Public meeting on UK Loan Guarantee tonight @ HLSCC
Set for tonight, Tuesday, August 20, 2019, at the Eileene L. Parsons Auditorium at the H. Lavity Stoutt Community College in Paraquita Bay at 7:00pm, the Premier is inviting the general public to add their voices to the conversation even as the Governor has moved to debunk several claims made by Hon Fahie in a Saturday, August 17, 2019 statement.
Public must be aware – Premier
“As Premier I believe that the public must be aware of the conditions imposed by the UK Government on the people of this territory before the Recovery and Development Guarantees could be finalised,” the Premier said in his initial statement.
The Governor has since moved to refute claims made but the Premier that in order for the UK to provide its loan guarantee for the Virgin Islands, it must basically hand over almost full control of management of the territory’s finances to the Recovery and Development Agency (RDA) which was set up at the request of the UK Government.
While Hon Fahie is yet to directly address the Governor’s rebuttal, lots of questions are expected to be asked at tonight’s public meeting given the public is now in a state of confusion as to what exactly are the UK policies, given different interpretations by both the Premier and Governor.
The Governor has since said the UK is not seeking to control VI’s finances, rather, set conditions to ensure that all recovery measures are accountable and represent value for money. The Premier had remarked that the UK’s position on the issue was due to mistrust in the previous National Democratic Party (NDP) Administration.
14 Responses to “Public meeting on UK Loan Guarantee tonight @ HLSCC”
That is a thiefing history to me, so get the thing right brain wash people.
- following the Hurricane and change of Government the new Government inherited in excess of $100 million so they were able to aid the territory’s recovery.
- the RDA should be able to raise / attract / unlock much funds but this is yet to be done
- the RDA do come with a high wage bill, which, when considering Administration Cost as a portion of work done must be seen as, being very excessive
- thus, may be, the need for the RDA, has long past.
Missing were the expats who crowded the auditorium when they were fighting to get status in our country.