer money wall and the authority kno too ...

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