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PS Potter had no answer why Prison Museum not with Education & Culture

- Premier Smith ordered it to be moved to the Ministry of Education from the Ministry of Communications & Works
It was unearthed in the Standing Finance Committee deliberations on the 2017 Budget that for some strange reason the Old HM Prison Museum is under the Ministry of Communications and Works. Photo: VINO/File
While testifying earlier this year before the House of Assembly’s Standing Finance Committee on the 2017 Budget, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education and Culture Dr Marcia Potter (right), was asked by Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3), left, ‘why the Old Prison Museum did not fall under the Minister for Education’s portfolio since museums fell under that Ministry.’ Photo: VINO/File
While testifying earlier this year before the House of Assembly’s Standing Finance Committee on the 2017 Budget, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education and Culture Dr Marcia Potter (right), was asked by Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3), left, ‘why the Old Prison Museum did not fall under the Minister for Education’s portfolio since museums fell under that Ministry.’ Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- While the Old HM Prison Museum in Road Town, on the main Island of Tortola, made the news a few months ago because of poles erected in the road adjacent to the building that took up much needed parking space on the already congested Main Street, it also had the attention of the former Leader of the Opposition Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3) as to whose portfolio it was.

Unusually, all museums in the Virgin Islands are under the Ministry of Education and Culture. However, for some strange reason the Old Prison Museum opened a few months ago is under the Ministry of Communications and Works headed by Fourth District Representative Hon Mark H. Vanterpool.

While testifying earlier this year before the House of Assembly’s Standing Finance Committee on the 2017 Budget, Dr Marcia Potter, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education and Culture, was asked by Hon Fraser “Why the Old Prison Museum did not fall under the Minister for Education’s portfolio since museums fell under that Ministry?”

Move it to right Ministry- Premier Smith

To that question, Mrs Potter stated that “at present she was unable to answer as to why the Old HM Prison Museum was not under the Ministry’s portfolio but indicated that it was presently under the Ministry of Communications and Works.”

The then Leader of the Opposition Hon Fraser then asked the Premier and Leader of Government Business Dr The Honourable D. Orlando Smith to shed some light on the matter as to why the Old Prison Museum was still under the Ministry of Communications and Works.

To this, Premier Smith said he thought it was “under the Ministry of Education already and if not, it should be moved.”

10 Responses to “PS Potter had no answer why Prison Museum not with Education & Culture”

  • TT MAN (28/02/2017, 20:01) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    WOW dr Smith woke up
  • think (28/02/2017, 20:11) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    interested article. I knew MV appointment was a dire development, but I had no idea how deep his roots with everything for town
    • Smile (01/03/2017, 02:05) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      The Prison Museum is under the Wickhams Cay Development Authority and has been like that for sometime, even in VIP days. That is why Hon Fraser, the former MCW asked the question.
  • Ms P was right (28/02/2017, 20:13) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply

    The NDP needs an immediate reshuffling of ministries if they are to survive the next 2+ years left, starting with Dr. Zzzzzz. He never seems to know what's going on, except when he is riled-up to fire someone on the grounds of free speech that he does not accept.

    Ms P - Please send him another letter to see if that one will finally get through to him. Thanks in Advance.

  • Scary Mary (28/02/2017, 20:28) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    It all looks so neatly arranged and scarily complete for road town under Mark Ministry. Was Dr. Smith asleep? So self absorbed he didn't want to be bothered? Now we know. What a fight we face!
  • BVIslander (28/02/2017, 20:36) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    It is merely about power, and one surrounds one's self with those project in one's district that can be controlled
  • princessarianverd (01/03/2017, 02:26) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
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  • Yes (01/03/2017, 10:42) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    it was under MC&W because it had profits in it
  • vi (01/03/2017, 22:36) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    "We have nothing to fear, but fear itself" continues to carry much truth.

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