Public sector is ‘overstaffed’- Pastor Skelton-Cline

“The politicians are too afraid to tell you the truth.... but let me say this the government is overstaffed,” Pastor Skelton-Cline said during his weekly show Honestly Speaking on Tuesday, November 19, 2024, on ZBVI 780 AM.
UK has been saying to downsize private sector- Pastor Skelton-Cline
Pastor Skelton-Cline said he does not want anyone to lose their job but is in favour of that job being transformed into one in the private sector.
“One of the things that that UK have been telling the governments of the last twenty years is that the public service is too big, downsize, streamline, the politicians can’t tell you that because they’re afraid of you and what they’re afraid of they’re afraid that you won’t vote for them next time,” he stated.
The Pastor also said eighty-five percent of the Territory’s national budget will go towards recurring expenses, the main one being human resources.
Public officers are overworked- Pastor Skelton-Cline
To public officers he said, “You are being overworked and underpaid until you are working no more, the whole bureaucracy is slowed down, your morale is low, you have no incentive to get up in the morning and just come out to work.”
Pastor Skelton-Cline continued that while public officers are not told the truth about what is going on they eventually will be “forced” and then will not have “any control over what happens”.

22 Responses to “Public sector is ‘overstaffed’- Pastor Skelton-Cline”
THIS, can be the only statement worth listening to, and reading about, from the slave masters of ancestral Virgin Islander' descendants!!!!
His snout no longer in the trough- that is the problem- what...hypocrite
During the NDP administration I heard Premier D. Orlando Smith who was MoF stated that the retiree pay had an unfunded liability approaching $300M,, for employees were paid from current revenues. Employees don’t contribute towards their retirement; there is no sinking fund..Gross oversight looking back. I digress. How many civil servants are what is the ratio of civil servants to population base served and how does this ratio to other locales? If it is much higher than similar population size locales , what is the plan of action? The VI economy is small and un-diversified, so government by necessity becomes a major employer. As such, the tax payers need to see maximum productivity. What needs to done to start trimming the bloat if one exist.? Here are some suggestions, a)conduct a staff need study b) conduct position desk audit, c) delete waste and duplication, d) initiate a hiring freeze, e) determine if position(s) which are vacant bey retirement, resignation, etc, need to be filled? f) conduct a productivity study, g) leverage technology to reduce cost, h) determine which positions are inherently government and needs to be filled by civil servants and if no can the function be outsourced? i) conduct a creative destruction study.
Has a study already been done? Can it be dusted off and updated and implemented? Or it is dated and needs to conducted again? Any new plan must include employee sharing in their retirement.. This means there will be different plans for employees. For example, current retirees and some current employees will be under the old plan. New employees and some current employees will be under the new plsn(s) .
Though Mr. Skelton-Cline ultimately received $365,650,
Start by getting rid of them who does their personal business during government time especially the guy who drives the p****e taxi