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Prolonged online schooling could result in illiterate VI children- Bishop Cline

- casts doubts on effectiveness of online education vs proven in-class learning
Pastor at the New Life Baptist Church in Duff’s Bottom, Tortola, Bishop John I. Cline has warned that should school closures continue as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the VI may end up with a generation of illiterate children. Photo: VINO/File
Bishop John I. Cline hinted that as a result of the prolonged school closures and virtual learning, children are missing out on vital schooling that can only be done effectively through in-class teaching. Photo: Internet Source
Bishop John I. Cline hinted that as a result of the prolonged school closures and virtual learning, children are missing out on vital schooling that can only be done effectively through in-class teaching. Photo: Internet Source
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Outspoken pastor at the New Life Baptist Church in Duff’s Bottom, Tortola, Bishop John I. Cline has warned that should physical school closures continue as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Virgin Islands may end up with a generation of illiterate children.

Children are trained for in-class learning - Bishop Cline 

“Here we are after having 2020 of no schools, no summer programmes, now we have in 2021 basically no schools, no summer programmes once again,” Bishop Cline complained during the July 27, 2021, edition of the My BVI show alongside co-host, Angelle A. Cameron.

“For two years you cannot convince me that online education is effective in a culture where we have been trained and we have trained our students for in-class, in-person learning, they don't just make that transition just like that,” he went on to say.

Bishop Cline hinted that as a result of the prolonged school closures and virtual learning, children are missing out on vital schooling that can only be done effectively through in-class teaching.

“If we're not careful we can raise [and] pretty much lose a generation because these children are not like us…  I've learned quite a bit and I can still learn but these children are dynamic,” he said.

Recent outbreaks resulted in school closures 

While the CDC has made recommendations for the safe re-opening of schools, the VI has had to close school doors as a result of a recent virus outbreak with cases spiking to more than 1,600 within a matter of days.

“If you're not careful we can end up with a bunch of illiterates, mathematically challenged generation,” Bishop Cline said.

The VI government has been pushing COVID-19 vaccination as a safe way to get back to normalcy and mitigate the effects of the virus should other outbreaks happen.

56 Responses to “Prolonged online schooling could result in illiterate VI children- Bishop Cline”

  • ..... (03/08/2021, 07:46) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    oh boy...they need give you a consultant position ASAP...cause mr. going wait till the day of school ordination to say the school year will continue via online schooling.
  • Rubber Duck (03/08/2021, 07:49) Like (74) Dislike (1) Reply
    lot of them went to school in the class room and still illiterate
  • Not entirely true (03/08/2021, 07:53) Like (30) Dislike (0) Reply
    If the approach to online learning is not well-thought out with all or most of the parameters put in place, on the part of the education system and what parents are able to provide for their children, to ensure success, then your statement would be accurate. I am a teacher and I pulled out all the stops to ensure that the students still get an in-classroom experience while being online.
  • Yes (03/08/2021, 08:00) Like (22) Dislike (2) Reply
    So in the next thirty years when that would be the norm, what would they call it. As life goes on things will change, we don’t even have a library, not to talk about a proper equipped secondary school. What happened to the children who were being home schooled before COVID, are they all illiterate?
    • MSc (03/08/2021, 13:28) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
      Well said "yes" , Cline is totally off- limit , evolution is inevitable, hence young and old will not have an option, but to( fit in), that's a fact.

      Nonsense about online- schooling will breed illiteracy, Cline stop try to fool persons who are not stupid, stop!

      My persons obtained degrees from Bachelors, Masters ,and doctorates via online learning.

      For you Cline and your constituency who being political clearly in your many speeches, remote learning shall prevail in the future.


  • Read (03/08/2021, 08:49) Like (31) Dislike (2) Reply
    People these days are illiterate because they don’t read. They’d rather watch it on YouTube than read it, even on a screen. When was the last time you saw anyone read a book instead of being fixated on a screen?
  • Preacher (03/08/2021, 08:49) Like (8) Dislike (7) Reply
    Tell them to go to church and read the good book praise jesus
  • Local (03/08/2021, 08:56) Like (30) Dislike (5) Reply
    You talking hog wash . Nothing wrong with online teaching ,parents have to play their part also to make sure their child reads a book .
  • Tired of this (03/08/2021, 08:59) Like (34) Dislike (4) Reply
    Mr. Cline, online theoretical training is cheaper, faster and more efficient than in-person training. And in some professions such as engineering and medicine, on-line simulations are more effective.

    And where there is a need to physically construct or improve something, robotics and Artificial intelligence will reduce the need for human hands-on training. In China, they recently performed 5G-based remote laser eye surgery on three patients. Successfully and faster than any human surgeon could have done.

    You need to stop trying to impose your obsolete ideas on this community. Progress will not stop for you or anyone else.
  • Any different? (03/08/2021, 09:01) Like (33) Dislike (2) Reply
    Have you met the kids on the street lately? Not sure up person or online matters anymore. The parents need to step up their game in a big way as most of them scooter punks are already illiterate
    • g (03/08/2021, 11:35) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
      We do not have a proper child support system here and most fathers does not care about their children. Men walking around owing over 10k in child support so mothers have no choice but to leave the children home alone while they work many jobs. By the time the mothers reach home, they are so tired. What can we as the community do to help them?
      • Dad on his own. (03/08/2021, 14:16) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
        That’s very one sided. There are many fathers that are single parents too and they have similar challenges. It’s not just women.
      • Here’s an idea (03/08/2021, 14:17) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
        Planned parenthood!
      • Your choice (03/08/2021, 16:57) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
        You decided to have children with a deadbeat! And some more than one children with deadbeats! You suffer the consequences of your illiterate choice
        • Sara (04/08/2021, 17:53) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
          Even married men dont care about their children and abandon them. So what are you really saying. You take them court and they still dont pay and the law does not enforce it.
      • Sicko (04/08/2021, 04:27) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        Well ofcourse pastor cline has a daycare learning facility and would xsoon have his own church school, so what do you expect?, he is saving all his seeds.
  • hmmm (03/08/2021, 09:16) Like (34) Dislike (2) Reply
    Lazy parents will make illiterate children.

    The first part of the problem is thinking it's not your responsibility to see to it that your kids are learning. We've been in this for over a year now so if you haven't found a functional strategy to keep your kids from falling behind it's your fault.

    We need to stop accepting excuses for failure.

    Instead of buying them video games, buy them books. I recommend having them read classical literature. Charles Dickens will elevate your vocabulary. Right about now is a good time to read George Orwell as well.

    If you have to leave older kids home alone, walk with the firestick and tv remote. There are apps you can install on computers to screen share and record keystokes. Use them to check on your child's progress remotely.

    Create a child user on the home computer and set it so that the computer will auto shutdown if it's on pass bed time. Set the user so they can't delete history, that way you'll know if they were working or wasting time.

    Younger kids may need supervision. Maybe there's an older cousin who've already graduated high school but isn't working. Pay them to tutor. If there are several small children in your family, maybe you and the other parents can get together to hire a tutor for all your kids.

    Make sure your kids are well disciplined so they don't become a nightmare to the people you leave them with. Now is a good time to teach kids that learning is a personal responsibility and emphasize each day that you expect them to behave and work hard even though they are home and aren't in uniform. You still expect them to do their best.
    • Hmmmm (03/08/2021, 10:48) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
      I forgot to mention that a lot of classical literature is free online. You might even find them in the app store for free. You only need to download an ereader and there are several free apps.

      Same with Maths and any subject. Lot's of free apps and books online that can help.

      Child raising is an active thing. You can't just feed and dress your child and leave them in a corner. They aren't plants.
      • @hmmmm (03/08/2021, 14:18) Like (0) Dislike (11) Reply
        I fell asleep reading your first post then woke to see you forgot something! Sorry but I lost the will to live.
        • No doubt one of the barely literate... (03/08/2021, 15:37) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
          ...with a very short attention span (honed through years of not actually reading articles beyond one-line headlines) wrote this response to 'hmmm'.

          To add to what hmmm said, free digital copies of eBooks (including classical literature) are also available on the Project Gutenberg website for download.
  • Illiterate (03/08/2021, 09:19) Like (21) Dislike (1) Reply
    I guess you can come to the conclusion that persons who aquire their degrees online are dumb also. Please focus on the real issues Bishop because even before online class rooms some parents were completing all of the assignments for them. Children will learn if they are motivated regardless of the environment they are placed in.
  • HMMM (03/08/2021, 09:26) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply
    Well my child stay on top his game, I make sure he on top of his school work. Online or face to face his mst know what time it is. Cline you need to sh*t up
  • Eagle and Buffalo (03/08/2021, 09:27) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    ‘Prolonged online schooling could result in illiterate VI children- Bishop Cline.’ Pure exaggeration! True, generations of Virgin Islanders were educated by in-person learning but that does not mean it is the only means of educating VI children. Educating is a dynamic, not static a process.

    Some of us like to hear the sound of our voice, opening our trap embarrassing ourselves. The recent spike in active cases and resulting deaths clearly shines a light on the deadly nature of the virus. The out break also exposed the weakness, capability, limitation…..etc of the healthcare system. Covid is deadly and the VI should take strong, practical and reasonable measures to keep residents safe and healthy. Let’s us ignore the ground noise by the noise makers who crave for attention. Starve them of the opportunity to make useless, self-serving noise.

    [Lets lead like eagles, not careen off the cliff like buffaloes].
  • Warner Brother (03/08/2021, 09:54) Like (2) Dislike (9) Reply
    Well said Bishop. It was from Irma to now. They are behind. The curriculums in many instances aren't being completed. Thank you.
  • A VOTER IN #6IN (03/08/2021, 10:08) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
  • John Cline (03/08/2021, 10:11) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    Bishop do plan to pick up the slack where the government lacking. My school only had sanitizer at the guard station, there were no sanitizer at the entry of the classrooms, the cleaners were not cleaning the rooms after each use, no Lysol, paper towels or sanitizer were given to me as a teacher to protect me and my students. So tell me Bishop, yes you have a point but are you going to do your corporate duty and lend a hand?
  • my2cents (03/08/2021, 10:16) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    Sometimes I think this guy forgets he is in the technology business. Brother Cline, you're doing yourself a disservice at this point. Stay Quiet for awhile brother. Be Still.
  • Guest (03/08/2021, 10:34) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    It’s not like in person schooling is any better. It sometimes results in pseudo intellectual people in our population going around claiming and posting videos saying 5G is the cause of COVID19
  • Tired (03/08/2021, 11:05) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am just annoyed by the way some people try to stagnate children. We live in a technology era. Books/information should be electronically accessed. Note books should be secondary and laptop use should be primary. It teaches a child how to use technology which would be beneficial to them in college and the work world later on. A lap top should be mandatory (those who can’t afford it, they have a payment plan put in place to rent to own or they use Government issued lap tops by paying a small fee per semester and if they damage them, they pay). Internet that WORKS. I still don’t understand why we pay such high fees for garbage service. What the heck is the real problem?! Parents, we are busy, that is an established fact. But we need to make time somehow to get these children better organized to transition to online. Work with the teachers, create a schedule. And Government needs to PAY these teachers what they deserve. If they are doing their job, then recognize them. Some teachers dipping in their pockets to spend their personal pittance to help these children with things that are basic and should be provided for by the Government. It’s wrong. If Government can’t foot the bill for everything then consider implementing small but reasonable fees for parents to pay per semester to help BUT parents have to see value for their money. I could go on and on. We don’t need to pay consultants ridiculous fees all the time when you can simply listen to the ideas from the public domain, consider them and tweak them before implementing. I’m not an expert, just my OPINION.
  • Bebe (03/08/2021, 11:23) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    The new generation has a problem even before online class. They write like how they speak. I find it so difficult to read what they write.
  • hmm (03/08/2021, 11:29) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    So now they can become pastors...
  • Procrastinator (03/08/2021, 11:30) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    John Cline just need to keep his mouth shut. Like PL said he must be thankful and stop being a procrastinator. Be thankful Cline praise the Lord for what you have.
  • Citizen (03/08/2021, 11:34) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Who is more illiterate than you on this island Mr
  • Hmm (03/08/2021, 11:37) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
    They been illiterate. Didn't you watch the COI interviews?
  • FIRE (03/08/2021, 12:18) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
    How much wisdom can yone have after holding on to the oppressors illusion book without willing to let go. Y'all pastors need to be sue asap, there is no historical events that ever happened from that smoke screen book. Yet y'all keep holding on to it as if it is food while collecting the blinds 10% every month end. This is robbery to the face.
  • NICK (03/08/2021, 12:36) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    so what the solutions, pastor cline?
  • Windy (03/08/2021, 13:02) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    And your excuse ?
  • Wait, what? (03/08/2021, 13:57) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    If each student has a chrome book/laptop connected to reliable internet service, everything is therefore at their fingertips. to Mathematics tutorials to practice SAT exams to practice CXC exams to audiobooks in any category to well, you get the picture.
    Sure, the social development in person learning fosters is limited. However, this can be attained utilizing FaceTime, group study, video games, group painting etc. until the threat has passed. Please, “Bishop” be part of the solution.

    Don’t worry. Your congregation can donate/tithe online as well (assuming you’re set up to receive it) or they can mail it in. It’s 2021 not 1961.
  • Easy (03/08/2021, 15:47) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    the good gentleman owns his own school with children out of his classrooms is a reduction in his pocket change
  • A reality (03/08/2021, 16:53) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    The reaction to the pandemic and the high level of vaccine hesitancy already shows the level of ignorance in the BVI and that pastor is the head of the illiterate bandwagon !
  • Sigh (03/08/2021, 17:04) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    John, please take several seats. Yuh sickening now..
  • catholic (03/08/2021, 20:16) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Bishop, how about online church? Does that make us illiterate christians???
  • Educator (03/08/2021, 20:21) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am an educator and this is not true. Parents needs to hold up their end ensuring that their children are online paying attention taking notes studying and being responsible. Teachers are doing their part teaching. Yes some kids may need the hands on in class session but the children can still learn through the online platform.
    • The most important word. "DESCIPLINE" (04/08/2021, 07:22) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      Learning is about desipline, having the descipline to be obedient, well behave and doing ur assignments. "DESCIPLINE" In Sports at work,, U must be Desciplined..Those with good Descipkine usually excel..
      • WOW (04/08/2021, 23:58) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        That is exactly what the Bishop is referring to....the word is DISCIPLINE.
  • Lady (03/08/2021, 21:26) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    One thing for sure these set of projects have to stop for now when school open next month, to much projects it is to hard for some parents who are not working, we have to go and buy all the stuff to do projects, all these projects ain't needed, in a time like this, and the set of projects is we the parents have to do them, put the children to do the projects they cannot do it by them self
  • Ethel Lee (03/08/2021, 23:09) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • technology (04/08/2021, 11:16) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
  • RedStorm (04/08/2021, 20:03) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    After reading this paper contribution, and its headline I wonder if all the university , primary and Secondary school produce illiterate people.

    High School students and others have to get online to be educated in the best way ever, this is because many school in the future will become online learning centers, and parents will have to play their part, if their children will succeed in the future.

    Teachers will become well paid only if they become personal contracted teachers, if you want educated people for your country, start teaching them their political, economic, social and technology subjects to help them shine. Your results will be many, better political leaders, high ethics and social skills and skilled technological people in medicine, in business, in leadership. All of which will transpired online , can you imagine that doctors and surgeons operating on the eyes or hearts while sitting in an hospital or clinic in the BV. Now is the future people living in the BVI is advising different countries through motivation while sitting here in the BVI. If they like the content you get hired again or are refer to other companies.
  • hm (04/08/2021, 21:22) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
  • woow (04/08/2021, 22:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    All these men do is talk talk talk talk , has no power
  • WOW (05/08/2021, 19:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Pastor Cline has his doctorate in teaching now. How dear you attack teachers. You false prophet the Lord going deal with you in time. You better go repent and pray. Wolf in sleep clothing. The teachers stopped up.and did an awesome job when they had to teach online... you like to stir up trouble.
  • student (08/08/2021, 22:53) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Experience is a great teacher, even the illiterate knows his issue.
  • Ex Patron (08/08/2021, 23:07) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Did U Mek your fortune selling computers? Are you now telling us, that we your patrons are illiterate? Time will tell if you chopped off your own hand!

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