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Put country before party politics- Hon Walwyn

-says Virgin Islanders have the power for Motion of No Confidence succeed
Opposition Member Honourable Myron V Walwyn (R6) has called on Virgin Islanders to put country first as the Opposition seeks to bring a Motion of No Confidence against Premier Dr the Honourable Natalio D Wheatley on September 3, 2024. Photo: Facebook
Members of the Opposition held a press conference on Tuesday, September 3, 2024, following a failed attempt to bring a Motion of No Confidence against Premier the Honourable Natalio D Wheatley. Photo: Facebook
Members of the Opposition held a press conference on Tuesday, September 3, 2024, following a failed attempt to bring a Motion of No Confidence against Premier the Honourable Natalio D Wheatley. Photo: Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Opposition Member Honourable Myron V Walwyn (R6) has called on Virgin Islanders to put country first as the Opposition seeks to bring a Motion of No Confidence against Premier Dr the Honourable Natalio D Wheatley.

Country before politics

Hon Walwyn made this plea during a press conference of the Opposition on Tuesday, September 3, 2024, following the failed attempt to bring the Motion of No Confidence against Premier Wheatley during the Nineteenth Sitting of the First Session of the Fifth House of Assembly (HoA) of the Virgin Islands.

Premier Wheatley objected to the motion’s inclusion on the Order Paper on the grounds that the proper procedure was not followed.

The Opposition following their disappointment in the HoA called the press conference where Hon Walwyn said, “Regardless of your political affiliations, one of the things we must always bear in mind is that we are Virgin Islanders first, this is our home regardless of our political affiliation.”

Evidence that cannot be ignored

The Opposition’s motion against Premier Wheatley consisted of about twenty ‘Whereas’ clauses to backing it. These ranged from the twenty-million-dollar deficit for the increase in public officers’ salaries among other financial hiccups on the part of the Premier to what the Opposition referred to as the complete neglect of the agriculture sector and those in it affected by natural disasters and the COVID-19 pandemic in recent years.

“Regardless of whatever political spectrum you reside on, when you read these clauses, you will have grave difficulties, except if you purge your conscience, to not agree with what is in here. What is in here is what is on the minds of every single person in this country and as an Opposition we have a right to bring those matters to the fore,” Hon Walwyn said.

Virgin Islanders can help motion succeed

Hon Walwyn also said the people can be helpful to the success of the Motion of No Confidence when it eventually comes before the HoA by speaking to their representative.

“You can help because the country is made up of districts. Every single district has a representative. Speak to your representative about these matters and hold his or her feet to the fire,” he advised the people of the Virgin Islands.


9 Responses to “Put country before party politics- Hon Walwyn ”

  • Just talk. (07/09/2024, 07:57) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    That is what they all say when they don't have power. Once they get power it's becomes self first...All the politicians for the past 20 yrs have failed this country..They put self before country..
  • RealPol (07/09/2024, 08:07) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Process followed , the Vote of No Confidence will come to the floor for a vote. A simple majority will determine whether it prevail or fail. Putting country of over party politics is noble but it must practice all the time, not when it is convenient.
  • de silent one (07/09/2024, 08:30) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The thing is, if you try and failed with the motion for whatever reason, just try again. Something must/should be done to hold people accountable for the present state of affair. So dont just talk, take action.
  • 2024 (07/09/2024, 08:52) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    where you vindicated from the High School Wall accusations because the way forward is having persons with Clean-Hands dealing the Our Government Business

    Upon reflections; most of the ones sitting in The Opposition have a hand surrounding the Commission of Inquiries in Our Country

    It is Crystal clear and not pointing any fingers| Pier Park still sitting in limbo what happened to those tax dollars| An Aeroplane, a few Million of our tax money handed over and to this day nothing to show for it| 8 million dollars was approved during a House of Assembly Sitting for the Sewage Project up East however nothing was done and where are those Mr Opposition Members and that beat continues( tell the people)

    even do we definitely need a change; how can one with Good-Thinking put Certain Members from the Current Opposition Back to Handle the People Tax Coppers

    No Member of the Current Opposition Spoke Out about the Bad Spending of the Tax Money while each one of them sat during the NDP Administration of our country

    It is amazing only when Mr Politician Sits on the Opposition Side of the Fence They Know how to Run the Government

    Run chat dat

  • LOL (07/09/2024, 08:53) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    They all had the power to read the standing orders so it would be on the Order Paper this session
  • Head Coach (07/09/2024, 09:29) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Arrested charged and facing jail time
  • dude (07/09/2024, 11:10) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Walwyn did not put country before politics with the no confidence motion or with the FS budget scandal. Guys just throw words around with their cheerleaders and that sensible ppl in the middle will just follow the sound of their voices. Nothing at all goes so. Things must change but I don't have any confidence in the opposition running the country in the current state. take time and form a decent party.
  • Kettle (07/09/2024, 11:52) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Telling pot its bottom is black
  • Anonymous (07/09/2024, 11:56) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    With all the so called experiences they don't even know how to file a simple motion in the house of assembly just a set of hot air

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