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Public urged to report businesses in breach of operating hours

- RVIPF clarifies there is no curfew on public movement
The public has been urged to report any businesses not complying with the order by Cabinet to close by 8:00pm and open by 6:00am, as the Territory responds to the possible introduction and spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). Photo: Internet Source
Governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert said the decision to restrict business hours is about minimising the risk of lots of persons being in the same place at the same time. Photo: VINO/File
Governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert said the decision to restrict business hours is about minimising the risk of lots of persons being in the same place at the same time. Photo: VINO/File
Deputy Commissioner of Police Mr Alwin James has said the public can report businesses breaching the opening hours restrictions. Photo: Facebook
Deputy Commissioner of Police Mr Alwin James has said the public can report businesses breaching the opening hours restrictions. Photo: Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The public has been urged to report any businesses not complying with the order by Cabinet to close by 8:00pm and open by 6:00am, as the Territory responds to the possible introduction and spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).

It has also been clarified that there is no curfew imposed on public movement, but rather it is a business curfew.

Fines & jail time possible

On Monday March 23, 2020 during a live forum with His Excellency the Governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert and Deputy Commissioner of Police Alwin James, Mr James said persons can also police businesses and call in to the 311 number should they find businesses breaching the opening hours restrictions.

"We are asking members of the community who are seeing violators of the business [curfew] to dial into our 311 number, report it, and officers will respond."

Mr James cautioned that non-compliant businesses could be fined $1000 or made to spend up to 12 months in jail and that their operating licence could also be affected.

No public curfew

Meanwhile, many have taken the restricted opening hours for businesses to mean that the Territory is under curfew between the hours of 8:00pm and 6:00pm but both the Deputy Commissioner and the Governor clarified the misinterpretation.

Mr James said, "This is not a curfew, persons are still permitted to move freely within the Territory, this is about the operating hours of businesses."

Further explaining, Mr James said business employees “for instance in supermarkets, their employees who are working, let’s say restocking shelves, they can still work and move from one area to another. It is not about restricting people's movement, it’s about the service hours of businesses."

Governor Jaspert said this decision is about minimising the risk of lots of persons being in the same place at the same time. He; however, charged businesses to think strongly about how they are applying social distancing and practices in their own businesses.

19 Responses to “Public urged to report businesses in breach of operating hours”

  • LOCK DOWN (24/03/2020, 09:41) Like (20) Dislike (5) Reply
    Sounds like martial law to me but who am I
  • fish (24/03/2020, 09:45) Like (23) Dislike (2) Reply
    Shut this place down completely now before it is too late. Let's preserve our very fortunate record of no KNOWN cases. Better to do it now for a shorter period than wait and have to do it later for a much longer period after people are infected.
  • True (24/03/2020, 10:05) Like (22) Dislike (6) Reply
    but why not make it a territory curfew, people are nit supposed to be visiting with friends going everywhere and why are people out after everything is shut???
    • Seriously ? (24/03/2020, 10:47) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
      Exactly. People seem to think the virus will leave them alone until 8 PM or if they are groups of fewer than 30.
      If we want to keep this evil away we should ALL be at home and NOT out socializing AT ALL !

      Furthermore , people who continue to socialize in public and put us all at risk should be shamed .
  • whistle blower (24/03/2020, 10:50) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply

    A bar in parham town in east end is not complying

    • east end (24/03/2020, 13:12) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
      @ whistle Blower
      let the police do some work let them drive around the villages and make sure all is well and safe we need to see police out & about in these times preferably the armed branch of the police department these are very serious time let’s send the message to those with criminal intent
  • nonsense (24/03/2020, 10:51) Like (21) Dislike (1) Reply
    What about the Government who is bringing home college students and release them on the street same time with out being quaranteen. These srudents needed to be in a facility governed by medical authrities for 14 days before they can go to their families.
  • cat outta de bag (24/03/2020, 10:51) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply

    I saw that mu....m market up east end opened way after 8 last nite

  • GG (24/03/2020, 10:53) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Last nite felt like the day after hurricane irma passed thru
  • nonsense (24/03/2020, 11:10) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    You might as well shut the place down. You are telling people keep from others, stay home, kids are home, parents working from home and you expect businesses to open, staff, stock and operate until 8 pm? How does that make sense especially for late night establishments? Might as well close everything down except supermarkets. The million dollar question is who will finance the losses of businesses and affected employees.
  • Jim (24/03/2020, 11:14) Like (21) Dislike (6) Reply
    • Jones (25/03/2020, 08:59) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      This American "New World Order" conspiracy theory doctrine is a distortion of the scriptures to have people chasing at shadows. Much of this stuff was already fulfilled, for example the anti-christ was/is represented for centuries by that image you have hanging on the walls in your churches and homes. What we are seeing now is simply the continuation of the gradual destruction of the nations that made and continue to make/enforce laws that target a certain group.
  • DON Q (24/03/2020, 12:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is for some
  • Eagle Eye (24/03/2020, 12:54) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    There is no need for a 8pm curfew when hundreds roam the day. Sombody convince me pls.
  • open wide (24/03/2020, 15:09) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    I like Trump time to free up the economy
  • Not surprised. (25/03/2020, 14:45) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    This curfew of 8.00pm -6.00am closure of businesss does not make sense. What should have been done was to close the borders from the time you were aware of the US and UK positive cases. Most of the eastern Caribbean countries cases were imported from the UK. Yet persons were allowed to come in because they had work permits. USVI is our is one of our in transit points. The bats should have ceased to travel to the USVI pronto. Persons who came in from these areas even checked at the ports or not, and showed no symptoms should have been quarantined.
    Today the hen has come home to roost. Two at a blow? Not surprised by the announcement being made by the Premier and the Governor.
    We don't have adequate medical resources here to care for these cases if the problem escalates . You might have to request help from 'Cuba' if England can't come to our rescue.
    God help us all. ⁰
  • Not surprised (25/03/2020, 16:35) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Correction. Should be Boats should have ceased to travel to the USVI

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