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Public urged to get acquainted with Crown Lands Management Bill

- Crown Lands Management Bill gets First Reading in HoA
The Crown Lands Management Bill governs the administration, management, development and use of all Crown and for all purposes and focuses on strengthening the transparent administration and management of Crown land, including the disposal of lands. Photo: GIS
Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) is urging the residents of the [British] Virgin Islands to pay attention to the Crown Lands Management Bill, as it received its first reading in the House of Assembly on May 2, 2024. Photo: GIS/File
Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) is urging the residents of the [British] Virgin Islands to pay attention to the Crown Lands Management Bill, as it received its first reading in the House of Assembly on May 2, 2024. Photo: GIS/File
Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change, Dr Ronald F. Smith-Berkeley, further urged the Virgin Islands community to read the Crown Lands Management Bill and become acquainted with its content. Photo: GIS/File
Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change, Dr Ronald F. Smith-Berkeley, further urged the Virgin Islands community to read the Crown Lands Management Bill and become acquainted with its content. Photo: GIS/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) is urging the residents of the [British] Virgin Islands to pay attention to the Crown Lands Management Bill, as it received its first reading in the House of Assembly on May 2, 2024.

This Bill outlines clear criteria and processes for the disposal and leasing of Crown Lands, ensuring that decisions made in relation to lands are transparent and in the interest of the community.

Premier Wheatley stated, “I am pleased to present to this esteemed House a comprehensive Crown Lands Management Bill, which has been developed with careful consideration of our historical context, current challenges, and future aspirations.  This Bill is not merely a set of rules and regulations, it is a road map to sustainable development, social equity and environmental stewardship.”

Key components of Bill

Some of the key components of the Crown Lands Management Bill include sustainability, affordability, suitability of lands for development, eligibility criteria and responsible management.  The Bill also mandates the establishment of a periodic Land Use Plan, which will help shape the future of land allocation, planned communities, and mitigate the adverse impacts of unsuitable development.

The Premier further stated, “We recognise the delicate balance between economic growth and environmental protection, and our approach reflects a commitment for guarding our natural resources, for generations to come.”

Meanwhile, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change, Dr Ronald F. Smith-Berkeley, further urged the Virgin Islands community to read the Crown Lands Management Bill and become acquainted with its content.

'Thoroughly peruse Bill'- Dr Ronald F. Smith-Berkeley

According to a press release from the Government Information Service (GIS) on May 14, 2024, Dr Smith-Berkeley, "The Virgin Islands Crown Lands Management Bill holds significant importance in determining the future development and prosperity of every Virgin Islander. Hence, it is highly recommended for all members of the community to thoroughly peruse the Bill, which has already received its initial reading in the House." 

The Crown Lands Management Bill governs the administration, management, development and use of all Crown and for all purposes and focuses on strengthening the transparent administration and management of Crown land, including the disposal of lands.

The public is asked to provide their valuable comments on the Crown Lands Management Bill which can be accessed from the Government of the Virgin Islands website,

19 Responses to “Public urged to get acquainted with Crown Lands Management Bill”

  • Really (14/05/2024, 16:27) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Is that the fancy name for agenda 2030 people wake up this is exactly what I am talking about. Research and research your research your information because this isn't directly to the point. You have to read the World economic Forum and the world health Forum documents of agenda 2030 substainable, affordable, climate change control system. Do you see the big stars in the sky that's not really stars
  • Lb (14/05/2024, 16:54) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Be careful with using UK policies
  • sick of the squatters (14/05/2024, 16:56) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    What about the squatters set up in CGB and Smugglers? What is the policy there? Address this too!
    • l (14/05/2024, 22:04) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
      Same with the squatters in Long Look and Josiah's Bay. Address this too!
  • Yawn... (14/05/2024, 17:06) Like (9) Dislike (4) Reply
    Election is when?
  • Citizen (14/05/2024, 17:09) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Take the better pieces that empower our people. That should be good for the next generation

  • omg (14/05/2024, 17:48) Like (14) Dislike (2) Reply
    Sowande u is a nasty person. If people don't wake up and realize what this man doing, he is not for us. Sowande Wheatley you are NOT for the people of the BVI. Talking a set of nonsense, agenda 2030 is coming right before ours eyes. Sowande working for the enemy.. but what some of you guys going realize when it too late..
  • Woke eyes (15/05/2024, 00:34) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
    Got rid of the drew since he wasn’t playing the puppet script like this one
  • Biased behavior (15/05/2024, 07:24) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
    I applied twice for crown land that was being distributed for residential purposes. Both time denied, while seeing police officers and selected persons being approved.
  • What? (15/05/2024, 07:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    And squatters in Brewers Bay...
  • HMMM (15/05/2024, 09:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    He is sounding the alarm because this new legislation will mean lots of people losing their leased lands due to technicalities.
  • Premier is a worm (15/05/2024, 12:50) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
    The people of the bvi have no one to blame but themselves y’all is who put them in boycott elections it’s simple
  • Really (15/05/2024, 13:50) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    To all the squatters remarks you all are dumb bad. You NEVER heard land of the free Wow. Those squatters should hire me as their lawyer because you clearly don't know the meaning of constitutional rights. We have no laws is what it really means. Land of the free means the almighty father gave it to us. These ELITES the 15% devil bloodline stole all from us and then charge us for it. Are you living comfortable without worrying about bills,or groceries,or school,or work or just everyday chores. The ELITES have us all living at the same beat. Working 9-5 only weekends to do everything leaving you no time for yourself. Kids being raised by the elites with their technology to brainwash everyone New World order soon for you to be lost even more. You will be crying next year
  • Islandboyy (15/05/2024, 14:34) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    FYI the grounds that my parents left for me on Anegada are not crown land,and I will fight to keep them by any means necessary.
  • E.Leonard (16/05/2024, 06:40) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Land l, a non-renewable resource,,is a (British) Virgin Islands heritage and identity, and it must be protected and preserved to maximum extent practical and possible for the use, quiet, and enjoyment of current and future Virgin Islanders. Crown land is currently a white hot discussion topic which is being debated in the HoA. Dr. Charles Wheatley’s commentary on the Crown Land bill before the HoA is a must read; it is strong and on point.

    Moreover,,“An ancestral home is the place of origin of one's extended family, particularly the home owned and preserved by the same family for several generations. The term can refer to an individual house or estate, or to a broader geographic area such as a town, a region, or an entire country—Wikipedia.” Salt Island, a historically neglected and forgotten island and people, is my ancestral, as well as many other Virgin Islanders, home. And though it may be only partially inhabited currently , it was the home of our forebears, a hardy, industrious, etc, people.

    Consequently, Salt Islanders and others of shared interest and support must band together to protect, preserve it, etc for the use, quiet, and enjoyment of current Salt Islanders and Salt Islanders yet unborn. This protection and preservation must be codified in the Crown Land bill.
    • Cuz (16/05/2024, 09:31) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      Cuz, thanks for the insight on and advocacy for Salt Island, our ancestral homeland. It is as if you are clairvoyant, for you have been projecting and telling us this land grab was in the offing. I remember a few years ago you penned and published a series of articles on Salt Island,,which were published on this enews site. Fellow Salt Islanders we can no longer passively and silently standby and watch things happen and then get alarmed when things we were warned about takes place. We need to come/band together and unite, and make our voices heard. We owe it our forebears to fight to protect the ancestral home. Let’s contact the Hon Luce Hodge-Smith,,D-4, Hon Sherie de Castro, AtL, Hon Ronnie Skelton, AtL, Hon Lorna Smith,,AtL, Hon Stacy Mather , AtL , Dr. Hon Premier Natalio Wheatley, D7 to loudly voice your concerns and opinions.
    • Salt Island Subtract (16/05/2024, 11:34) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      E. Leonard and Cuz, cuzos you keep it real and got things sounding real right and hope the politicians are actively listening; we don't want them to just passively listen but listen actively and take actions. Yes, we are guilty of passively and silently chilling. Now that chill has caught up with us. It was a grave error and mistake to hope that others will take care of us. We got burned on the coal pot and that is valuable but costly lesson we should learn from. The lesson is that we cannot trust and depend on others (not even family) to do things for us; we must take charge and do it for ourselves. CUZ, what dates were the series articles on Salt Island published. Does anyone know if this Crown Land bill supersedes the Distribution Land Management Committee which commissioned under the immediate past VIP government? Think Hon Vincent Wheatley was the minister in charge.
      • Cuz (16/05/2024, 14:30) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
        @Salt Island Subtract, I think the series of articles on Salt Island were published in October 2021, November 2021 and January 2022. Leonard can correct if needed. SILAC ( Salt Island Land Action Committee) was created by Vincent Wheatley. Minister of Natural Resources and Labour. The land process is in its second iteration.

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